The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ready to stream!

After numerous experiments I think I’m finally ready to do some serious-ish streaming. Did some final experiments earlier with some friends watching once again. Even got FaceRig setup so people could see my… face? 😛 I will need a better camera for it though, the one I currently use is an old Sony Handycam that takes old digital tapes. You can tell it’s old because it still uses FireWire. 😛 Still a good camera though! But unfortunately I don’t use it anymore since it’s low res. I’ll probably get a 1080p Logitech of some kind so that I’ll have better face tracking and overall better clarity.

What you’ll need to run Tomb Raider on Linux

Minimum and Recommended specs were released for the Linux port of Tomb Raider, they are as follows:

OS Ubuntu 14.04 or SteamOS 2.0 (64-bit)
Processor Intel i3 or AMD FX-6300
Graphics card 1GB
NVIDIA GeForce 640 (driver version 364.12) or 2GB AMD 5770 (driver version MESA 11.2)

OS Ubuntu 14.04 or SteamOS 2.0 (64-bit)
Processor Intel i5
Graphics card 3GB
NVIDIA GeForce 760 (Driver version 364.12)

Of course just about any flavor of Linux will do, obviously. 😛


I’ve been experimenting with Twitch streaming over the last couple of days, if you haven’t noticed I’ve even built a Twitch streaming page into my blog. I’m going to experiment a bit more, but overall I think I have it all ready for the most part. I did a long Skyrim stream for a couple friends (I even made a logo!), one of them buffered a bit and the other viewed it ok. I’d like to stream at 60fps if possible. I have the equipment to do so, just need to use one computer to stream and the other to game. Not hard to do. I’ll also try to set my stream to 1080p instead of 720p. I won’t go any lower than 720…

I do wish Twitch used HTML5 instead of Flash for video… : I had to reinstall flash so I could see what I was doing.

Open Thread

Yesterday I was too busy/tired to write anything. My main job wiped my ass out, and after work I went over to the doc’s office to take care of their SSL certs. I’ll be heading over there again next week to discuss other things involving the site, and also I’ll be doing some photography for them. They wanted to take pics of the offices using a smartphone, I volunteered my camera for the job. It has more megapixels. 😛

Then when I got home I played around a bit in Skyrim and made dinner. We had a nice chicken potato curry, and there’s lots of leftovers which will ensure that I’ll have plenty of food for work. 😛

So today I decided to relax instead with the usual activities. I’ve been following the Path Of The Druid quest and gained the ability to become an ice wolf.


There are other abilities I can obtain, like fire and earth. Right now I just think it’s funny being able to shapeshift into an ice breathing wolf at will. 😛

Oh, and I had a scary occurrence.


This guy… He looks like Tommy Wiseau. HOW?!?!?!?!

To anyone who has played Skyrim, I have this question.

This is my second time playing through the Queen Potema quest, and the last time I played it I had this weird bug where the Ritual Master wouldn’t leave her summoning animation despite seeing me. Here I am doing it again and nothing has changed:

Mrs Ritual Master, I think you’re trying to seduce me.

Has this happened to anyone else? 😛

This hasn’t been a really exciting year for new PC Game titles.

It’s a good thing I haven’t actively planned on buying any brand new releases so far. Because all the releases so far seem to be extremely poor ports, ESPECIALLY on the UWP platform. The new Tomb Raider (UWP version), Gears Of War and now even Quantum Break have been total flubs. I mean, it’s pretty bad when you release a game for PC and don’t even include an exit button.

One of the most popular complaints – the lack of an option to quit from the main menu – is being added in an upcoming update. Until then, Remedy recommends using alt-F4

Simple question, how do you forget an exit button?!?!?! Did they not do any testing for the PC version? I’ve played Alpha’s that had exit buttons, what’s their fucking excuse? Maybe they never want you to leave their game? I mean Microsoft already kinda does this with Windows 10, and since these developers seem to be heavily in bed with them it wouldn’t be too hard to imagine. 😛 Of course that’s just one of many issues with the PC version. Other issues include not getting a full proper refresh rate among other issues discussed in the article.

It’s pretty bad, we have these consoles that basically run the same architecture as PC. The only thing separating us is their Operating Systems, and yet somehow the PC ends up getting screwed over because developers are going to go where the money is, console. Which Microsoft is trying to turn the PC into… You know, if these titles didn’t release on the Windows Store and people actually had access to the game’s files, they could apply their own tweaks and patches to get it to run more properly… But noooo.

Thought I’d share some breakfast stuffs

I woke up this morning wondering if there were any good omelet recipes that used brie. I bought some yesterday to munch with some red grapes and wine. I ended up finding three different recipes and combining them into one delicious breakfast. I didn’t use any measurements, I only eyeballed what looked good.

First I made an egg mixture using six eggs. Then I mixed in some herbs I had lying around. Like Parsley, Thyme, Oregeno, Tarragon, etc. Then a couple dashes of salt and pepper. Use a balloon whisk to make it as fluffy as fucking possible. I set that aside and decided to make some balsamic onion. Chop up half an onion and fry in oil, then splash some balsamic vinegar on it to taste and set aside. Get out a round frying pan that can hold a shit load of eggs and preheat it. Use a cooking spray or brush some oil into the pan before you preheat it, then add the egg mixture and cover with a lid until it’s set. Cover half the omelet with brie and the balsamic onion and fold over. If you mess up don’t worry about it, the dish still tastes great as scrambled eggs. 😛

Oh, and add bacon for good measure. 😛

Unusual food for thought

I’ve been following this blog called RocketNews24, they specialize in crazy awesome findings from Japan and the rest of the Orient. I’m currently intrigued by their Sushi Burgers and English Breakfast Udon Noodles.

You know what’s sad? I would probably eat both of those (minus the heavily coated wasabi one, that’s too evil even for me). 😛 Although I do wonder, are the noodles cooked in PG Tips? 😛

Busy day is busy

Worked a lot of freight today, helped a lot of people, got home, worked on doctors website, ate, worked on doctors website, rinse, repeat… Man I’m tired. 😛

I know, not much of a post… I actually do have some stuff to write about but WordPress kept me busy for the remainder of my day, I’ll try tomorrow if I’m not entirely comatose. Fortunately I got most of the tedious work done, now I just have to focus on theme searching. I already have a few examples downloaded, probably play with them when I get off work tomorrow.