The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Thought I’d share some breakfast stuffs

I woke up this morning wondering if there were any good omelet recipes that used brie. I bought some yesterday to munch with some red grapes and wine. I ended up finding three different recipes and combining them into one delicious breakfast. I didn’t use any measurements, I only eyeballed what looked good.

First I made an egg mixture using six eggs. Then I mixed in some herbs I had lying around. Like Parsley, Thyme, Oregeno, Tarragon, etc. Then a couple dashes of salt and pepper. Use a balloon whisk to make it as fluffy as fucking possible. I set that aside and decided to make some balsamic onion. Chop up half an onion and fry in oil, then splash some balsamic vinegar on it to taste and set aside. Get out a round frying pan that can hold a shit load of eggs and preheat it. Use a cooking spray or brush some oil into the pan before you preheat it, then add the egg mixture and cover with a lid until it’s set. Cover half the omelet with brie and the balsamic onion and fold over. If you mess up don’t worry about it, the dish still tastes great as scrambled eggs. 😛

Oh, and add bacon for good measure. 😛

Unusual food for thought

I’ve been following this blog called RocketNews24, they specialize in crazy awesome findings from Japan and the rest of the Orient. I’m currently intrigued by their Sushi Burgers and English Breakfast Udon Noodles.

You know what’s sad? I would probably eat both of those (minus the heavily coated wasabi one, that’s too evil even for me). 😛 Although I do wonder, are the noodles cooked in PG Tips? 😛

Busy day is busy

Worked a lot of freight today, helped a lot of people, got home, worked on doctors website, ate, worked on doctors website, rinse, repeat… Man I’m tired. 😛

I know, not much of a post… I actually do have some stuff to write about but WordPress kept me busy for the remainder of my day, I’ll try tomorrow if I’m not entirely comatose. Fortunately I got most of the tedious work done, now I just have to focus on theme searching. I already have a few examples downloaded, probably play with them when I get off work tomorrow.

One of the lost Beavis and Butthead arcade machines isn’t as lost as it once was

Hehehehehehe fire FIRE!

In 1996, Atari started work on a Beavis & Butt-Head arcade game. It tested poorly, was never completed and few of the 12 prototype machines were believed to be alive and obtainable. Until Galloping Ghost Arcade got their hands on one and got it working again.

Unfinished or not, I would actually want to play this. 😛

Guns and a TARDIS, the joys of Skyrim

Figured I’d share these pics:


I forgot that I purchased a “gun” in the Wheels Of Lull questline I think? It’s either that or Dwemertech… I had it loaded with electric bolts, really packs a punch even with regular ones. 😛


Now I have a new thing to find (like pretty much the rest of everything I’ve installed), a TARDIS. Should be fun when I find it. 😛

All these years of screwing off on the internet will pay off

I spent a good portion of the afternoon getting my local dentist setup with a new domain and hosting. I’ve also been put in charge of setting up the website! 😀 So far they seem to be impressed with my knowledge of WordPress. I even crafted a demonstration that they just loved. Now I’m working on the real thing! 😛 Well, I was until I decided to take a break. Getting close to bedtime, dinner and all that jazz. Figured I’d do a little blogging since I didn’t have much to write home about yesterday. But yeah, today was a good day. 😀

Feels like summer

Enjoying a hot summer like day today. Haven’t even been to my desktop today due to the nice weather. I’ve mainly been bumming it on the laptop today, it’s slightly more portable and runs cooler. 😛 I even made time for a small bit of Skyrim.



But I figured wasting all my time at the computer today on a day like this would be flat out wrong… so I went for a walk and took some pictures of flowers and trees at one of the local parks.










I also went out and got some salad ingredients to go with the BBQ’d steak we’re having tonight. Got some tomatoes, Stilton blue cheese and a nice leafy mix… Now I just need to think of a good vinaigrette to make. I’m thinking maybe a balsamic one.

What is this fair use you speak of?

You know YouTube’s copyright takedowns are bad when newly released games start to include the following option:


I never thought I’d see the day when a game (and possibly more to come) would basically kneel before Google and the music industry to prevent potential copyright takedowns to those who may choose to show off their gameplay. We have fair use laws and Google lets these bigger industries trample all over them day in and day out. Things like this won’t fix the problems, it’ll only feed them.

I want someone to create a website for generic music, and the music on the site would consist of copyrighted songs being played by other musicians backwards with different lyrics JUST to piss off the big bad music industry. Naturally they should start with Metallica’s songs, it would be such poetic justice. :v