The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Trying New Things: Resonite

Friend of mine suggested to check out Resonite… so I did!

It’s basically a different type of VRChat game. Only shinier and more customizable. My friend Bong showed me around the worlds, and showcased all kinds of tools you can use in the game! I was thinking on one of these days, when I can find the time, I’ll look into making an avatar or two. You can export models from a multitude of different programs, and it could be fun to make a monstrosity!

Another Game Conquered: Bayonetta

I finally sat down and finished up the last bit of Bayonetta! This one was a lot of fun, though it’s sad that the other installments are locked to Nintendo with no legal way of playing them without buying a whole other console. I wish Nintendo would get with the times. Microsoft has been paying closer attention to the PC Gaming market, especially after Sony started releasing their titles on PC, maybe not on day one, but sooner than Nintendo probably ever will.

Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to playing the sequel, either by Platinum buying back the Bayonetta IP, or through other means… Until then, I can at least replay the game on a harder difficulty and do some achievement farming. That, and play games that were legit ported to PC. I don’t have a good excuse to drop a couple hundred bucks on what is essentially an over glorified NVidia shield just to play a handful of exclusives. Not when I have a Steam Deck that helps me plink away at my ever growing backlog.

A Game Ends and a Weekend Begins

Finishing Shantae and the Seven Sirens wasn’t what I planned to do to kick off my weekend… but here we are! I still need to go back to 100% the game, but somewhere between my Desktop and Steam Deck I finally beat the game. When I left off months ago I didn’t realize how close to the end I was!

I still need to go back and 100% the game (only got 80% on my first playthrough), but much like Half Genie Hero I had a great time playing. My only complaint is the 60 FPS lock, but on Steam Deck it doesn’t really matter, and to me anything above 60 for a Metroidvania is cherry. Since I’ll have to replay it to get the remaining achievements and missing items I may consider streaming this one, when I can finally be bothered to stream! 😛


Over the decades I’ve seen DOOM run on a plethora of devices that I never envisioned them running on. Stomach bacteria, ATMs, clocks, a thermostat, and many many more devices… but now we have a new contender!… until we get another even crazier device that can run DOOM.

You can now play DOOM on a fucking fleshlight.

YouTuber Aaron Christophel has done quite a few hardware hacks in the past. He previously got Doom running on an electric toothbrush. In a video this week, Christophel showed the 1998 landmark FPS running on the masturbatory aid. He includes a link to where he purchased the device in case any other folks were inclined to perform the same hack. Of course, that’s the only reason.

The earbuds are a nice touch ngl.

To Kill A Mocking Stormbird

Earned a few achievements tonight! I’ve climbed all the tallnecks, plundered all the bandit camps, found every Banuk figure, and I only have one metal flower left to find. There’s still quite a lot of the main questline to do, plus I still have more proving grounds to conquer… but I have 56 out of 79 achievements/trophies claimed. In fact I like this game soooo much that I may consider trying to platinum it! Obviously not tonight, and definitely not this month, and most probably not the next few.

Pacing, it’s important.

The Kid Is At It Again

The last time I visited The Bastion it was back in January. It caught my eye on Steam Deck today, and I had plenty of time to kill during lunch. I collected a couple of shards before heading back to work, and completed a few of the proving grounds when I got home.

I think I completed three or four different proving grounds.., it feels like four, my thumb was endlessly spamming the B button on my controller until I was rewarded with prizes. Only three more proving grounds to clear, and a handful of vigils. Made note of that for my future self to finish it, as I’ll probably veer off in a different direction tomorrow.

Evening Open Thread

I think my setup is FINALLY ready to do some livestreaming, at least for retro and indie stuff. I did some test recordings over the network, got all the scenes I want to do in place, etc. I would have done a live test run tonight but I have an early work day tomorrow, but at least it’s ready for when I decide to! The hardest part is trying to find the time to do it, and what game to play. I don’t think every game in my almost infinite library would be streamworthy, but there are some bangers in there I wouldn’t mind sharing. There’s a few I’m looking at for tomorrow, but I think those will be private adventures that may or may not involve a Steam Deck.

Open Thread!

Where’d The Day Go? HZD Edition

We had our first cool day in about a week. After the long roast it felt real nice, and it gave me an excuse to play a warm game. 🙂 I didn’t mean to, but I accidentally binge played HZD, which tbf isn’t that hard to do. I cleared all the corrupted zones, cauldrons, Banuk figures in the base game, and I completed all the side-quests in the Frozen Wilds.

Even ran into some friends from the Frozen Wilds when I returned to the base game! I think I’ve earned enough achievements to give this one a little break. The weekend is over, it started with old school Playstation gaming and it ended in modern Playstation. There’s another work week on the horizon (no pun intended) and I think I have enough energy now to work on some different projects, depending on how the weather plays out.

You Like Konami Games!

Took to my Steam Deck during another hot day, and decided to enjoy some Metal Gear Solid in the shade. Calling it quits tonight just before starting the Psycho Mantis battle. Managed a good couple of hours on Steam Deck, By the time I depleted the battery it was cool enough for me to switch over to the desktop.

As glad as I am that Konami did an official PC release – I do wish Konami added better graphic features for their emulator. In epsxe I had it looking a lot smoother and clearer, worthy of a 4K TV. Since I’m mostly playing this on Steam Deck though, it isn’t that big of a deal.