The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Happy Valentines Day! (Open Thread)

I’ve added back the “Friends Of The Overlord” menu linking to friend blogs plus did a little more tweaking. There are some bugs I’m not sure about, like the emoticon list vanishing behind the footer for example. Other than that I think things are coming along nicely, hopefully I’ll be able to start blogging semi-normally again. Speaking of emoticons I’ll need to add those back in. Gotta have those melons! I’m also thinking about a background image, any suggestions are welcome.

I hope everyone is having a great valentines day. Having a day off to rest and get some tidying done was plenty for me. I also kicked back and read some of my cookbooks to get an idea for what to make for dinner on Friday, thinking of doing Thai, been awhile since I’ve made anything Asian… and it’s been a few days since I’ve done any gaming. I might have to treat myself to something before climbing into bed if I can resolve to stop tinkering with the fucking website. That in itself can turn into a game…

Rearranging the digital furniture

After doing some research I’ve decided to pull the Steam profile plugin for the blog; the plugin hasn’t been touched in about three years, and the author said that in order for it to work on https sites it would have to be completely overhauled. So that’ll have to be retired along with some other plugins that have issues over https…

I’ll keep adding/removing and changing things as I go. With fewer widgets I may have to look into playing with the overall appearance again. Might do more tomorrow if I’m not completely stunned. I came home today and basically passed out for a few hours, still feel a bit out of it. Like I could sleep for an entire 24 hrs if I wanted to.

Open Thread

I don’t have much to post about tonight. I’m a little too beat after today, and the last six days. Tomorrow will be the last of my eight day work week, ugh. Then I’ll get a day off, go back to work, get another day off, go back to work…. then have two days off in a row. It also hasn’t helped that I’ve been sick most of the day. I think when I get home tomorrow I’ll probably slip into a coma. I should do that now, also too.

I’m baaaaack.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been down for awhile with only my own stupidity to blame. I won’t go into full detail, but the summary was basically me wanting to switch some of my sites over to https, and while doing so moving my blog from one subdomain to the other. Somewhere along the line I accidentally deleted my website. Fortunately I backed up most of my website, like the entire folder and an XML file containing all of my posts, tags, categories etc. But something must have gone wrong during the xml backup, as when I tried to import everything it would stop at February of last year, so in other words my blog hated 2017 almost as much as I did. Probably saw my last post about that one deportation story and just died on the spot thinking of anything going beyond that point.

So if things seem out of place that’s why. I’m still piecing things back together, need to redo my emoticons and other stuff, but the blog is now back at a point I can share it publicly. Oh yeah, and welcome to the new URL.

By the way, I’m aware that the Steam widget on the left isn’t displaying pictures. This is because I’ve switched the site from http to https, and anything linking non secured images (such as that Steam Widget) are affected by this. I’m leaving it for now, but if I can’t find a solution in the code I’ll have to retire it.

This is probably the worst deportation story I’ve read so far

Ohhh the irony.

A Syrian family living in Allentown, Pennsylvania just watched their relatives get deported right in front of them by the administration they voted for.

Dr. Ghassan Assali and his wife, Sarmad, are originally from Syria but have been in the United States since the Clinton administration. Dr. Assali earned his degree from New York University and has a dentistry practice in Pennsylvania. Sarmad’s two brothers, their wives, and their two children have been trying to flee Syria since 2003, and were finally approved for residency in the United States in December of 2016.

I can only imagine the anguish that followed, over a decade of wanting to come to the US, to get out of Syria, only to be sent back thanks to the Executive Order signed by the very president your family voted for…

Assali said her vote for Donald Trump was done out of a desire to see secure borders, though she didn’t expect one of her candidate’s chief campaign promises to be applied to her relatives, who are all Orthodox Christians with green cards. Even though White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus recently stated that Trump’s order wouldn’t apply to green card holders, Assali’s relatives were nonetheless forced to board the next flight to Syria despite waiting over a decade to be with their family in the United States.

Oh, but he’s fulfilling your wish! For anyone who’s a scared white trash asshat. Your family members simply didn’t meet the status quo…

“I understand he wants to make America safe,” Assali said. “We’re all on with this. I definitely want to be in a safe place. But people need us and we need to be there for them.

Not according to the racists you voted for…

Ghassan Assali compared the U.S. government under the president he voted for to the Islamic State, expressing disappointment that the country he calls home now issues religious purity tests to immigrants,

“America is not America,” Dr. Assali said. “Like ISIS now, they ask, ‘Are you Christian? What do you believe?’ And if they are not saying what they believe, they kick you out and they cut your head off. So America, same thing. They ask you are you Muslim? You’ve got to change your religion. Thank you.”

Welcome to “Trump’s America!” The easiest way to be accepted is to just pretend you’re a Christian, you know… Like most republicans.

One of those deported was the mother of 21-year-old Tarwak Assali, who came to the United States three years ago.

“I was one hour away from hugging her,” he said. “Seeing her.”

As a consolation prize you did vote for the winning president… Hooray?

