The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Open Thread

I did a little Skyrim today, but mainly focused on a video project for the most part. It’s one I had an idea for awhile back while I was still sick. I wanted to get my voice back into practice again by imitating any character someone suggested. Of course there’s quite a few character suggestions that I’ll have to follow up with, which will require more than one video being made… no problem I hope?

wtf is this shit
Can you figure out what’s going on? If you can please tell me! I’d like to know.

Today I spent most of the day selecting what footage would go where, syncing audio in various clips and did a couple voice lines. I’m almost done with it, but not sure when I’ll be able to pick up on it again. It’ll be soon, but I’m not sure how soon. My work schedule has been going on the fritz lately, all over the place. Perhaps sometime during my vacation?

No longer having a Crysis crisis

After some tinkering I managed to get Crysis running without any crashes. Since I’m on a new install of Windows 7 I had to pull out my CD Key for the game, only to find that for whatever reason it wouldn’t accept it. Having read the Crysis forums on Steam I found that I had to run Steam in administrative mode for it to accept the key… wtf?

Now onto the problem I was having beforehand. Whenever I went to play the game in DirectX 10 mode on Ultra in fullscreen mode I would crash on the first level after a few minutes of being on the ground. So I used a program I stumbled across recently called Windowed Borderless Gaming, which was a bit difficult to set a profile for at first, but after ramming my head against the keyboard the necessary buttons aligned and everything was a-ok!

So I got my answer, can I run Crysis? Fuck yeah! And pretty damn well. I think the lowest framerate I got was 55, and the highest I saw was 165 so far. After all these years the game still looks amazing.


And people say there’s no beauty in FPS…

In pursuit of a streaming device

I’ve been getting more interested in streaming lately. My main problem though is that I want to Stream at one setup while recording a master copy at the same time in a higher framerate, and I don’t want to have two instances of OBS running, especially if the game is really GPU intensive. So I’ve been entertaining the idea of getting some external device so that I can record/stream at the same time while throwing all of my CPU/GPU power towards gaming… Hooray!

So I’ve been looking at a bunch of devices from companies like Elgato, Hauupauge, Pyle, Matrox, etc. The Matrox Monarch HD looked pretty nice, but with that I could only stream one source at a time. So far the Elgato HD60 pro looks to be up my alley, and the reviews I’ve been reading about them seem quite promising. I’m thinking after I do some more research I may purchase one. Then people can see how horrible I am at all kinds of games, at 1080p 60FPS!

Technical Difficulties

Last night at around 7pm I started timing out getting to any of my Slackers sites, however when I login to my control panel through Bluehost everything shows up, but then throws an error if I try to access it. This morning I checked on it again before work (4am) and I still couldn’t access my sites. Running a tracert gets me out 13 hops, with the 14th one being where it times out. However if I load the dentist’s website it comes up perfectly. Both websites are on two different accounts with two different dedicated IP addresses in the same datacenter. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but if this continues when I return home I’m going to contact one of the support reps. Seems strange that two different IP’s under the same roof are giving me two different results.

So if I don’t appear in mumble, or post here it means it hasn’t been resolved yet. I’m currently typing this from work.

Back in the saddle.

Oh no Horsey!

Everything’s back up and running again. No crashes, no weird problems, no nothing… Not sure what to make of it all. I played a bit of the Hard Reset remake and didn’t have any trouble. When I was playing Skyrim the other night the system would randomly become unresponsive, or just completely reset.

Hopefully things remain smooth.

A rude awakening

I was woken up a bit earlier than usual this morning by my computer. I heard it restart itself twice within about 10 seconds, which was enough to awaken me from my food and explosive induced coma. Rather than shut it off and go back to sleep I was naturally curious. So I turned the computer back on, only to find my gaming keyboard wouldn’t respond, shut it off again and turned it on, this time I got a SMART fail on my SSD. Restarted again… Almost made it to Windows and got a BSOD followed by the system restarting itself… After I facepalmed I tried going into Windows again but was greeted with a message telling me that I would need to run the repair disc.

When I got home from work I ran a couple Diagnostics from the CentOS side. I couldn’t even access the SSD, but I could see it no problem. I had Dad plug it into his system, the only thing that it could read was the system reserve partition. After a few experiments we managed to recover it, but the MBR was FUBAR’d while the drive’s health status was in good working order. I’m currently on a fresh Windows 7 install (waiting for the updates to finish installing) and so far everything seems to be stable. I’m starting to think my power supply might be getting on in its old age. I’ll run some more diagnostics tomorrow after I get everything in order and imaged to another drive, just in case the OS goes tits up again. I just need to install my graphics drivers and my usual softwares and I’ll be in business again. I’m writing this from the desktop right now, so far everything is stable.

This wasn’t how I planned to spend the second part of my split weekend, but I got a good two year run on that install of Win 7 at least. Guess it was time for a late spring cleaning?

One thing I’ll mention before I forget it, repairing the MBR didn’t let me get back into Windows. However it did give me access to my files again. Weird thing though, it found a couple of corrupted files that pointed back to a Hispanic version of the website. Which for whatever reason is left in Internet Exploder for people who run the Spanish version of Windows. O_o

Happy 4th

Almost anything today will be happier than yesterday. I’d rather not go into full detail about it, but yesterday was full of weirdo tourists, weirdo locals, and a bunch of people that didn’t want to work because they caught the millennial holiday flu.

To celebrate Murica’ day I give you our national anthem as per Broforce.

Raindrop cakes look fabulous

I’ve never seen anything like this before, now I want to find the ingredients and make my own!


I’m seriously considering it. I already have to order some of my pantry stuffs off of Amazon since locally we’ve stopped carrying some of my favorite things, like soba/udon noodles. Why not stock up on other stuff too? I’ve even been thinking of making Miso soup from scratch as well which already was difficult to obtain.

And when I become good at making things like raindrop cakes I’ll have to see if I can use juices in place of water. For some reason using watermelon juice as a base for something like that sounds really nice.

Holiday Weekend Open Thread

The 4th of July weekend has barely started and I’m already fatigued. On the bright side I FINALLY have the day off when the 4th happens, only took me about 9 years to get it off… Hooray?

Fortunately customers have been nice for the most part, with a few oddballs from time to time. I had one guy today who wanted me to evaluate his laptop to see how much it was worth, not something that we do but I figured meh, why not?

He wanted to get at least $80 for his tiny Panasonic laptop, the parts in it were too old, the processor was an old Intel Celeron running at 1.8ghz, and a gig of RAM with XP Home. It would cost more to spruce it up than it would be worth to sell. Would be a great candidate for a Linux distro. You know, make it into a lean light web appliance, but he didn’t have the know how, which was understandable since he didn’t even know the differences between Windows versions. I could have probably shown him Windows 1.0 and he would have thought it was some new innovative thing. He tried to get me to buy it because it could “play games”, I didn’t laugh… but I have to tell you it was pretty hard, even for me with my super serious stone cold poker face.