The Mind Of OverlordTomala

You can rent clothes to look fabulous…

Would I rent designer clothing for $139 a month? How about a big fuck no?

Would you treat your wardrobe like a Netflix DVD subscription? Rent the Runway, a company known for renting out special-occasion dresses and ugly holiday sweaters, has been testing a service that they call Unlimited for a few years now, finally letting it out of beta. The idea? You rent three pieces of designer clothing at a time, receiving the next one in your queue when you send one back to be dry cleaned, or just because you’re tired of it.

The service is targeted to women who like high-end clothing, dislike cleaning out their closets, and who want to have a theoretically unlimited wardrobe. It also helps if you’re willing to spend $1,668 per year on clothes that you won’t necessarily get to keep.

You don’t need designer clothing to be fabulous. Hell, I’ve seen some… interesting people try to wear designer clothing and at the end of the day they were just fancy looking douchebags.

Want to make your own stuff for the Steam Controller?


This could get interesting! Valve is releasing the 3D CAD Geometry of the Steam Controller for all to use.

We are releasing the mechanical CAD geometry for the Steam Controller and are eager to see the accessories and variations that come from your creativity. We are making available, under Creative Commons licensing, the geometry of all externally visible parts. This allows you to create and share to your heart’s content, but you’ll need to get in touch with Valve if you want to sell your creations.

The archive contains several eDrawings viewer files: from Creo Express and native Modeling, to neutral exchange and 3D print files – for compatibility with a wide variety of your design tools.

Download link: ZIP archive

To kick off the sharing of alternate designs, we are releasing a couple variants of the Battery Door that allow you to carry your USB wireless receiver with you. You may need to revise the geometry for your particular printer, but here’s a great place to start:

It’s gonna be cool seeing all the creations people will create with this. I can imagine new buttons, different faceplates and other cosmetics. I did like this idea though.


The Logitech F710 (and most of their wireless mice) have small compartments where you can store the USB dongle. That was one thing lacking on the Steam Controller. I imagine if someone sold those types of battery doors I’d be wanting to purchase one. Maybe some other cosmetics to pretty up my Controller too. I’ll definitely have to tell my co-workers about this news! They already drool over the Steam Controller’s awesomeness.

Microsoft surprised me with an unexpected update

So I pretty much spent most of my day today relaxing on the couch playing some FPS games, streaming from my desktop. Well, after I decided I was done I wandered back to my desk to find that my system is ready to install Windows Updates! Which is really bizarre because I have Windows Update set like this:


Yet I was seeing this:


I was really worried that Microsoft somehow forced Windows Updates to activate in some sort of recent update that I installed a week ago. However upon checking specifics on the update itself it was for one item… KB2999226 From September 15th of last year… For the C Runtime? WTF Microsoft?

I restarted my system and everything was fine. I immediately looked in services and checked Windows Update, nothing. They were disabled, set to off as per usual. So I’m not sure what to think. Did an update not install last time? Or did a program I use detect that C Runtime was out of date, hence triggering the update? Did it really connect up to Microsoft to grab that one update for whatever reason? Either way this beyond any form of strange I’ve ever seen… I’m definitely glad it wasn’t Windows 10 being shoved on the system. I have all kinds of custom settings and software that would have been severely compromised.

Adventuring through the Wheels of Lull

I’ve discovered the Wheels of Lull. It’s additional content for Skyrim that adds more quests, custom NPC’s with excellent voice work, and kind of a tech theme to it. Not to mention custom weapons and armor. Check out what I’ve obtained:



A fancy watch AND a strange visor. A Skyrim VR Headset perhaps? 😛

Gaben wants everyone to play nice… together on all platforms

pc gaming master race
Gabe reaching out to the other platforms

It doesn’t surprise me that Gabe Newell would want PC and Console to play with one another:

It’s a dream that Valve honcho Gabe Newell seems to share. A member of the PCMasterrace subreddit by the name of Eternifity sent the Gaben an email asking him to “open the gates for cross-play gaming.” The benefits of doing so, he said, would include increased community sizes, fewer platform-exclusive games, and increased freedom of choice when purchasing a gaming system. “Opening up multi-platform multiplayer gaming is the next step to a better gaming community,” he wrote.

This has been evident since Portal 2 where PC, Mac and PS3 users could play together. Still, it would be interesting to see how well that would play out.

Stupid asshat of the day

Sending someone your nudes doesn’t seem like the best way to test someones eyesight while you’re working on getting their glasses fixed.

While the woman was waiting for her glasses to be fixed, she received a text message containing an image of a nude, fully aroused man. A short time later, a second text arrived, with the message, “Did you like that?”

Genius… This is right up there with these subway guys who froze their urine and put their privates between some subway bread. How do these wanks think they’ll keep their jobs after doing this shit? If they even do…