The Mind Of OverlordTomala

For Science

My Skyrim is showing signs of breaking again, so I decided to give myself a break from Tamriel and head to another realm I haven’t occupied in awhile, the Portal universe. I figured it was time for me to rekindle my love of portals and science.

I managed to progress further in Portal Stories: Mel. The puzzles are really quite different from what I’m used to. But I feel less dumb when I solve them. 😀 For a free mod it has great story writing and acting. If you haven’t checked it out yet, do so! It’s actually pretty fun, and funny!

Happy Memorial Day

I had the day off for a change. Didn’t do much apart from sleep and do some Skyrimming. I became a bard!


I was pretty exhausted from yesterday, so pretty much slept most of the morning and day (that and I’m still getting over a cold). I went to the fair and got some watermelon cotton candy which tastes surprisingly good. That was pretty much the entire highlight of the fair this year… What was really fun was going to the local airport, they were giving out $20 rides in planes. I managed to get some footage while up in the air. I’ll get around to posting it maybe tomorrow, or soon. In the meantime my brother got some real nice pictures at his blog of the planes. I managed to snap a few myself.







Hope everyone had a nice day today.

The XBox One may have mods for Fallout 4 coming, but there’s still going to be restrictions.

I’ve been listening to my console friends rejoice about finally being able to mod Fallout 4 on their fave systems. But that modding comes with a restriction if you’re on the XBone.

Mods are coming to the Xbox One version of Fallout 4, but, they won’t work exactly like the wild wild west of PC modding. The XB1 is a closed platform owned by Microsoft, afterall, so there will be some restrictions. In a live stream event Bethesda detailed some of those restrictions, the most significant of which being that mods for the Xbox One version of Fallout 4 have to be smaller than 2GB.

2GB doesn’t sound like too much. In fact that would drive me insane, especially with the mods that I find for Skyrim which can span into the double digits. Though I’m sure the console peasants won’t mind, as they’re already used to living with restrictions anyway. 😉

It was only a matter of time.

I think I’m starting to feel better, though I’ve mostly been sleeping and taking lots of different over the counter medicines. Decided to return to the Windows side today to play some Skyrim since I haven’t played much in the last few days of feeling like hell. I met a custom companion, not sure what mod they’re from but I decided to add them long enough to give them some clothes. They were in a dreadful woven tunic and trousers before I reached into my infinite swag bag to make them almost as fabulous as I am.

I have a problem…

Also made it to Morthal for the first time during this playthrough and managed to make a master vampire explode.


I thought that looked pretty epic. Might pick up on it again tomorrow after work if I have any energy left.

Windows 10 upgrade prevents guy from checking out of hotel

Here we go again.

I don’t know what’s more stupid, the IT’s at the hotel disabling Windows Update so this doesn’t happen, or Microsoft for not thinking of all the doom and gloom people have to put up with when having to deal with their pushy OS.

“My hotel can’t check me out because their computer decided to just go for it & is currently in the middle of updating itself to Windows 10,” he said.

It’s pretty bad when Hotel California has fewer restrictions. I mean you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave. Maybe Microsoft got the idea from The Eagles, but like every other idea they’ve stolen they got it bassackwards.

If you have the Steam Controller and Linux you might want to check this out.

Found a cool open source driver and UI for the Steam Controller.


They don’t have an rpm package for CentOS 7, but compiling it should be easy enough. This will be really nice for games that don’t cooperate with the Steam UI properly, IOW DOSBox which yes, I have installed under Linux. There are some old classics I’d like to play using the Steam Controller (like Jazz Jackrabbit) which gave me absolute hell under Windows.

One hell of an identity theft story

Man, what a crazy story.

Today’s Minneapolis Star-Tribune has the first-person account of St. Paul resident Austin, who has spent the last decade dealing with myriad problems caused by a man who lives only a few towns over, but who has been misusing Austin’s Social Security number to buy cars, open lines of credit, and even get health insurance.

The pisser is that the authorities won’t do anything about it.

He claims that his attempts to get local law enforcement to care have been fruitless, even when police were presented with a folder containing several years’ worth of evidence and a definitive paper trail.

According to Austin, a St. Paul Police Dept. sergeant told him, “The only way we can really do anything is if you capture him on video using your card.”

That’s cold. You’d think with a large collection of evidence the police would be more than willing to shove their boots up the guy’s ass. I’d be furious.

Hello Earth

Due to what my cold has been doing I’ve pretty much kept to myself. On Sunday when I came home from work I basically showered and passed out (in bed, not actually passing out) without eating anything. I slept for about 15 hours on and off… a new record! I think the massive amounts of sleep are helping me though. I have more energy than I did the other day. Other than sleep copious amounts I’ve been working on my Linux side just to try and keep my brain semi-active. Tried to test Tomb Raider under CentOS 7 but it fails, that’s for another time though.

The weekend was absolute hell for me. I kept getting random cough spasms that would last anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. A couple of them would take place while I helped two different customers,ended up getting someone to take over helping them until I could get some air back into my lungs. Fortunately most of the customers were respectable. I only had one old lady giving me the evil glare. Today was much smoother, but then I only had to work 4 hours.

This is probably one of the more embarrassing colds I’ve had to deal with… but half of our department already likes to call in sick constantly (intentionally or not, but mostly intentional)… Plus in my position it isn’t as though I can call in sick very easily.

I’m already feeling tired again. I think I’ll stop here. If I’m feeling better when I wake up I’ll try and make an appearance.