The timing of the Assali relatives being deported back to Syria couldn’t have been worse. Only six hours after they boarded a flight to Damascus, Syria through Doha, Qatar, federal judge Ann Donnelly issued an injunction on the order, allowing those detained by customs to be released onto U.S. soil.

Timing is everything and blah blah blah…

Don’t get me wrong, I do feel bad for the people that were deported and offer them my sympathies, at the same time though you get what you voted for. Right now I’d say they owe their family a YUGE apology for helping vote in an incompetent short fingered vulgarian.

GameStop needs to stop this

I’m glad I don’t work at a gamestop… This new policy they’re enforcing is total bullshit that makes both the customer and employee suffer greatly.

The program, called “Circle of Life,” gives each GameStop store different percentage quotas for 1) pre-orders; 2) reward card subscriptions; 3) used game sales; and 4) game trade-ins. Each of these quotas is based on the store’s total transactions. Pre-orders and reward cards subscriptions are based on the number of transactions, while used game sales and trade-ins are based on the total dollar value of transactions. If a store’s quota for used game sales is 30%, and the store sells $1,000 worth of merchandise, GameStop expects at least $300 of that merchandise to be pre-owned.

I could see this Circle of Life thing being about as effective as the red ring of death if they decide to keep this policy.

The more new games an employee sells, the more used games they’ll have to sell to make up for it. In other words, according to salespeople speaking to Kotaku and elsewhere on the internet, GameStop is incentivizing employees to stop people from buying new games and hardware. GameStop staff say the company has threatened to fire people who don’t hit these quotas, which is leading to all sorts of scuzzy tactics.

If a customer wants a new console, or a new game, and an employee gives them what they want, they either have to make up for it by selling a certain percentage of used game wares, or be terminated. Or the employee has to lie to the customer to keep their job, forcing the customer to shop elsewhere. Which in this day and age with the internet isn’t very hard, is it? This will lead to pissed off customers and a high turnover rate for employees. I’m sure the gamestop execs aren’t too happy about the news circulating teh interwebz right now.

I feel sorry for anyone who works there, reading the comments to the article are quite illuminating.

Having worked at Gamestop for a short time, I am in no way surprised by any of this. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll never shop there again.

Worked for Gamestop for 3 years as a store manager. I was fired for paying my employees out of pocket to help me out off the clock because corporate pulled all my hours during Christmas time so I was soloing a fucking store by myself. I doubt none of this.

As one of the unfortunate Gamestop employess, my first reaction is ‘love my job, hate the company. Been working for the company since 2005 and the circle of life is the biggest crock of shit ive ever dealt with. My district Manager, sorry Leader (were not supposed to use the words Manager or customer any more) has directly told me to lie to customers about stock in the past. I would like to say more but this is already enough to get me fired.

I’m DooMed

I bought DooM during the last winter sale and decided to take it for a spin today, figured it would help me with my aggression. I was a little concerned with how DooM would turn out considering none of the original ID team was involved with it, but it’s a brilliant throwback to my childhood if I ever saw it, so far I’m really impressed! I’ve been running it using the Vulkan API with all eyecandy turned on and haven’t run into any issues. Everything is butter smooth and fun to play.

You had me at Vulkan

I’ve been playing the campaign and did a bit of arcade mode when I wanted to take a break. I figure with a bit more fragging and wandering around in campaign mode I’ll test my mettle in multiplayer. It’s been quite a rush, there’s a lot to go through and replay value seems rather high thus far thanks to hidden secrets, and wanting to play the game on higher difficulties overall. My only complaint is the inability to save whenever I want, and having to rely on checkpoints, but the checkpoints are rather frequent for my gripe to be a minimal one.

I do hope more games start using Vulkan, give DirectX a kick in the pants. 😛

Fighting the BS

Excellent art by Star Socks, check out their art blog.

A question I keep hearing lately online or from friends in general is “How are we going to get rid of Trump?”, we can’t. We can only resist, fight back by protesting, doing anything to kick Fuckface Von Clownstick’s ego in the balls, donate to places like the ACLU, and more importantly survive and help our friends and family who could be affected. Trust me, I’m an Overlord.

Right now the only people who can get rid of this gelatinous orange shit stain are the republicans, and they’re not gonna do it, not yet at least.

Not gonna do it!

They can impeach him now sure, but that would incur the wrath of their supporters who want Cheeto Benito as their glorious leader. That would make themselves look bad to the crazies they’ve cultivated over the years, which would potentially cause them to lose to someone with the level of crazy these fuckwagons desire. At least until they realize they’re setting themselves to be fucked over also, too, youbetchya.

This last week was exactly what I was expecting. With past presidents you didn’t hear about them every single day. Not with Obama, not with Bush, not with Clinton, etc etc. The Groper In Chief wants everyday to be like a reality show, that’s how he operates and that’s exactly what he’s getting. The more outrageous and over the top the more attention he’ll get.

So, continue to fight back, let yourself be heard, counter all the bullshit. It’ll drive him nuts. Grab him by the ego!