Not bad. I had a nice 12 day streak, my best day was a Thursday, and my most popular post was Merasmus vs Machine. Which I posted almost one year ago.
And now back to your regularly scheduled blogospheric naval gazing.
Not bad. I had a nice 12 day streak, my best day was a Thursday, and my most popular post was Merasmus vs Machine. Which I posted almost one year ago.
And now back to your regularly scheduled blogospheric naval gazing.
My RSS feed informed me that I made a new video post… Oh well, that’s better than the other day when I had that giant barrage of posts. O_o Again, I apologize for that…
So, to go into full detail I’ve implemented an auto poster that detects whenever I make a youtube upload. It also imports old videos. It’s supposed to only upload the main page of my YouTube channel, but for some reason it decided to randomly post “Big and Tiny Terror”.
Now that I’ve given my blog sentience I’m hoping it doesn’t pull a Drunken Robot Pornography on me and try to destroy the world. Although the explosions would be pretty cool.
Chrismakwanzakuh… Because I love to appeal to everyone.
I’m enjoying mine with some lit scented fucking candles, some delicious spiced tea at home. 🙂
Hope everyone has a good day/night.
I decided to revamp the WordPress site for my main group. Here is what it looks like now. I made a detailed announcement about it here. Basically I made it into an antisocial network just as an added feature. 😛
I still have to make a few more tweaks, like in the servers area. But other than that it’s pretty much done.
If you’ve subscribed to my blog via email and received a barrage of posts I would like to apologize. I’ve implemented an auto importer for YouTube. It won’t happen again… at least like that.
I went to the post office yesterday to send off some gifts and I was met with a lady in front of me who seemed rather confused. She had some pajama bottoms crammed into a box that she pulled off one of the shelves. Then she asked me the following: “So I’ve never sent a package before. What do I have to do?”. She seemed to be in her mid to late 20’s which made this a little strange.
I was nice, but straight forward. “You go up to the counter, tell them you want to mail the package and they walk you through the rest”. Then she started asking me about how to get a printing label and how to get it packaged properly. At that point I told her to just talk to them, as I usually prepackage everything beforehand. I guess I’m lucky enough to be blessed with the knowledge of how to handle boxes.
For the first time in never I actually have Christmas eve off! So I’ll be spending time with the people I care about, play games and sip holiday teas and of course maybe do some holiday trolling (depending on how many trolls I encounter obviously).
Already got my TF2 Presents! I got a cool outfit for the spy, a name tag, description tag, gifta-pult etc etc. If you haven’t opened TF2 in awhile and wants some Holiday Swag you might want to go check it out. 😀
Oh, and as an off topic piece I decided to test a 1080p stream with some friends. My choice was Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. We were laughing at the fact that I could knock people out if they were climbing up or down a ladder, just by being on the ladder… The guards don’t even know what hit them! Literally. One guy got back up and was like “what was that?” then he climbed up the ladder again, he hit my butt when he got to the top, then he fell down again and knocked himself out from the fall. I’m almost tempted to alert all the guards, climb up into one of those little forts, then have them all try to climb up there to get me. Only to be met by Big Boss’ deadly arse.
Rearranged the widgets, added more room for the sidebars so that I could combine my Steam Profile and games into one widget, changed my sharing buttons and even removed some, then put the meta and archives below. The next thing I’ll be looking into is caching.
I’ve been thinking about changing the theme on the blog again since we were entering a new year. However I was unable to find any theme that I could fancy. So I decided to look closer at the options for the current one that I’m using. I’ve made the header image better and changed it to some more current creations (and plan to add more when I can), split the sidebars left and right and rearranged the widgets. I’m liking it a whole lot better!
My first purchase was the new Metal Gear Solid. I played a bit of it. Nice graphics, steathy, sandboxy, and haven’t found any boxes to hide in… yet. The graphics are amazing so far. And for it being one map it looks like there’s a bunch of stuff to do. Definitely worth the $13.39. My only complaint was that it wasn’t $13.37.
Oh well. Let the stockpiling begin!