The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Vizio TV’s are the Big Brotherlyist of all.

Well, this is good information for people who are interested in purchasing a Smart TV.

Vizio’s TVs capture what you’re watching, when, and how — so, for example, they know if you’re watching live broadcast TV, or something on your DVR, or on-demand programming from your cable provider, or an app like Netflix. All of the smart TVs can do that. But Vizio then goes farther: they then match that data to your IP address, which makes it personal. Because from your IP address, they can match it to third-party data sources that have a pretty good fix on your other demographic information: age, income, gender, and other marketable bits of information.

Not that I’d ever buy a Smart TV let alone a Vizio. Vizio’s suck. I find it’s better to get a regular TV and add a separate streaming device to it. Roku’s for example don’t Ad Target you, they have ads yes but it’s like normal cable when it comes to commercials (only with less commercials!). They’re random, not targeted. If I have to see any commercials/ads I like them randomized. It’s less creepy and hey, I might see something I never even heard of before.

Catalyst Control Center gets a well deserved overhaul


If you use AMD GPU’s it’s time to say goodbye to the CCC we’ve been using since the ATi days. They’re renaming their software to “Radeon Software” and each year it will be codenamed with a particular shade of red.

They mention some interesting features, like overclocking the GPU on a per game basis as well as better control over eyefinity display for those who use a multi-monitor display (which naturally caught my attention). Also this software is written on Qt rather than .NET, anther interesting thing to note. I’ll be checking it out in a few weeks when it makes an arrival.

Evening Open Thread

Next week I start my new line of work. To celebrate my promotion I decided to buy myself a Steam Controller. I’m estimated to get it by December 10th, so it’ll be a nice early Christmas present to myself. Oh god, I have to think about Christmas… and surviving Black Friday. Fuck. Thanksgiving is somewhere in there too.

Speaking of new devices I also decided to order a new gaming mouse. Mine is starting to show it’s age by randomly double clicking on it’s own. So I decided to grab one of these.

I already have it’s wireless cousin the G602, which I use between my laptop and the HTPC. I like the overall feel of it. Plus it has extra macro buttons. So I’m looking forward to test driving it. 😀

Windows 10 will become a recommended update in 2016

Windows 10 Wallpaper HD

In an attempt for Microsoft to become the new Borg, next year Microsoft will be adding Windows 10 to the recommended list of updates for Windows 10. They have done this recently as a “fluke” but have since moved the goalpost until 2016.

Adding this upgrade to the recommended list will automatically download it to your system if it is capable of running Win 10. It’s a waste of space and bandwidth to do it this way, but Microsoft really wants people to flock into their Garden Of Eden Cortana.

Arkham Knight is unfixable according to Warner Bros


Arkham Knight is still getting negative reviews, to the point of Warner Bros stepping up to say something.

We are very sorry that many of our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. We worked hard to get the game to live up to the standard you deserve but understand that many of you are still experiencing issues.

Until the end of 2015, we will be offering a full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight PC, regardless of how long you have played the product. You can also return the Season Pass along with the main game (but not separately). For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues that we cannot fix.

Thank you,

Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment

EDIT BY VALVE: For users who were having trouble submitting a refund for the game purchased on Steam, please try your refund submission again. The issue should have now been resolved.

Once again Warner Bros have thrown their hands in the air like they just don’t care, because really, they don’t care. This is a second failure for them this year if you count the PS3/XBox 360 version of the new Mortal Kombat not being released as promised.

Still this is pretty suckish. They wanted to deliver a AAA performance of their game by having only 12 people port it to PC, and they were warned over and over again that the game wasn’t going to be ready for release yet wanted to go along with it anyway… yeah, they really went all out alright.