The Mind Of OverlordTomala

It seems Infostealer.Limitail was hiding in my copy of gzdoom

I came back to my desk with a snack and found that my antivirus found Infostealer.Limitail hiding in an old copy of gzdoom (1.8.02). At first I thought it was a false positive because I get those from time to time with other games that may not be popular enough, but this actually made some registry changes to my system (which have since been repaired). Fortunately the Trojan is only troublesome if you use Internet Exploder or Microsoft Firewall. Which in my case I don’t use those, I don’t believe in setting all my eggs in one companies products. I also don’t believe in using shit programs.

Still this was an unpleasant surprise since I did download gzdoom from the original website, which for some reason is now gone. I did find a newer copy of gzdoom that was released in December of last year. I scanned it and this version came up clean, although it also came up clean the last time. I scan any executables I download unless it’s something obvious like Waterfox for example. I’m surprised this didn’t trip sooner.

Happy Stupid Day

Today wasn’t one of my better days. I broke down all my freight and things were going well, that was until the store opened. It’s geriatric discount day and everyone came into shop. My first customer bought a prepaid cellphone card, and in Oregon we have a 911 tax, 75 cents goes to the state to fund 911 calls since less and less people are using landlines and moving to cellphones. And this customer was bitching about how he shouldn’t have to pay this tax because he never needs to call 911… Kinda makes me wish there was a program where you need to signup just in case you need to use 911, and if you don’t signup for it then you can’t dial it with your phone. Then on the off chance where they need to call 911 and can’t then we can at least say we’re thinning the herd.

Then I had to help a bitchy lady with a camera purchase. She wanted me to pick out the SD card for her because she didn’t understand how storage capacity works. She literally told me in her own words “Please do my thinking for me.” Then she also wanted me to pull out the camera, put the batteries in and the SD card before buying it… My boss gave me the ok to do so, so I did. And I may have “accidentally” set the SD card to read only mode. :v

I also had to activate a phone for someone and help another who didn’t know how to turn his phone on because apparently the red button where it said “PWR” alluded him. But they were much nicer so I took the time to help them, even though reading instructions was too hard for them. Everyone else was actually quite pleasant. And my bosses didn’t get on my case about not getting the freight finished or put away, probably because I looked like I was going to beat someone with a wii controller. Or shove a selfie stick up someones arse. That would actually be a good use of one now that I think about it. A selfie AND a colonoscopy all in one? That could be marketable!

Oh and on the ride home we almost got hit by another dumbshit’s car because he was too busy looking in another direction while swerving behind us. They looked to be about my age so they weren’t senile, just fucking dumb. There were lots of dumb people today. Dumb dumb dumb.

I’d have gone to sleep by now but needed a bite to eat and needed to take out a bit of my rage in Elder Scrolls Online. I escaped Cold Harbour and made it to the world of the living near a ship. I made my character a Khajit Sorcerer. It’s been pretty fun so far, but it’ll take some getting used to. This isn’t like Skyrim where I can live out my random fantasy of being a khajit tailed cyberninja with dragon wings, troll moons, pogo hammers and anything else that could feed my absurd imagination. But it certainly did bring back good feelings like I used to have in Uru when I still had a warm happy feeling for that game. I’ll need to get back to it. ESO that is… People seem to be friendlier there.

Survival of the fattest: AKA I didn’t get trampled on Black Friday

Now that I’ve regained my energy I felt it would be time to tell people that I survived the Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend. I had to work on both days and as expected it was pretty insane. I got off early on both days so decided to buy myself a couple pairs of boots and finish up on the rest of my Christmas shopping. All I need to do now is wrap everything and send it off.

I didn’t go anywhere today.. I spent the day in bed at the computer playing games on the Steam Controller, mostly Rocket League and even some Ground Zeroes. I had to adjust the sensitivity so that I could aim my weapon faster but all in all it worked perfectly. I also spent some Cinema time with one of my friends watching YouTube videos together. It was great.I stayed in my PJ’s all day and had no regrets.

The Controllerpocalypse

On the subject of Controllers lately, I’ve rounded up this collection:


Surprisingly they all work. Even the mutant one with the too many buttons. The two Saiteks in the picture were not very memorable; then again in the 90’s and early 00’s controllers on PC were going through that awkward phase still.

The Playstation controllers still work, one of these days if I ever felt like playing an emulator I might get the proper adapters. Or just setup the old PS1. I always liked the way the Playstation Controllers felt, which was why I would really enjoy the Logitechs later on which are basically a lovechild of Playstation’s Dualshock with the XBox’s buttons. Then we have the Steam Controller; which has been pretty cool so far.

Steam Controller Diary: Day 1


Yesterday I spent a good portion of my time futzing about with the new Steam Controller. I took it slow at first and tested it out by playing some platformers like Abyss Odyssey and Blade Kitten, that handled well as expected, as did PacMan. Then I decided to kick things up a notch and try configuring Skyrim. That’s when things got a little confusing. At least until I decided to look up configs created by other users.


Each game (if someone creates a config to share) has a config that you can use if you’re not sure what would be a good layout. I took one of the configs for Skyrim and made a slight edit to it and surprisingly it handled real well. Well enough that I could play it away from my desk if I so choose to.

After finding the community section for games I decided to look at other games in my collection. Surprisingly even PacMan has some user created configs for it. Even some old DOS games. Daikatana though? Forget it! 😛

I still have many more games to go through, but so far I’m pretty impressed with how Skyrim performed. I don’t think it’ll completely replace my Logitech Controllers, but for versatility this stands a good chance. I’ll have to see how some Hack n Slashes and FPS games perform with it. Perhaps today during my lunch hour I’ll play with it some more using the gaming laptop. I already put some configs on there for a few games I might play today, depending on my mood.

SNES controller is making a comeback


This could be neat neat for people who run Nintendo emulators, or just pure nostalgia. 😀 I might consider getting one in the future to play some old Mario games in my favorite emulator.

With its classic gray body and purple buttons, the SNES30 looks like a replica of the Super Nintendo controller of your youth. But this one supports both Bluetooth and USB, making it easy to adapt it to use while playing your favorite modern games-the best of both worlds. You can use it for up to 20 hours before recharging, and the battery will recharge 1,000+ times.

Finding my footing.

So far work has been going rather well. I’ve done a good job beating down every shipment that’s arrived. I had a load of 8 palates to tackle by myself last Thursday. We’re in full blown Holiday mode, or at least we’re getting there.

Adjusting my hours hasn’t been too much of a hassle. Although on my days off I’ve been sleeping at odd times if I get too bored, and since it’s been cold sleeping hasn’t been an issue. I still think I need to find my balance, but at least I have an idea of what I need to do.

Speaking of the Holidays I did some Holiday shopping yesterday from the comfort of home, my favorite way to shop. 😛 Hopefully things arrive on time so I can send things out. Though since I’m a Slacker I’m sure I’ll be late… somehow.