Twin sistas brgrururrururururururu.
Windows 7’s end of life is coming up
Microsoft has announced it’s end of support for Windows 7. Apparently it will take place next year.
We’ll see how long this lasts. XP had one hell of a fight before it finally had a good retirement, and people refer to Windows 7 as the new XP so… Good luck Microsoft. 😛
These in game items will cost you your first born child… and second.
Hmmmm, next time I want to buy hats in TF2 I might just have to pop out some babies and sell them on the Chinese market.
A young unmarried couple in China are accused selling not one, but two of their children to human traffickers. The money they got was used for gaming.
The first son was an accident, the second one seems to have been planned specifically:
The mother got pregnant again, and, in an interview, explained that the father “likes buying items in online games, and he likes staying out all night at internet cafes.” Because the couple was apparently using their money for the father’s gaming, the parents then allegedly sold their second son to traffickers to avoid a financial burden.
It’s rather sad as well as mind boggling that they would go through all the trouble just to purchase in game items. Basically the mother allowing herself to become a baby factory just to honor her husband’s gaming habits. Sickening.
Open Thread
So I got my new RAID card, smart card bay and RAM. Everything but the RAID card works properly. Two out of three ain’t bad I guess? :S
It’s great to plug cards into the computer again! That means I won’t have to use just my laptop to upload porn errrr I mean pussy.
Yep, Morty is still adorable.
Open Thread
Since my last vacation was cut shorter than what I wanted it to be, I’ve reapplied for a part 2 at the end of the month so I can kick back again. I’m gonna need it since this summer has been pretty rough. The pay has been better than usual since I’ve been working full time, but the lack of people has really been hurting. Today I spent a good part of the day upstairs alone because same ol same ol. Oh well, the extra hours helped pay for my summer sale shenanigans. :v
Oh, and I was greeted with some packages tonight when I came home! Some clothes and the media bay I ordered. That was quicker than expected. Not gonna complain. 😀
Borderlands The Pre-Sequel
So, Pre Borderlands 2 finally has a release date and a teaser of all the new things you can do. The moon gravity sounds like it’ll be fun. That and goombah stomping the enemy to the point of making them melt acid.
I looked up Irony and this is what I found
So I couldn’t help but notice that Fox News had a new graphic up that caught my eye.
Now I’m sure to most people who watch Fox News this just seems like an ordinary logo. So why am I making light of it?
So basically they just took bits and pieces of it off and added a couple more stars, and bam! Of course if you actually played BioShock Infinite like I have you’d laugh at the irony.
New Kitten!
I finally had a chance to take a photo of a new little scamp that runs around the house.
His name is Morty. He’s a Scottish Fold with 7 toes on each paw. He’s extremely adorable and very energetic for being only 6 weeks old.