I promised myself that when I woke up today I would prepare Miso Soup for breakfast. I did not disappoint myself, it was very good. Around lunch time I threw in some soba noodles. There are no more leftovers… I’ll have to make more.
Other than that I pretty much kicked back. I was thinking of tidying up a bit but my body kinda told me no. Ended up going into the cinema and watching goofy stuff, then kinda-sorta babysitting some kids that appeared. I managed to ban one of them. Then I played a small bit of Skyrim because I realized I went almost an entire day without wielding a sword… That is a problem that needed to be corrected.
Oh, I also have a new scarf. You can see me rocking it with my purple white hair.

So many people think the silver hair is deliberate, I was going to fix it… but with all the positive feedback I figured I’d keep it. Plus this is going to sound strange, but I’ve started to like it. Even though people at work see my Skyrim character and assume that it’s literally me recreated in the game… Lovely, I have a doppelganger… And it isn’t Bacon Lara.