The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Steam allows you to stream games now.

Woke up to a bunch of people on my friends list talking about the new Steam Broadcasting feature that allows you to stream your gameplay. So I spent a good portion of the evening streaming various games. It seems to work with Direct X and OpenGL, but sadly no MSDOS.

This is currently in the steam client beta if anyone wants to check it out. To my knowledge it works on Windows 7 and 8. If you’re on Windows Vista it’s not available, and I’m not sure about Linux and Mac but they’re probably not supported either for this beta.

So, looks like I might have to look into doing some streaming for myself. 🙂 Then you can see how horrible I am. 😛

Wow it’s December already?

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Well, in the US anyway. It would probably be awkward if you had our Thanksgiving in say, Norway or the UK. Or if we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving, or… you get the idea.

If you’re reading this I’ve survived Black Friday. I had to work bright and early. Completely missed the enormous rush at 5 am. Apparently quite a few people camped outside in their cars starting at Midnight. Thank you Crazy Black Friday shoppers for reminding me that I waste my time in a slightly more useful manner. 😆

Speaking of shopping I should probably do some online shopping later today. Teas to buy and gifts to get. Should probably schedule a hair appt too, starting to get a little long.

Another Gaming Open Thread

Last night I went out of my way to make sure all my games were up to date for lunch. Only to find Steam had an update waiting for me when I connected to the wifi at work… Didn’t even get anywhere near completion. -_-

On a brighter note I fixed my TF2 servers. Not only can people wear their Halloween cosmetics all the time again, they can also show off the awesome spells they collected! Made sure to enable it for Quickplay and MvM too. Oh, and the bots have special weapons again on the custom server. Hooray for diversity!

Speaking of servers it appears my main group has been getting some more members. Most of the traffic seems to come from the Elevator Source server. Who knew that giving people a place to stand around and do nothing would be such a hit?

Open Game Thread

I’ve been relaxing with my game collection. Starting over in Borderlands 2 as a mechromancer (just got to level 11 today!) so that’s been fun. Also played a bit of MvM earlier on my TF2 server and found out that I had some broken plugins. Unfortunately there haven’t been any fixes for them so I’ll have to wait. One gives bots access to all game weapons and the other enables multiple TF2 holidays instead of just having one. So that’s kind of a bum deal…

Oh, and I’ve also started up on Tomb Raider 3. Had a hell of a time trying to get that running in full 1080p. Had to go through an assortment of compatibility modes to get it to work properly… But like all the tomb raiders that I’ve played it’s fun! I only ever played the Playstation demo when I was a kid. Hell I even setup my controller so I could play the old nostalgic way! Even going as far as looking up all the commands to enter into my joypad. I also decided to start up on Metal Gear Solid. Aside from one part of the gunfight with Revolver Ocelot lagging during him having a raging hardon about reloading his revolver it’s been running quite nicely. Even recognizes directinput so that I can run my controller without any issues.

And finally I went to visit MOULa to see how things were going. People are still whining about the vaultwipe that had to be done awhile ago and having to do the ages again. I’ve also been reading the forums about how some have gone as far as to contemplate not playing the game anymore… I even laughed when I saw certain people striving to get low KI numbers because you know, those are still totally relevant after a decade of the games existence amirite? That and some other threads I’ve read have made me glad that I stick with other game forums. Heck, it’s sad that quite a few FPS forums that I frequent are far friendlier than the retirement home that is the Myst Online Uru Live forums.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Well I’m almost through my first week back with today being my Friday. It’s been a pretty weird week. We had a drunk wander in which I’d rather not go into full detail about, had to try and cheer some co-workers up who have been down lately since things haven’t gotten any better, they’re getting worse as usual. I found out one of the people I work with, whom I’ve known since I was a kid through my mom working there that she refuses to work with one of the other girls because of Vietnam flashbacks. Which is weird since she’s not a vet, nor are her husband or kids, nor have they ever been to Vietnam… Oh, and the girl isn’t even from Vietnam, she’s Filipino. Cute way of saying you’re a racist I guess…

Looking forward to my weekend away from that drama. I already have a mental to do list thought out. Just need some good weather to accomplish it. 😛