The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Playing around a bit with Street Fighter X Tekken

Today I decided to tear into Street Fighter X Tekken. Had a bit of a rough start though, for whatever reason the game needed GFWL to function and the version it installed was borked. Fortunately someone had a solution involving XLive.dll. Adding that to the root directory of the game fixed it without having to install a newer version of GFWL, which is perfectly fine with me since I try to keep as little cancer on my systems as possible.

Anyways I modded the hell out of the game. There are quite a few model/costume replacements you can download for it, here are some of my selections:





Who wants to cross swords with me?
MY NIRNROOT DAMMIT!!!! Oh wait, wrong game…


Time to kick all the porn… wha?
Hurt me more, Snake.
How the hell does he keep appearing in my games…
Peace out!

There are many many more model replacements I can (and plan to) download, including Solid Snake, The Joker, Col Sanders, Princess Peach, etc etc etc. I’d have more to showcase but some of the download servers they’re kept on limit you to 1 download per 180 minutes unless you use their pay service… :S I can afford to wait. I plan to move this to the HTPC so I can play it on the couch. I’d stream it but I’ve been having issues with that between the desktop and the HTPC lately, which is odd considering my laptop and desktop can see each other, and the laptop and HTPC can see each other, but getting the desktop and HTPC to talk to each other results in epic fail… Oh well, it’s not like this game leaves a huge footprint or anything.

I think I need to take more vacation

On Saturday I had to magically make 9 giant loads of freight disappear in 3 hours. I was successful in getting it off of the floor, but wasn’t able to work it efficiently. I looked at our shipping manifest and I’m trying to figure out how anyone could drop the ball on this, the amount of freight we were expected to receive on paper should have raised an eyebrow and I should have been told to come in earlier to properly finish it. But despite all of that I finish, albeit one day later.

So as a result I’ve been passing out after work the last couple of days. This week is going to be REALLY interesting because more hours have been cut, and for the two busiest freight days I’ve been scheduled only 4 hours to get my work done. Meaning there will be a good chance that I’ll be leaving my work for others to finish, if they can even finish it with the summer traffic coming in. I’m not stressing about this, if anything I feel like I’m the one standing around watching Rome burn around me while eating popcorn.

Like one of my Japanese animes

Over the last few days I’ve really been enjoying GITS: First Assault, although it has been pretty buggy with the last patch. Hit detection has been poor to say the least. If I can run into an enemy and gun my enemy in the chest and completely miss I think there MIGHT be something wrong with the game.

So far my favorite modes are TDM and Capture The Flag (can’t remember what they call their version), Demolition is fun even though I still suck at it. But so far quite a few of the players I’ve run into have been nice people who enjoy the anime this FPS is based on. They added a new survival gamemode, but I haven’t been able to play it yet. It’s restricted to people who are level 7 and up. I just made it to that status today. I’ll look into it another time, possibly when the hit detection doesn’t suck.

Early Night Open Thread

I return to work tomorrow morning, so now I’m just sitting back and digesting some spaghetti and wine from a get together with a recently retired co-worker. The vacation was short, I’ll be sure to put in for some more soon. Hopefully the drama has calmed down a bit since I’ve been away and I can just focus on doing my work.

So I leave you with this random badass video of a Wambogini pulling some goats in a trailer.

Who’s That Pokemoron?!: Walking into rush hour traffic edition

Predictable. I knew after writing that Pokemon post yesterday that another stupid thing involving Pokemon Go would take place.

Autumn’s mother, Tracy Nolan, said the accident happened when her daughter had just finished playing the game and was attempting to cross the street.

Poor young Pokezombie. Of course the mother is blaming this on the game and not on lack of surroundings.

“Parents, don’t let your kids play this game because you don’t want to go through what I went through last night. I really thought I was losing my daughter,” Nolan said.

Or better yet, if your child or teen can’t keep their nose out of a phone long enough to see they’re about to walk into rush hour traffic let alone some other hazard, you should probably keep the damn phone away from them. While we’re at it how about we have a mandatory test that proves if someone is smart enough for a smartphone. 😛

Can’t wear a headscarf to work? Cosplay instead!

