The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Commence the vacationing

It’s official. For the next two weeks I’ll be enjoying some time off, not having to worry about having split days off constantly until I return. Of course I’ve already started it off the right way:

The Ultimate Staring Contest

I’ve also got a couple of large bottles of Merlot for mulling when a cold evening strikes. I’ve also napped to get back on my old vampiric hours. I’ve had to be a morning person to retain my job, but at heart I think I’ll always be a night owl. 😛

Chillin’ and killin’


Today’s weather granted me the perfect excuse to sit around in my PJ’s, eat pizza, drink tea, and do some Skyrim since I’ve been putting that off a bit. My character has become a werewolf. O_o I’ve been having fun feeding on bandits and Stormcloaks that are unlucky enough to cross my path. I’ve also been playing around in the dev console a bit for added fun. I turned Arivanya into a horse, then I traveled to Whiterun and turned Heimskr into a High Elf. I also had lots of guards turning into sweet rolls. Good times.

I also checked out the new Shadow Warrior game yesterday. Didn’t realize it would be an NVidia Gumworks title, but it still runs quite nice on my Fury! There were some dips certain areas but most of the game so far has been butter smooth and the weapons have been extreme fun, and of course the game itself retains it’s humor. I was kind of bummed though to find that you can’t save whenever you want. It’s all checkpoint based, but having played games like Borderlands it’s not that difficult to get used to. Heck when you die you have to pay, also similar to Borderlands. I think much like it’s last game I’ll take it slow. I want to savor this game a bit. It also has a multiplayer feature, now I just need to find friends to play with… let alone find time to play multiplayer games with friends. 😛

A good day for tea

After a nice bit of rest I feel much better, only took a total of 17 hours. Probably would have been longer if it hadn’t been for the sun shining on my face. I came home yesterday feeling pretty exhausted. Played some Skyrim for a bit until it crashed, then I did too not long after. Woke up to some frosty cold weather. No wonder I hibernated for so long…

It’s been a lovely day to ingest warm beverages. I found an interesting blend of Earl Grey a few days ago that I’ve been meaning to try. It has calendula petals in it and an extra touch of what makes a good Earl Grey, the beragmot oil. It tasted pretty good, the flowers added an interesting spin on a classic tea favorite of mine.

The brand is called Pinky Up. They appear to be new in the tea business, and I’d have to say they’re off to a great start! I’ve tried their Tiramisu tea which has actual white chocolate and coffee in it, that was pretty damn excellent. I bought all the other teas they had available (new selection I found at work, one of the few times I’ll impulse buy. 😛 )

Open Thread

For some strange reason I tried to record my gameplay of PacMan at lunch today, and OBS decided to be die. I’ll have to investigate that. My fault for not testing that particular game beforehand… That is one nice thing about OBS Studio, easy monitor capture without having to hook into program windows. Other than that my lunch was great. I enjoyed some Pan Bagnat, a sandwich I haven’t made in years. It originates from Nice France, which kind of surprised me… I always thought by the ingredients alone it was Italian.

Meh, I’ll try recording again either tomorrow or Tuesday.

Condensed version of the stream is up.

Didn’t record anything during lunch today, which was just as well… I played Mario World 2 as Mario, and confirmed to myself that I was really really out of practice. 😛

But instead I edited my video footage from yesterday’s stream to give you guys an abridged version so you don’t have to sit through almost two hours of Lara finding Scion swag, and lots of dying…

What I’ve been busy with

Over the last couple of days I’ve been trying to setup OBS Studio on my laptop. What’s really strange is that even if I maintain my gameplay above 60 FPS my output is below 30 even when specified at 60. I thought something was up with the NVidia codec, so I upgraded to the latest driver.

