Originally I wasn’t going to post about the whole GamerGate thing, mainly because the whole thing seemed so childishly stupid that I figured it wouldn’t last more than a week. Heh, that wouldn’t be the first time I’d find myself on the wrong side though. I forgot how the current generation tends to thrive on stupid.
For those who are fortunate to not know what GamerGate is I think it was covered quite nicely in this article:
(#Gamergate, for those unaware, is what happened a bit over a month ago, where an angry neckbeard posted demonstrably false allegations about his ex-girlfriend, claiming she slept with video game site reviewers for better scores for her games (again, demonstrably false), and then a whole bunch of other angry neckbeards on the Internet went full Denis Dyack and spitfrothed themselves into national attention by making an array of threats on numerous female game developers, including ones about their death, tried to hide behind a shield of “it’s about journalistic ethics because they said gamers are dead,” and generally proved why the Internet needs to be burned to the ground and the ashes salted.
Even if she did sleep with game reviewers to get a good review for a game that’s free… who the fuck cares? I mean seriously. Would they be saying the same thing if it was a guy? No, he’d be considered a stud. The only people I could see actually caring about this would be people who couldn’t get anywhere with women. Oops, I think I just described GamerGate. :v
I wouldn’t say that the term gamer is “dead” perse. But gaming has changed. It’s an ever evolving thing. Back in the old days you weren’t considered a gamer if you didn’t play board games, then you weren’t considered a real gamer if you didn’t play DnD, then later you weren’t considered a gamer if you didn’t play sidescrollers/platformers then FPS, etc etc. It’s becoming more inclusive. DEAL WITH IT.
Do I want to censor certain things from games? No! But if you’re going to have scantly clad women in a game I’d better see men wearing the same thing dammit. I mean equality, right? Here, lets make a goalpost.

When I see this make it into a game we’ll talk.