The Mind Of OverlordTomala

From SeaMonkey to Firefox to Waterfox with a side of Thunderbird

After reading some of the usual tech sites I decided to give Waterfox a try. It’s like Firefox, but it’s 64 bit and has telemetry disabled (unlike Firefox which has been turned back on, sneaky bastards). If you already have Firefox installed it will automatically have all your settings and addons in place. So if you feel like giving it a looking over I highly recommend it. I haven’t had any problems with it so far.

I also decided to look into using Thunderbird for my email, which is really familiar to SeaMonkey’s in browser email client. In fact it imported my emails from SeaMonkey which I thought was awesome. It also comes with a calendar addon which I might be able to make use of. Now I just need to move my old emails over to my new email address since my old one was taken down by Charter Residential, because they’re a bunch of fucking morons…

Want the latest game ready drivers from NVidia? Download their crap to get it.

If you’re running on NVidia hardware you might not like this news.

Nvidia’s “Game Ready Drivers” are GeForce display drivers that have been optimized for new game releases. If you took part in the Star Wars Battlefront beta, for instance, you may have had to install a driver update before it would run. Right now, there are two ways to do so: You can hop into the GeForce Experience software that’s humming away quietly in your Windows taskbar, or you can pop over to Nvidia’s driver download page and snag the latest update directly. But soon, according to PC World, that second option will be a thing of the past.

And if you don’t want to install their program to get the latest drivers you can just wait for their quarterly update to get it. Or you can switch to AMD, they don’t force you to download drivers through their craptr app.

If you have an Origin Account you might want to read this.

Tons of account names and passwords were leaked to Pastebin according to this source.

At about 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, a gamer who has asked that his name be withheld, got a password reset notification for an old Skype account. A few moments later, there were five additional password reset requests from Dropbox.

Soon after, the gamer got an email from someone who spends their time sending notifications to people who have had PII exposed online in data dumps. The message, from “” contained his EA password in plain text and a link to the Pastebin post.

I don’t have an Origin account myself, but have let my friends know on Steam about it via the status page. Now I’m posting it here just in case anyone reading this trips across it.

Raiders Of The Lost Wal-Mart Presents: WebTV

Hey, remember WebTV from over a decade ago? It was Microsoft’s attempt at trying to get old people who were afraid of owning a computer to access the internet to, well… Access the internet! Pepperidge Farm doesn’t remember, but Wal-Mart sure does. They’re still selling the old thing despite the fact that Microsoft hasn’t supported it in ten years, thus making the Zune more useful by comparison. This whole time the WebTV has been $200 at Wal-Mart. But the good news is if you want to own this historical treasure they knocked the price down a bit!


An entire two cents worth! What a bargain!

Speaking of two cents worth here’s mine: It’s pretty sad that some corporate know it all sees more value in an ancient piece of technology than one of their actual workers…

More news on the microtransaction front

Yesterday I was reading my activity feed on Steam as I usually do when I’m not reading my RSS subscription to the internet, and found quite a few people complaining about Payday 2 joining the “Lets do micro transactions on top of DLC” club. I’m not entirely sure if it’s terrible or not or if it’s something like CS:GO, but if I played copious amounts of Payday 2 I imagine I’d be a little ticked off right about now, especially if you take into consideration that the developers said they would never introduce microtransactions on multiple occasions.

Developer Overkill has added microtransactions to Payday 2, after stating, on multiple occasions, that it wouldn’t. They’re part of the Black Market update, which allows players to crack open safes to claim random loot drops. You’ll need to microtransact £1.60 of real money, to buy consumable drills that will be able to bust them open.

I own the game, but haven’t invested any time into it so I really don’t have a dog in this fight. I kinda got discouraged after they kept introducing DLC after DLC after DLC etc etc, that and I hear it’s a game best played with friends, and I’m usually on at odd hours anyway. This kind of microtransaction though doesn’t sound too horrible though since it’s just cosmetics for the most part.

Now, onto Steam themselves. Despite the fiasco that took place when Skyrim had a paywall for mods, Steam wants to take another jab at it. They seem to want to take a more careful approach this time though as they really screwed up last time.

As I’ve said before I don’t mind modders being paid for their work, at the same time though you can’t do what Steam/Bethesda did the last time around and introduce a paywall on a game that has an established community. To compare buying mods and buying hats and skins from other games is like comparing an apple to Cthulhu. Yes someone took their time and passion to make something great to share with their community, but hats and skins don’t require dependencies and won’t break a game later on if there are any patches and updates, whereas with modding (especially in a game like Skyrim) you have some mods that depend on other mods to work properly, or might break your game/stopped being supported. If Valve or some other game company want their idea of helping modders to make money to become a reality then they can’t do it with an already established game community.

They need to do something new, or find a friendlier way of presenting their idea to a currently existing game.

I’m glad I’ve waited on getting the Steam Controller

I’ve been drooling to get my hands on this shiny thing.


But having read feedback on it so far on the Steam forums, and reading the first big review on it on PC Gamer I’m happy I didn’t go with the bleeding edge. I’m still interested in it though, perhaps after they work out the kinks and add more support to it I’ll pick one up. But for now it looks like Valve has their work cut out for themselves. In the meantime I’ll continue to enjoy my relaxation time with the ol reliable Logitech F710.

Lets be Bro’s

Broforce is out of Early Access, and now it has a cool animated trailer!

I remember when a good Norwegian friend gifted this to me. It wasn’t my birthday, it wasn’t any particular holiday other than the fact I’m from Murica’. And I’ve come to love how silly this game is.It’s playable with a keyboard, a controller, or if you have a friend over you can play with up to 4 controllers. You can also play online, which I have been as I have recently recruited a Canadian bro. At some point I’ll have to go through some footage I’ve captured of our American adventures with lots of explosives and the murdering of Satan and aliens.

Broforce, it’s Terreria if it were made by Michael Bay.

Invasion of the Microtransactions


It seems with the latest batch of released and soon to be released AAA title games everyone wants to get on board the “lets monetize as much as possible” bandwagon.

Metal Gear Solid V’s online portion plans to make money on selling “insurance” for your Mother Base which seems like a paid cheat. Though it’s for an online portion… Then I read about plans for Rise of the Tomb Raider having 300 optional microtransactions that can shape the game to the players’ liking. Since that title is debuting on XBox One we can at least glance at it from afar and see what we can expect when it does roll over to the other platforms. But still seems rather weird considering to my knowledge it’s a single player game.

I can understand Free to Play type games doing this, like TF2. Maybe even CS:GO despite the fact that it’s not an F2P. But we’re talking games that cost $59.99 and above at launch and they expect people to pay for perks? Is this going to become the norm? I imagine this being a pain for people who have an interest in a wide variety of games. Then again this might not bother people too much. People seem to have no problem buying $900 spaceships for Star Citizen. Which if you haven’t heard of it yet, hasn’t even left the alpha stage after what… 3 years? But that’s a topic for another time. And while not a game, Microsoft has jumped on the bandwagon with their app store. I still can’t wrap my head around having to pay to remove ads in Solitare. Solitare! One of those games Microsoft threw in for free to keep office workers pretending to be productive.

But yeah, I don’t mind paying for DLC, but microtransactions to change the your play style? I don’t know…