That was my first mistake…

After that I ran OBS Studio and the graphics card wanted to eject itself, then if I did anything else that would utilize my GPU the system would lock up solid. So I tried going back to the version before it, no dice. Then a couple restarts later Windows decided to put in it’s own driver and prompted me to do another restart. I restarted and got stuck in an infinite load cycle. After running System Restore everything was back to normal (even though Windows said it failed, gotta love Microsoft’s consistency in being totally accurate!). Then tried to install/uninstall my drivers only to find I couldn’t. After some dicking around I got it to install, but I had to use the device manager instead of NVidia’s installer, fabu…

After more testing I confirmed that OBS Studio for whatever reason sucks on my laptop. Meanwhile Classic OBS runs just peachy. So I guess if I record anything I’ll have to use Classic instead of Studio, which isn’t that big of a deal to me TBH. I just wanted to have OBS Studio on both systems for the sake of consistency. But NVENC works fine on Classic.

I’ve been playing with the idea of recording my gameplay during lunch (when I can) and turning it into vlogs. Maybe about why I played that particular game, what I like/hate about it, what I had for lunch, what form of insanity unfolded to make me play such a thing, food, etc.

Speaking of YouTubing, I did another Classic Tomb Raider Stream earlier this evening.

I have a local copy to go through in my spare time, as I’m sure there are a few highlights I can pinpoint within that long run of film, or I would at least HOPE there would be something in over an hour and a half’s worth of footage. 😛

Fun with Brawl

Over the last couple of days I’ve been tinkering with Smash Bros: Brawl in Dolphin. I have it setup to work on my Logitech controller, and it handles quite nicely. I’ve been enjoying kicking back and playing in fullscreen mode. 😀 I’ve even started modding the game. I installed Project M and switched around a few playermodels. So far I’ve switched Zelda, Marth and Ike. I’ve downloaded some others but have been having issues getting them to work. Here are a few I’ve managed to scrape together.

Vocaloid replacement for Zelda
Nero from DMC4. Replaces Ike.
Link doesn’t seem to mind the ass stabbing.
Elsa. Replaces Zelda, also too.
Raiden (Marth) auditioning for Playboy, or Playgirl?

I was told that last picture looked pretty gay… Though in Brawl almost all of the powerup’s in Brawl are rather “fabulous”.


I rest my case.

Either way I’m off to a good start. Over time I’ll be sure to find more for my collection. 😀

Open Thread

The last couple days have been cold and foggy. We’re arriving at that time of year… I’ve been lighting at least one candle when I come home to shed some color and add extra light on an otherwise dim day. Between the dreary weather and the scented fucking candles I’ve been put into a small coma. Which perks me up for a bit at dusk. I should be happy about the added rest, I just wish I didn’t lose track of myself as easily. One minute I get up from my desk to grab something, and the next I wake up cocooned in a bunch of blankets.

I think after work I’ll pick up some red wine to make a nice mulled wine. I’ll have a couple days off in a row and it’s supposed to be pissing down rain. So I might as well stay in, drink hot beverages and embark on indoor activities that I’ve been needing to do. Like shopping.

Process of emulation

I’m not sure why, but lately I’ve been on a bit of a kick with emulators. Not just DOSBox but some other ones as well, mainly for the Playstation 1 and 2 and a bit of the Wii. Tonight I decided to play a bit of Devil May Cry, which never got ported over to PC and I always wanted to see what started the series. So far the game and the emulator have been pretty straight forward. It’s quite nice running these older games at 1080p with none of the console blur., something that always annoyed my eyes during the PS1 era. It works nicely with my F510, haven’t tried the Steam Controller because I wanted to go for a “familiar” experience.


As far as game play goes Devil May Cry is quite enjoyable, it feels like DMC4 to me minus some features. The controls are easy to get used to, although using Y as the jump button in place of A or X seems weird, but not really that awkward. I’m sure it’ll get hairier the further I get into it, but that’s fine. I’m not much for things that are too easy.

If they did a proper remaster or port for PC I’d definitely buy it. I’m not sure why they would leave the first two games in the series out (although I’ve heard rumor that the 2nd game was ass). You start with Devil May Cry 3 on PC, and because of Capcom’s shitty porting from the mid 2000’s you can’t really enjoy it unless you heavily mod it via nexus mods. Honestly at this point I’m not sure if I should try the mods or just do a full blown emulation. I’ll probably look into that when I finish the first game and attempt to try the second.