The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Stupid asshat of the day

Sending someone your nudes doesn’t seem like the best way to test someones eyesight while you’re working on getting their glasses fixed.

While the woman was waiting for her glasses to be fixed, she received a text message containing an image of a nude, fully aroused man. A short time later, a second text arrived, with the message, “Did you like that?”

Genius… This is right up there with these subway guys who froze their urine and put their privates between some subway bread. How do these wanks think they’ll keep their jobs after doing this shit? If they even do…

Thoughts on the CS:GO comp scene

The talk about female CS:GO pro teams and tournaments has been picking up a bit lately. Which has sparked some controversy because ladies can participate in most tournaments, and if men made their own male only tournaments it would be considered sexist. Considering this isn’t a physical sport it wouldn’t make sense to segregate the genders, yet at the same time I can see why women would like the option of having their own tourney.

Competitive events (like most gaming events) have assholes, no doubt there are lots of asshats that will have no problem trying to find anything about said person or persons. I can understand trash talking to a certain point, and I myself don’t have any qualms about returning the favor as I have done so on multiple occasions 😛 . But women, and even some guys see the comp scene as a big turn off because they just want to play the damned game without having to deal with the manchildren! Perhaps some rules need to be made similar to men’s wrestling. No hitting below the belt. 😛 Any gender discrimination and you’re out, that would include both sides. Though I don’t see that becoming a thing.

So, perhaps female tourneys are a necessary evil. It should be known though that if it does take off it’ll most likely become it’s own thing like most women’s sports.

Gaming Open Thread

It almost always seems to be shitty weather whenever I happen to get a day off from work. Good thing I have a large gaming arsenal to take on the stormy weather!

I made some outfits in Gmod today. Nothing too spectacular, mainly just placing hats on my playermodel and a nice sixpack.


😛 Then I did a little bit of ESO for awhile and finished the Castle Rilis quest, where you escort a Rilis family member in finding their family helm. As expected I ended up having to kill him after the fact… Oh well, at least I completed one quest.

Then we did some Gmod Cinema for awhile, catching up on some funny videos. We did have a couple other users on the server, one tried to obstruct my brothers view of the movie screen by sitting on his head. This was remedied by turning the asshat invisible. 😛

We then ventured off to the main sandbox, which has been neglected for quite sometime. And like tradition we crashed the server with our special breed of Man Hacks. 😛 Typical.

Oh yeah! Even did a bit of TF2 this morning. As usual everyone sucks in MvM, and I played for a bit with someone on the main server… Relaxing. 😛

Because when you think of GDC, you think of erotic schoolgirl dancers.


Microsoft’s timing couldn’t be better. 😛

Hours after hosting a “women in gaming” luncheon at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Microsoft threw a party with scantily clad dancers in school girl outfits. It wasn’t a good look, and the company has since apologized.

Of course they did pull out Phil Spencer Bot to offer up apologies about the whole thing. Because he’s done a great job so far keeping up the company image. I always love reading his stuff. In fact, lets embark on this journey together. 😀

How we show up as an organization is incredibly important to me.

Yes, and your company’s message has been loud and clear… Annoy the fuck out of people to use your new products.

We want to build and reflect the culture of TEAM XBOX – internally and externally – a culture that each one of us can represent with pride. An inclusive culture has a direct impact on the products and services we deliver and the perception consumers have of the Xbox brand and our company, as a whole.

Inclusive, we want everyone to flock to our walled garden. That includes you, ladies.

It has come to my attention that at Xbox-hosted events at GDC this past week, we represented Xbox and Microsoft in a way that was absolutely not consistent or aligned to our values. That was unequivocally wrong and will not be tolerated.

We’ll remember to buy male dancers next time… in tiny miniskirts!

This matter is being handled internally, but let me be very clear – how we represent ourselves as individuals, who we hire and partner with and how we engage with others is a direct reflection of our brand and what we stand for.

If they were trying to reflect the Microsoft brand I’d say Mission Accomplished. Having read many posts by all kinds of virgin man children gamers from all corners of the internet I’d say you know your target audience quite well! Hell, a small portion of said audience seems to think you’re doing a great job.

When we do the opposite, and create an environment that alienates or offends any group, we justly deserve the criticism.

Your money is important to us too. All inclusive!

It’s unfortunate that such events could take place in a week where we worked so hard to engage the many different gaming communities in the exact opposite way. I am personally committed to ensuring that diversity and inclusion is central to our everyday business and our core values as a team – inside and outside the company. We need to hold ourselves to higher standards and we will do better in the future.

Yes, higher standards. Like making sure Windows 10 gets put on as many computers as possible with or without your consent.

You know. I don’t think this would have been as big if they had regular dancers and maybe included some male ones too… But that would probably creep out the guys at the conference, and we can’t have that… can we?

Open Thread

Not much to report. Did a little ESO today and progressed further into Black Mesa. Been helping my brother with his Blog posts everyday. He loves Scribblenauts about as much as I love Skyrim right now. Can’t really fault him though since Scribblenauts is fun. 😛


I also helped him get setup for video recording. He wants to do YouTubing, and tomorrow (if I have time) I’ll be helping him get a YouTube account together so he can share his Scribblenauts dance parties off to the world… and whatever else he wants to do.

I was going to write an epic rant or two today but… fuck it. I woke up this morning, had corned beef and cabbage and drank Rum and Coke since I didn’t properly celebrate St Patty’s. Oh, and if anyone wants to judge my drinking habits you can stop. I don’t drink EVERY morning. Just on what I feel are the important days. 😛 Plus it feels more awkward drinking at noon rather than 3 or 7 am like I used to do during my swingshift weeks, that and when you have drinking buddies from other corners of the world it’s okay to bend a few rules in my book. Right now I’m settling down with some watermelon tea before snooze time. Gotta keep hydrated so I can move those cardboard boxes. 😛


A bath to die for

Played Skyrim during my lunch break today, because that’s what normal PC Master race types do when they’re forced to take an hour to eat :v. I’m on the same character as my desktop version, but I’ve been taking different paths and making different choices. I finally got into Solitude to watch the execution. Only it wasn’t an execution… It didn’t execute.


Some of them were stripped down to their loin cloths and were left in a stupor. When I spawned the bath-house there is a little basket where you can leave your clothes while you take your bath. Apparenly a couple of the NPC’s not only left their clothes in the basket, but their weapons and scripted death as well. 😛 Had to reload that save. Now when I return I can rekindle my lost bond with corpse buddy. 😀

Sometimes Skyrim can be funny.

I love it when weird things happen in Skyrim. Especially when it’s things that aren’t supposed to happen in the first place. 😛 But several mods later things are bound to happen, right? Like that one time my good friend Bandit Marauder died and I got his inheritance:


Yutram shared this one with us tonight and we just about died:


Bribe the guard with… not money? As Yutram put it:


PC Modding: Where even the accidents can be awesome.