The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Late Night Open Thread

Nothing much happened today in the world of me. Work was steady, got a lot of freight to hall around, and when I came home I collapsed in bed. It was difficult to wake back up from my accidental nap, but I managed to pull through. Played a bit of Freedom Planet during my lunch today, kinda funny to think that I have this monster portable rig for gaming… and yet I still play old school style games on it. Maybe tomorrow I’ll switch it up if I have time. Lately I’ve been shopping during my lunch breaks just so I can leave sooner.

The Tomb Raider Remasters are dead before they even started

It seems the RealTech VR, company responsible behind the remastering of the original 3 Tomb Raider games didn’t seek approval of the almighty Squeenix. They have taken down the videos showcasing the remasters, and have issued a statement:

“While we always welcome passion and excitement for the Tomb Raider franchise, the remasters in question were initiated and advertised without seeking approval. As such, they were never officially sanctioned. Ensuring fans receive high quality gaming experiences is at the heart of our mission as a company, which requires all projects to go through proper channels. We are thrilled about the future of Tomb Raider, and cannot thank fans enough for their continued support and excitement for the brand.”

Meanwhile RealTech VR has issued a statement of their own:

I would have thought they would have been in contact with Square Enix, I’m going to guess they have considering this was going to be based off of ports for their mobile counterparts. I was really looking forward to this, in fact I was talking with a friend tonight about achievements being one of the reasons to play through all of them again, but now all that’s left is disappointment. A shame they can’t release this as a mod or something considering you still need to own the game files in order to take advantage of it…

Current impressions of the DMC1 PC Port

Not the very best at hide and seek…

One of the games I wanted to get for my new old PS3 was actually an HD Collection of the Devil May Cry games, but literally the day I was looking on Ebay for them I heard news from one of the sites I follow that a PC release was planned. Now that it’s here I’ve taken the time to finally play it… outside of an emulator. :trollface:

I’m making a faithful attempt to play them in the proper order, and so far I’m noticing some bugs compared to playing it in an emulator. In the start of the first level there is an ambient soundloop of the wind off the ocean, and it cuts out for a moment before it restarts which it isn’t too big of a deal, but it kinda (and I hate being one of those people) breaks my immersion. How come the sound is better in PCSX2 than in this port? I don’t see how this could have been overlooked when porting it over. Another small gripe I have is with the screen resolution, because apparently in 2018 some companies still feel that 1080p is the biggest resolution necessary. Fortunately this can be fixed easily by editing a text file.

Of course it doesn’t break the game for me, but like I said it’s pretty annoying. I’m hoping for Capcom to patch these issues or wait for the fan community to work on the fixes and higher resolution textures, as the textures in game are not in HD and upscaled instead.

Other than those gripes DMC1 still remains to be quite fun, and is definitely a better port than their first PC port ever of DMC3 they did, this is at least playable out of the box compared to the early days of Japanese ports. I’m sure with some modding it’ll turn out fine. :melon:

Gotta go fat!

It dawned on me that I haven’t really played much with romhacks in awhile, so I browsed the Steam Workshop and found Sonic XL: The Mod No One Ever Asked For (I may be paraphrasing), and much to the description it remains true. In this version of the game the traditional rings have been replaced with tasty onion rings, and the more you collect the fatter you get. Of course you can burn off the fat by running and finding a random powerup to make you magically thin again, but in certain points that’s easier said than done. If you eat too much you’ll be too fat to do a spindash, or even stop moving entirely with a heart attack taking place shortly afterwards.

There are different custom sprites for each stage of fat ranging to pleasantly plump to DAMN! Nothing else about the game has changed, so it’s not the largest edited Sonic rom I’ve played with, unless of course you mean just the Hedgehog. :v:

I would hate to be this family right now


A 13 year-old girl from Monroe County, Mississippi has been shot in the head by her 9 year-old brother during an argument over an unspecified video game controller.

The Associated Press reports that the incident took place on Saturday, when the girl “wouldn’t give up the video game controller when her brother wanted it.”

That kid is going to have to spend the rest of his life knowing what he did, and his parents share the same guilt moreso for easy access to the fucking thing. Meanwhile, if you read the thread you’ll see people who are triggered over seeing a PS4 controller at a start of the article, because clearly choosing what controller to display is far more important than the story itself. The sad part about all of this is people taking this story and spinning it to blame games for causing violence, not the easy access to guns… But hey, on the bright side children are more replaceable than the weapons themselves.

We are really fucked up as a country. :zorak:

From the creators of Myst and Riven…. Myst!

2018 seems to be the year of HD Remakes and Remasters. With Crash Bandicoot being ported to other platforms, the first three Tomb Raiders being ported into another engine, the Devil May Cry series finally running on PC outside of a emulator (though some might argue at the moment that the emulator is still better), and now we have… Myst, Riven and maybe the other ones?

Over the last few years we’ve been working to procure the rights to make all of the Myst games available. As an indie developer, resources are limited for development, and acquiring rights isn’t always an option. But we managed to finally talk to all the right people and departments and put some funding together to try to make it happen. With agreements in place, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be releasing updated (for Windows 10) versions of all the Myst games later this year!

Rather interesting of them to make it Windows 10 exclusive. It seems like only a few years ago they released Myst Masterpiece Edition…. oh wait.

I guess we’ll see how it rolls out. I think I’ll sit this one out, until I can confirm it can run decently on my system without LOD hiccups. :zorak:

Evening Open Thread

Today I thought I’d do something a little different and play Portal 2 in splitscreen with my bro. We both have Steam Controllers, it felt nice to play a bit on the couch. We didn’t play for very long, fatigue and puzzles don’t match well with my brain.

On another note: There have been a couple of teaser trailers that caught my eye today. The first one regarding the new Tomb Raider coming out.

I’ve seen people speculating that classic Lara is returning, but I’m not too sure about that. Best to wait and see when a full trailer surfaces in April. Then I saw this trailer introducing a new character for the new Soul Calibur game:

The way Geralt said he hated portals… Someone needs to mod Geralt into Portal 2 to replace either Chell or one of the co-op bots. If that were the case I wonder who his companion would be, Triss perhaps?

New Tomb Raider game in the works

I guess a new Tomb Raider is in the works. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is supposed to be releasing September on the 14th. Not much is really known about the game yet apart from some footage from a pre-announcement press thingy.

What’s interesting about this is the fact that Crystal Dynamics won’t have any involvement in the development of this game. Eidos Montreal will be working on it instead. I’m guessing they’re going to keep a similar formula from the past two games, although it would be nice if they did get back to their roots… but hey, we do have a remastering of the original 3 coming to PC so at least there’s that.