The Mind Of OverlordTomala

A new generation of Open Source graphics?

So it’s been announced that OpenGL has a successor called glNext. Details about it will be revealed on March 5th at the Developers Conference in San Fransisco. It will be presented in a panel called “glNext: The Future of High Performance Graphics (Presented by Valve)”. It will feature developers from other companies as well, like Epic Games, EA etc.

It’ll be interesting to see what unfolds. Ever since gaming under Linux has taken off I’ve been wanting to see an overhaul of OpenGL take place. It’s nice with some games, but really shows it’s age in newer ones. For example: I prefer playing Borderlands 2 under Windows because it keeps a better framerate, while under Linux it’s not as optimized even when you lower the settings. And that’s coming from someone who owns an R9 290. There should be no excuse for that kind of performance on a GPU that has an actual 4 GB of GDDR5.

What is a roku?


I’ve been getting asked this a bit lately by a some people who read here. Basically it’s a small streaming device that you can plug into your TV so you can watch channels and shows via the web without a computer. It’s like Apple TV but Linux based instead. They can be small like a thumb drive or big like a hockey puck. They’re even making Roku Smart TV’s now. O_o

You can also watch movies on it as well as play small games. My version comes with a free version of Angry Birds, so I’m cursed now…

It’s all assembled

Got the HDTV setup with my computer and roku. So far everything seems to be working accordingly. It’s kind of trippy having all these windows surrounding me. But so far it has proven useful for monitoring statistics and recording. Also did some gaming on it earlier with a controller using Big Picture. This should do nicely. 🙂

Got the speakers setup too. I now have a true 5.1 surround sound setup. I still need to EQ them, but otherwise they’re in working condition.

So I guess Comcast has been at this for quite awhile.

So apparently Comcast has been changing peoples names for quite some time. More have come out on the subject.

If you read through the whole article it’s even more of a nightmare. Especially for one person who made several attempts to get her account name changed back with no luck, at least until she spoke with them in person.

“They changed my name to ‘dummy’ in my online account, so that the greeting was ‘Hello, dummy,’” she tells Elliott. “I had to call several times but they said they didn’t see it until I went in person to Comcast and they removed it.”

She claims that no one offered an apology or explanation for how the name change occurred.

Stay classy Comcast…

What comcast actually thinks of it’s customers

Imagine getting your cable bill and finding that some “clever” employee decided to change your name to this:


The customer could only surmise that the name change had something to do with her request to bring down her monthly expenses by removing the pay-TV portion of her Comcast package, even though it cost her a $60 fee to cancel. As usually happens in such calls, her cancellation request was escalated to a retention specialist.

I would hate to use comcast. Most ISP’s in the US suck these days but comcast has to be right up there with Time Warner and a few other choice “assholes”.

Spicing up my nerd station a bit

I have a second monitor coming in the mail (yes, time to enter the dual monitor club) or rather an 32″ HDTV. Also got some HDMI cables, and a Roku 2 XS for whenever I feel like using it as an actual TV with the computer off. I’ve been considering this for quite some time, and I figure with taxes coming up it would be a good time to treat myself a bit. I’m mainly getting the TV for whenever I feel like gaming in bed with a controller in big picture mode. Should be nice and relaxing for those cold days. 🙂

y u no RSS?

It seems my many RSS feeds are not responding properly from within Seamonkey. Only RSS feeds from phpBB forums seem to update. WordPress links as well as other sites that I follow refuse to update. I’ve tried deleting the folders and resubscribing but nothing happens. I might have to see if I have a working set either under my Linux install or on my laptop. I figure it’s either something with my browser or the entire internetz RSS (minus phpBB forums) is dead. Clearly the latter is more believable. 😛

But yeah, need to get that fixed so I can spy on the entire world correctly. I am supposed to be subscribed to the entire internet after all…