I’ve had some minor disputes with our own work attire (which has gotten a lot better these days) but this just takes the cake:

Yahoo reports that Rivas’ employer told her that “wearing her hair in a ponytail or donning a head scarf was unprofessional” (pictured, top), despite the unnamed company’s dress code simply stating that employee’s clothing needed to be “clean and pressed”.

When Rivas filed a harassment complaint over this, the boss responded by detailing the dress code to include the banning of “straps, hats, sandals, cleavage, back out, lace, and even “cultural head wraps”.

Cultural Headwraps? Oh the horror! Either way after she reported her boss to the EEOC she decided to use cosplay, it’s super effective!

I have to give her props, in her position I’d probably do the same thing.

Pokemon Go and the Pokemorons of the apocalypse

The whole Pokemon Go thing has been quite fascinating to observe even if you’re not actively playing it. People have been wandering around all over the world looking for these digital creatures and in multiple circumstances getting into trouble, sometimes through their own ignorance or by some asshole wanting to cause discord. Like this one guy who got swatted during a twitch stream in the middle of a park. It isn’t in the following video but he does go on to talk about it not long after the swatting.

Then of course in fine murican tradition you have crimes being committed:

They approached a group of six people playing the game, threatened them at gunpoint and “demanded their possessions”. One of the Pokémon Go players, however, had a concealed weapons permit, pulled out his gun and a shootout ensued.

Both the adult suspect (back) and one of the Pokémon Go players (stomach) were shot in the exchange, with both being hospitalised. Both injuries are described as being “non-life threatening”.

But I think the funniest (saddest) one I’ve read so far is the warning in Bosnia:

An agency in Bosnia is pleading with Pokemon Go players to be more aware of their environment while hunting for virtual creatures, because distracted users have been unknowingly wandering into landmine-rich areas.

There’s more and more and more stories about this type of stuff throughout the world. Definitely provides interesting reading material in a sense. I’m not anti Pokemon Go, though I’ll never play it. I just find all these side effects to be rather intriguing. Human beings will go to great lengths to perform acts of stupidity on themselves or one another.

Today’s moron brought to you by Texas Roadhouse

I’m not sure what it is about people who think they can say whatever the hell they want and not be held accountable for what foul words that were typed from their keyboards… Like, what compelled this person to post so openly something that anyone with half a brain would take to their manager?

Take, for example, the tale of a now-former waitress at a Texas Roadhouse restaurant in Colorado. Earlier this month, she vented through her since-shuttered Twitter account that “If we had a real life purge I would kill as many Mexicans as I could in one night,” followed by a hashtag expressing her apparent anger over tips.

Followed by:

For her part, the fired server has attempted to express her regret, via a statement posted on Facebook:

“I wrote hurtful, inconsiderate, insensitive and careless words and I understand the amount of people I have offended by that,” she explains. “There are no excuses for what I have done. I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, apologize to everyone for my momentary lack of judgment. I want you all to know that I do not actually feel this way.”

Or to read between the lines:

“I wrote hurtful, inconsiderate, insensitive and careless words that I thought I would get away with if it weren’t for you meddling twitter followers, and I understand the amount of people I have offended by that,” “There are no excuses for what I have done. I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, apologize to everyone for my momentary lack of judgment for not anonymously posting on 4chan. I want you all to know that I do not actually feel this way. I’m just saying this so I won’t end up a homeless racist bag of salted dicks.

I really don’t get the whole rise in this sort of behavior. I see kids talking like this, then I see adults like her and it confirms to me that people never truly grow up mentally. It all comes down to maturity or lack thereof.

Edit: I found another stupid ass story involving people using those special carts at Wal-Mart, thought I’d give it a dishonorable mention rather than make another thread about stupid for such a short subject:

• Sept. 2014: The Michigan shoplifter who managed to get a full two miles away from the store before being caught. Her explanation for taking the scooter? She “didn’t feel like walking.”

• Aug. 2014: The New Mexico man who was sent back to prison after driving a stolen Walmart scooter to his meeting with his probation officer. 

• July 2012: The Louisiana man charged with a DUI for driving a Walmart scooter down a public street with a blood-alcohol level nearly twice the legal limit. Oh yeah, he was also towing a friend seated in a wheelchair.

• Sept. 2011: The woman in upstate New York who “borrowed” a Walmart scooter for her personal use… for 11 days.