The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Felt a little vintage today.


Dug out Win 3.11 and did a DOSBox install just for some old nostalgia.


So far I haven’t run into problems. I copied the install onto my laptop just so I can troll people during my lunch break. :v

I did come up with an idea, to install this onto a thumb drive to take to work. Then plug it into our main Windows 7 Machine and just launch DOSBox in fullscreen mode (with a more tame looking Program Manager and color scheme of course). That would make for a fun April Fools day prank. :v

But so far it’s been fun just poking around in it again for old times sake. I plan to locate some more games for it, ready to record for YouTube if need be. I’ll probably copy this over to Linux DOSBox for my own amusement next… after I reinstall CentOS.

I found a Serious Bug

Decided to continue my adventures in Serious Sam. I never played much of the HD First Encounter (unless you count the First Encounter DLC inside of HD Second Encounter) so I decided to have a go at it. I was greeted by an interesting bug:

On another note I also took the time to customize the game on my gaming keyboard. I mean after all I have the games all perfectly customized on my Steam Controller. I need to stop neglecting my Serious Sam keyboarding! And let me tell you this is one Serious Setup.


No longer do I have to raise my hand higher on the keyboard to do a quicksave. Ha!

Open Thread

I spent the day doing some Serious Sam gaming as part of my hiatus from The Elder Trolls. I also looked into adding mods for those particular games, then went off looking at mods for anything and everything in my games library.

I also helped my brother with his blog the rest of the way. It looks real nice and he’s happy with it. 😀 If you want to have a look see here’s the link. He makes some awesome pixel art in Garry’s Mod. I’ll also be helping him setup some other things in the near future. He wants to start YouTubing, so I’ll be showing him around the cold wasteland that is the internet and make sure no one mugs him. He’s young and innocent. Me? Not so much… I can impart some questionable wisdom onto him.

Took a break from Skyrim because Life Is Strange


I felt like doing something different today, so I decided to return to Life Is Strange. I’m halfway through Episode 3 so far. It’s a great game to play when I just want to relax. Certain parts of it really tend to give me some serious feels. Like the end of Episode 2 when I was unable to save a distraught classmate from committing suicide. I’m currently at the point where we’re trying to break into a trailer to find clues about a missing person. Decided to stop there for the time being.

From Warriors Vail to Solitude


I spent most of this rainy day adventuring into new worlds. I came across Warriors Vail, which is hidden inside the temple of redemption, a huge haven for vampire cultists… until I showed up. Warriors Vail seemed rather friendly once I entered through the portal from the temple, although this world a bit lacking in a few places. Like on the hunting grounds.

After claiming ownership of a house in the Vail I traveled to Solitude where I had a bath, and then laid with my best friend looking up at the beautiful night sky.


I was really distraught when I came back the next day in game to find that my corpse buddy had gone away. Did we not bond well that night?!?!?! CORPSE BUDDY WHY?!?!?!?!?!

My friends have been listening to my small bits of commentary during gameplay while we’re chatting in Mumble, and we think I should keep what I spout out in a journal. So that we can place my words into another book for the potential mod we’re working on. I’ve also been toying with the idea of an In Character Skyrim blog, but I’m still not sure. I’d center it around my current Skyrim Character, which isn’t exactly a lore friendly, and parts of my adventures aren’t always lore friendly either. I think for now I’ll keep my ideas in a notepad until I either decide to go through with it, or when the mod is done. I’ll just sit and mull it over for the time being.


Today I defused a console war between two co-workers of mine… by declaring myself the winner.

One of my co-workers came in to buy the new Tom Clancy game for his XBox One, and my boss is a PS4 user. He started trolling him about how PS4 is the superior platform. So I raised my hand and said “You both lose, PC Master Race FTW” and they couldn’t argue. :v Although my boss for some reason thought PC Gaming wasn’t popular. Which is true, it isn’t popular…. among people who don’t know how to mod. You know, console users.

I also heard today about a guy my father knows. He built him a high end PC for video rendering a couple years back. i5 2500k processor and I can’t remember what type of GPU… but I know it’s an NVidia, a powerful one. He happens to also like playing Skyrim… on console. That was a lot for me to take in first thing in the morning while eating my breakfast. Turns out his reasoning was because he didn’t like the idea of using a keyboard and mouse instead of a controller. And modding? That’s really hard too because apparently you have to use torrents. Yeah I don’t know what he’s smoking either. Sure isn’t what I’ve been smoking.


I can understand someone playing Skyrim on a console if they couldn’t afford a PC to play it on, but when you have an extremely beefy expensive build and continue to resort to the console version because a keyboard and a mouse are too hard that is just astonishing. Mind blowing, simply mind blowing.

It feels like the first time

Last Saturday evening my Skyrim character could no longer save once I returned to Wyrmstooth. But much like the mighty pheonix my character was reborn anew. Starting over again isn’t so bad considering there are lots of different ways of playing the game, even morseo if you add tons and tons of mods. My friends recommended some to me that add extra lands and objects to the game, and I even ventured out on my own to make the game “fabulous”.


That armor…. That hair!

I found an interesting lair today a bit outside Whiterun.


Going inside leads you to a gem dragon. Upon destroying it you’ll earn it’s head and some other swag.

I’ve also added some different children to the game. One thing that always bothered me was that you had all these races you could play as and run into… but the children are so plain and look so much alike. So I added a mod that improves how the children look, added extra children’s clothing, and even added little khajits.


My new character is completely different! I added a scarf…


My playstyle is a bit different this time around. I’m taking the time to learn more about alchemy, and doing some enchanting here and there. I’m not sure how anyone can properly claim to “finish” this game. It feels like it never ends.

Managing my modded nightmare.

I reached a sad point in my Skyrim game that lead my game to crash every time I tried to save after awhile. It happened in one of my castle mods, then I backtracked to an earlier save and had issues again when trying to leave or save within the Soul Cairn.

With guidance of my friends I installed Mod Organizer and went through a clean reinstall of my mods. My goal was to get everything nice and neat, then create a new character. But I loaded my saves and the crashing was gone. So now I’m not so sure… I think I’ll just ride it out until I have problems again. So far I spent a good few hours running around the land doing quests and going about my business. So for now it seems my adventures haven’t been brought to a screeching halt.