Happy Easter! I’ve had a quiet day so far, any noise I heard came from my Quake playtime. I setup Darkplaces as a nonsteam game and played the first episode. Got the earth rune, and now I’m thinking of making a Steam Controller config. I thought it would be pretty cool to play it out in the living room. I’ve already made ones for Quake 3 and the original Tomb Raider. Making one for Quake/Darkplaces should be easy.
The gift was a success
Awhile back I mentioned a conversation I had with a co-worker that ended up leading to me creating the above picture. I had it printed out as an 8×10 photo and framed it, then I wrapped it and hid it in our stockroom for him to find. Needless to say he had a good laugh, in fact I was surprised he didn’t fall on the floor. I think it sent some good vibes, we both had a relatively good day. Now I just need to hope he doesn’t attempt giftvengeance. :zorak: That’s a word now, I’ve decided. :v:
Other than that I’ve taken to cleaning my bedding so that I can just relax for the weekend. I’m tired enough that I should be careful to not sleep through to Tuesday… I’ve been fighting my eyes with toothpicks for hours now. I think I’m only operating on 4 hours of sleep? I’m surprised I can even type right now. It almost feels like I’m typing this without thinking, like I could be president or something. :morty:
Dat mustache tho
Can’t help but watch Dana Carvey’s John Bolton impression and have flashbacks to his Daddy Bush era of comedy on SNL. Although I have to say I think “Mr Snowball” definitely took center stage. 😛
MGSV: The Phantom Pain Episode 2
Some highlights from a couple Metal Gear streams. I just realized that my video is one second short of being 4:20… FUCK. :morty:
Evening Open Thread: Food Edition!
Tried a different cooking technique this evening. I marinaded some chicken breasts in a sake marinade, then I cooked them in a Chinese bamboo steamer. Turned out extremely moist and I served rice and green beans on the side. I’ll need to use the steamer more often for other dishes, the breasts were done in about 15 minutes and I didn’t have any additional fats added to the meal. Just the marinade and the taste of the chicken itself.
I’m already plotting dinner for tomorrow night too. Last night I did Tom Yum Gai which is basically a Thai hot and sour soup, tonight was Japanese inspired even though the bamboo basket is Chinese. :trollface: Then for tomorrow I’m thinking Hungarian steak and paprika potatoes.
Anyways, open thread!
A tale of two platforms

I had an unexpected conversation with a co-worker this morning, he had to ask me if I have ever played a game called “Skyrim”. :trollface: I wouldn’t expect him to know as we belong to two different platform worlds, me on PC and him on Playstation. He originally played the game on PS3, therefore it wouldn’t make sense for him to know that I’ve ever played it.

Things got really interesting when I introduced my character to him (via screenshots I have saved on my kindle), and the first thine he says is “Ohhh you play on PC”. Then he wanted to know what level I was, then he told me about how his brother’s level is up in the hundreds. Then out of nowhere he gave me an interesting opinion; the console version is better because it forces you to play the correct way… I thought that was an odd way to word it, especially considering this is a single player game that can be played in any way they choose. I even pointed that out, yet he felt that the PC version gave people an unfair advantage because mods and cheats. What took his brother forever to accomplish could be done on PC in just a few keystrokes according to him after two days play. I mean I tried to imagine this from his perspective, and all I could think of was someone at gun point telling him to mod his game or else. :rick:

At the time of writing this I have over 800 hours clocked on Skyrim, and many times I’ve had to start over due to corrupted saves. I remember trying to play it as vanilla as possible when I first started and couldn’t really get hooked into it (damn TF2 and L4D2 kept getting in the way!). Then when listening to two friends of mine go on about it forever (you know who you are) I decided to do a little mod searching before making a fresh character. One thing lead to another and that’s how I ended up with my character, an eternity of dreams and nightmares surrounding it, and more than a few people thinking I put my face in the game for some weird reason. :melon:

To me Skyrim is a personal journey, even without mods there are so many ways to play, to find yourself or a character of your own creation to explore, and modding is just another layer on top of some nice vanilla ice cream. Somehow my lore unfriendly setup couldn’t save me from reading all kinds of books and absorbing knowledge like one of my favorite Daedric princes. Who knew that by becoming a cyborg ninja with dragon wings and a pogo hammer I would get wrapped up in this game for hundreds of hours and multiple lunch breaks? Meanwhile there are people that think mods only cheapen the experience and claim that if you install more than X amount of mods you shouldn’t even play… While I lean towards PC, and probably always will, I’m not going to attack someone for playing the same game on another platform. I know I’m not going to change their mind, and I know they’re going to be happy playing it the way they want to. He can have his dragonborn and I can have mine. :happy:
Though for shits and giggles I wonder what would happen if I introduced him to gamerpoop…
Late Night Open Thread
I mostly spent the day in a daze, still not feeling well… too drowzy and sore. Feel free to fill my void, it isn’t like that other void involving crabs and cosmic horror…. and it isn’t that OTHER void either. In fact forget I even used the term void, VOID the VOID.
Super Mario Bros, now at a local Steam Workshop near you.
I glanced briefly at the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Workshop and saw this thing of beauty. I launched it thinking this was a troll rom or a poor knock off as I’ve grown accustomed to finding, but I was pleasantly surprised to find this was a genuine port. So incredible in fact that I’m anticipating Nintendo will call for a cease and desist any minute.
I didn’t play much of it, but I was in awe over what I saw. I already have this game in my other emulators, but seeing it on Steam Workshop for a Sega console emulator caught me off guard. I wonder how long this will stick around.
Under the weather
I’ve basically been stuck in bed sleeping today. I’m hoping to feel better tomorrow, though the weather has been doing a good job of keeping me unconscious with the candy being a close second. I did mod a couple things for my next MGSV stream, though I’m not sure if I’ll play it tomorrow. If I continue feeling this way I’ll probably just play some random game in bed, if I even have the energy to do that…
The diamonds mah god!

Streamed a little bit of MGSV tonight. I’ve expanded my base a bit and have unlocked some side op’s for mother base. I’ve also learned I can climb pipes… sexually. We couldn’t stop laughing at how ridiculous the climbing looks on the pipes. I’ve recorded it and may upload it in the future, among other things I really need to upload. :melon:

I only went on one side mission in Afghanistan, the rest of my time was spent finding diamonds around mother base and getting to know my newly created areas… and plenty of increasing staff morale.

I’ve been increasing my staff more and more, and with that more morale is important, showing them love the only ways I know how… :trollface: I did discover that I could shower myself off now, which I wasn’t expecting.

This proved to be quite helpful in removing the flies that were plaguing my fine head of hair. Thank the melons for Loreal. :happy: