The Mind Of OverlordTomala

I might have to consider the new Final Fantasy

As much as I like the game and character designs of the Final Fantasy games I can’t really say I’ve ever really been interested in them. This release of the new Final Fantasy XV for Windows though has me intrigued, they had me at mod support and Half Life 2 Cosplay, now THAT’S a Gorgeous Freeman. :trollface:

Are save slots a lucrative business?

I’ll admit, like I said the other night I didn’t get to experience much of Metal Gear Survive, though I did like it enough to consider buying it down the road perhaps during a sale… Mainly because of my scheduling preventing me from properly enjoying multiplayer matches and the microtransactions. Well, Konami has found another thing to charge people for, and it isn’t even a lootcrate? Want an extra save slot? It’ll cost ya.

Oh, Konami. We already knew that Metal Gear Survive would include microtransactions, but folks who picked up a copy the game yesterday have discovered Konami has come up with a creative new way to nickel-and-dime their customers. It seems Metal Gear Survive only comes with a single free save slot – if you want a second one you’ll have to pony up a significant chunk of extra cash.

I’ll probably buy it still in the future should the price be right and the planets align so that I can enjoy multiplayer sessions more often again, perhaps around that time the full game will come in its own pack… Kinda like a full game. :trollface: Besides, I still have a large collection of games to finish, with no microtransactions. :v:

On that note I have a hypothetical question: If I were to stream a particular Metal Gear game, what one would be the most interesting to start with and why? At this point I have access to all the games. :happy:

I need covfefe! 61!

This video pretty much nails what I’ve been thinking since 2017. The voice of Roy Campbell (The Colonel in the Metal Gear Solid series) read a snippet of the latest indictment provided by Robert Mueller, as if it were a mission briefing for good ol Solid Snake himself.

It’s kinda funny when you think about it. Metal Gear Solid 2 was a game about how people could easily be controlled by particular information sources and made to feel passionate no matter how right or wrong they are about it (it also had a president that grabbed your crotch because you looked a little too feminine), exactly what we’re going through right now. We have people chanting fake news and only accepting one source as gospel, and if you even so much as try to debunk anything they’ll either try to move the goalpost or retreat to their happy little safe spaces where they can continue to echo whatever they want to believe. This article is a fine example of such a person.

Florine Gruen Goldfarb loves America. She is a real, down-home patriot. So much so that she unwittingly promoted Russian-coordinated events on Facebook in support of Donald Trump. Goldfarb, who runs the Team Trump Broward County Facebook page, was one of the 53 percent of white women who backed Trump in 2016 and likely didn’t need Russia’s help to do it. But CNN reports that she did, in fact, promote pro-Trump events that were encouraged by Russian trolls on Facebook.

These people call themselves patriots, while not caring if the Russians were involved in the 2016 election… To me a real patriot is someone who serves their country. If you’re willing to die for your country, then to me you’re a true fucking patriot. People like her ruin the word patriot for the people who actually deserve to be called as such, and that sickens me to no end.

Anyways, in light of this are we all honorary Metal Gear characters now? O_o

How many licks does it take to get to the center of UWP?

Five, apparently there are five layers that protect a UWP (Universal Windows Platform) application from being tampered with, or that would be the case if it wasn’t finally hacked by a group calling themselves CODEX. In this case they cracked Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection, with some interesting instructions and insight.

CODEX says it’s important that the game isn’t allowed to communicate with the Internet so the group advises users to block the game’s executable in their firewall.

While that’s not a particularly unusual instruction, CODEX did reveal that various layers of protection had to be bypassed to make the game work. They’re listed by the group as MSStore, UWP, EAppX, XBLive, and Arxan, the latter being an anti-tamper system

I remember when UWP was first launched… There were hardcore fanboys proclaiming that the days of the exe were numbered. Then the drawbacks were noted, like not being able to mod, run a framerate counter, etc Even if you don’t own all of your games on Steam you could still purchase them from other places and run them via Steam if you wanted to take screenshots or use your Steam Controller. UWP was only designed for the diehard Microsoft user, and it pretty much stayed that way.

Seeing how there are five layers running its no wonder you couldn’t inject overlays or anything into their programs. Their DRM is a fucking onion. I can understand companies wanting to protect their products from theft or tampering, but things like UWP consoltize gaming even moreso. If someone wants to use a frame counter, or their favorite video capture program, or run their favorite controller with a particular program they purchased they should have the right to do so (this excludes cheating of course :trollface: ). This overboard DRM does more harm than good for consumers IMO, and while I won’t pirate the game they mentioned I do hope to hear more about the UWP platform crumbling like bleu cheese. :zorak:

Tomb Raider Barbie is best Barbie

My fellow Tomb Raiders! There is now a Tomb Raiding Barbie, much wow.

Look at that muscle definition, articulating arms and wrist, that look of blank focus. I never thought I’d see the day, if I were much younger I would have had this for my collection. Probably would have stacked all 47 of my other Barbie’s and 3 Ken’s into some tomb shape and let Lara fight it out with my other toys.

Yes, I had Barbies. I was one of those odd kids that played with actual toys when I wasn’t slaughtering demons on Phobos. :zorak:

A Zen Game For a Zen Day

I thought long and hard (uhuhhuh) this evening about what game to play, the same ol same ol or something different? I thought I would give the remastering of Ōkami a go, and I regret nothing.

Bringing talking out your ass to a whole new level.

I remember hearing about Ōkami a long time ago, when G4 (channel for the latest in gaming, technology, and depending on what time of the night showed awkward animes and porn gadgets) was showcasing this title, and I thought the style and gameplay looked cool. I thought the concept of being an ethereal wolf who defeats their enemies and solves puzzles relying mainly on paintbrush strokes (and pissing apparently?) was intriguing. But alas, the game was primarily for the PS2 nullifying my desire to get in on the action.

Years later I contemplated getting my hands on a rom for it to try in an emulator (this was before acquiring the $10 PS3 mind you), and behold! An announcement was made for a PC port. Now I can play it on my main platform, be able to take it anywhere I go, and use it with any controller or the ol keyboard and mouse setup. I even thought it was nice of Capcom to include an official Steam Controller config for the game, I can tell they took some time to set it up, though me being me I had to configure it my own way. :trollface: Still, a really nice touch on their behalf. They’ve come a long way on the PC side of things. I can almost forgive them for their shitty DMC3 port… almost. :zorak:

I’d have to say the only complaint I have is the long cutscenes in the beginning, and the voices of the characters in the game are out of a fever induced BanjoKazooie nightmare. But everything else is golden. The fighting style is really different, just painting your enemies to death. Interacting with elements of the game with brushstrokes, and of course making the world a beautiful place once again after being drenched in darkness by a 5 headed cockdragon :morty: . I may of had to wait longer than everyone else on PS2, but at least I can enjoy it in my own way. :melon:

Starting the day off right

Figured I would treat myself to a long needed homemade breakfast. I made a Thai style omelet seasoned with lime, fish sauce and Shichimi Togarashi (Japanese pepper and seasoning mix), then I filled the omelet with Swiss Cheese (I know it isn’t Thai, but fuck it I love filling my omelets) and roasted red pepper. Then of course there’s bacon and buttered toast with some passionfruit papaya black tea with some honey, because I need a little sweetness in my life. :zorak:

So I checked out a bit of Metal Gear Survive

Took a quick look at Metal Gear Survive’s Beta. I haven’t really played much other than to check out the interface. Similar to MGSV you can make your own character (with the option of playing a female this time as seen above) and play a bit in a private virtual practice area. I don’t know if I’ll play much more tomorrow, so not sure if I can provide a fair impression on the rest of the game. Plus, considering Metal Gear Survive will be $30 with microtransactions it’s really too soon to say. I may get it at some point but probably during a sale. I have a backlog to make love to until then. :melon: