The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Scratching The Surface Of Portal Revolution

Played Portal Revolution tonight. Haven’t touched it since May, and I needed to find something to fry my brain. It doesn’t quite make my brain smell like bacon as Portal Reloaded did, but it can still make you think until you can’t.

The earlier test chambers leave you stuck with a portal gun that only fires blue portals, and the test chambers you use them in are slightly more intricate than the beginning levels of the original Portal games. It took me a little while to figure out how to solve a few of these puzzles while others were solvable in just a couple minutes. Either way it was a good fun few hours to kill.

Learning To Teleport

I’ve been getting my laptop setup to be a streaming computer for my desktop. The last time I experimented with OBS over the network I used NDI integration, which had its ups and downs. I do hear that NDI 5 is a lot better, but I haven’t tested it yet. Instead I’ve been playing with Teleport, which is pretty easy to use compared to what I remember with NDI a few years ago. All you have to do is install the plugin to your streaming computer and the computer you intend to use for video capture. It’s also worth mentioning, and kinda obvious that you should also use a wired connection. It did take a little bit of trial and error, but I did get audio and video to stream perfectly to the laptop!

I haven’t done any actual streaming, but I did do a test recording of Horizon Zero Dawn without any hiccups. Now I just need to find the time to stream!… and to figure out what would be fun to stream… someday.

Everything’s Archy!

There was a LOT of Linux today. I dusted off my old gaming laptop and upgraded it from Manjaro 20 to 24, and spun up the ArchLinux VM for the GMod servers. I should have them up and running tomorrow evening if everything goes according to plan for the servers, and the laptop is pretty much done. Tomorrow I’ll work on the Samba shares and port forwarding, something to do to keep my mind off other things.

From One Goal To The Next

Finished up the video today! w00t! This month will at least have a video lineup, after this it’ll probably be awhile before the next video release. I have no plans to release anything in July, but still have plenty of footage to sift through. Things are emptying up enough that I’ll have to consider streaming at some point.

Meanwhile, the next couple of days will be Linux projects. Primarily setting up my new GMod VM, but I have plenty of other Linux related things I need to tackle… it’s times like this that I wish I could take nerdcations just for getting caught up on all the things I run, and maybe even try new things. I did get my tablet up to date today, one of these days I’ll need to update the gaming laptop and the Linux side of my desktop.

One thing at a time though, one thing at a time.

Self Care Sunday

The Orange One convinced me to sleep in today. I haven’t been feeling so hot for these last couple of days, woke up feeling sick until this little guy jumped into my bed. 🙂 His purring sent me off to the realm of sleep for a couple hours more, when I awoke in less pain.

We had a nice sunny day with a small breeze, if I felt better I probably would have gone for a walk. As it is I’ve been sipping tea and working on one of my videos, will animate one more thing tomorrow and I’ll finally be able to do an export! Once I wrap it up I’ll probably take a small break from video work to focus on some VM stuff. I want to move the GMod servers over to Arch Linux, and maybe setup a couple of new ones after I get the others back up and running. A couple weekends ago I was talking with one of my friends, and tossed around the idea of trying out running a prop hunt server, and possibly bringing back the Cinema server! That would be rad.

A Writer’s Story Can Be Another’s Reality

Decided to return to the Remedy Cinematic Universe tonight. Gave Jesse a small makeover, and installed a bunch of mods! The Nexus has five pages worth, and surprisingly some of them range from helpful to entertaining. I figure as Director I can pretty much do whatever the hell I want. Advanced the plot, and even got a small glimpse of Alan Wake:

One of the documents I found lying around mentioned him and Alex Casey, and it sounded like something that might have gone down in Alan Wake 2… of course it’ll be a long while before I find out. 😛 Maybe it’ll release on Steam after I finish Control and Alan Wake…. someday, someday.

Friday Evening Open Thread

Made it most of the week without any HZD, but decided to return to this sweet nectar. Completed a few sidequests tonight, and also survived a few ambushes, whether they be human or machine. I played a little extra, since I have plans to string a video together tomorrow night. Probably won’t have it completed until Sunday or Monday, but I can at least get as much of the prep done as possible.

Open Thread!