Due to what my cold has been doing I’ve pretty much kept to myself. On Sunday when I came home from work I basically showered and passed out (in bed, not actually passing out) without eating anything. I slept for about 15 hours on and off… a new record! I think the massive amounts of sleep are helping me though. I have more energy than I did the other day. Other than sleep copious amounts I’ve been working on my Linux side just to try and keep my brain semi-active. Tried to test Tomb Raider under CentOS 7 but it fails, that’s for another time though.
The weekend was absolute hell for me. I kept getting random cough spasms that would last anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. A couple of them would take place while I helped two different customers,ended up getting someone to take over helping them until I could get some air back into my lungs. Fortunately most of the customers were respectable. I only had one old lady giving me the evil glare. Today was much smoother, but then I only had to work 4 hours.
This is probably one of the more embarrassing colds I’ve had to deal with… but half of our department already likes to call in sick constantly (intentionally or not, but mostly intentional)… Plus in my position it isn’t as though I can call in sick very easily.
I’m already feeling tired again. I think I’ll stop here. If I’m feeling better when I wake up I’ll try and make an appearance.