The Mind Of OverlordTomala

No longer annoyed with TF2, for now…

Yesterday Scream Fortress officially launched (and it’s fixed under Linux now too w00t!), perfect way to start my next set of timeoff and on a gray rainy day no less!

This year there isn’t a Halloween boss to defeat, instead we get bumper cars! I was rather surprised when people first talked about it because as crazy as TF2 gets I never really expected bumper cars to appear in the game. But there they were all ready and rearing. Also they had to change up the drop system for gifts due to the idlers who like to take gifts for themselves. This year it’s just two cauldrons of gifts (6 gifts total) and a drop every 3 hours on the other Halloween maps. I can live with that.

I’ve still been doing a lot of pubbing to get gifts. Pissing people off with how I play because unlike most people I don’t stick with just one class. I tend to change if we need a pyro, heavy, spy etc. Been making so many kids rage that it’s been pretty funny. I’ve also been recording my adventures just in case something happens. At the end of all this I might make a Halloween collage video. 😀

I’ve been slightly annoyed with TF2 lately.

It’s been almost a month since Valve broke TF2 for AMD GPU users under Linux, forcing me to main under Windows until this gets straightened out. Then tonight when I went to get a Halloween gift from one of the servers I didn’t get it due to some kind of bug. I guess this has been happening for other people too. You run up to the gift, the gift vanishes, and then when the round ends it tells you the gift has vanished… wtf?

I’m not going to demand Valve deliver a gift to my doorstep or anything, but things just haven’t felt right with TF2 lately. Hopefully when the main Halloween event starts things look a bit better. There are quite a few on github who have been complaining about not being able to play TF2 due to their GPU and getting annoyed that they can’t participate in the event unless they swap to the Open Source drivers, which cause quite a few people to take a huge dip in performance compared to AMD’s drivers. Someone even got sick of waiting for Valve that they sold their R9 290 and went with NVidia. You’d think if you’re wanting people to play on the Linux platform that you’d want one of the most popular free FPS games to be working on all hardware, and to make it a high priority.

GamerGate: The stupid continues.

You know, if you’re trying to convey a message of some kind to get people over to your side, like how GamerGate is only about fighting for “ethics in game journalism” for example? You probably shouldn’t make comments like these to people who are afraid of your movement.


More things have been popping up like that. In fact another voice has stepped up and has been getting the same treatment. This is Felicia Day’s tumblr blog post regarding why she hasn’t said anything about GamerGate until now.

I have been through a lot in my years on the internet. I have encountered a small fraction of the attacks from people like the ones who currently represent the worst of this “movement”. In the past, I worked through it alone because I felt shining a light on their words gave them exactly what they wanted: Attention and credibility. To say that their attacks and contempt didn’t set me back creatively would be a lie, but overall I got through the twists and turns, emotionally battered, but alright. My philosophy has always been, “Exist and represent yourself the way you want to exist as a woman who loves games, not as a reflection of what other people think or want of you. You will change minds by BEING. Show, don’t tell.” The attacks I experienced over the years were NOTHING compared to people who are the victims of these attacks now, but I still thought early on during the Gamer Gate phenomenon, “These trolls will dissipate into the night like they always do, it will be fine.”

Shortly after writing that she was later doxxed aka her phone number and address were posted in the comments (which were later removed after disabling comments).

One common thing I’ve noticed about the GamerGate thing is they tend to not only fight in circle jerk logic to tire people from arguing about the “bad apples”, but they tend to try and silence people who don’t agree with them even if it’s just suggesting to not be such big douchecanoes. Harsher if they happen to be female or feminist, which to these dudebros it seems to be one in the same. Basically agree with us or we’ll hunt you down/send death threats. yeah, way win people over. I’m guessing these were the same tactics they tried to use to find a insignificant other…

If there was even any shred of genuine desire to go after the gaming media for “ethics in game journalism” it died when these knuckle draggers became it’s face for the bowel movement. At this point it would be time to find a new thing to call yourselves. Most people are going to look at GamerGate and back as far the fuck away as possible.

GamerGate: The tea party movement for gamers.

Originally I wasn’t going to post about the whole GamerGate thing, mainly because the whole thing seemed so childishly stupid that I figured it wouldn’t last more than a week. Heh, that wouldn’t be the first time I’d find myself on the wrong side though. I forgot how the current generation tends to thrive on stupid.

For those who are fortunate to not know what GamerGate is I think it was covered quite nicely in this article:

(#Gamergate, for those unaware, is what happened a bit over a month ago, where an angry neckbeard posted demonstrably false allegations about his ex-girlfriend, claiming she slept with video game site reviewers for better scores for her games (again, demonstrably false), and then a whole bunch of other angry neckbeards on the Internet went full Denis Dyack and spitfrothed themselves into national attention by making an array of threats on numerous female game developers, including ones about their death, tried to hide behind a shield of “it’s about journalistic ethics because they said gamers are dead,” and generally proved why the Internet needs to be burned to the ground and the ashes salted.

Even if she did sleep with game reviewers to get a good review for a game that’s free… who the fuck cares? I mean seriously. Would they be saying the same thing if it was a guy? No, he’d be considered a stud. The only people I could see actually caring about this would be people who couldn’t get anywhere with women. Oops, I think I just described GamerGate. :v

I wouldn’t say that the term gamer is “dead” perse. But gaming has changed. It’s an ever evolving thing. Back in the old days you weren’t considered a gamer if you didn’t play board games, then you weren’t considered a real gamer if you didn’t play DnD, then later you weren’t considered a gamer if you didn’t play sidescrollers/platformers then FPS, etc etc. It’s becoming more inclusive. DEAL WITH IT.

Do I want to censor certain things from games? No! But if you’re going to have scantly clad women in a game I’d better see men wearing the same thing dammit. I mean equality, right? Here, lets make a goalpost.


When I see this make it into a game we’ll talk.

Where have all the links gone?

I’ve decided to clean out the links that I had on the side of the blog. Most of them were inactive/barely active and had to do with things that I don’t really have much involvement in anymore. It mostly had to do with Uru/Myst Online which I really don’t have much involvement in anyway, aside from the occasional login to the server of course. So I’m thinking it might be time to refresh what links I mostly frequent or just leave them out entirely.

The gaming is strong in this one.

I put my elevator source server back up last night. It’s amazing how so many people will login and stay on for sometimes an hour, two hours… And all you do is just stand in an elevator going floor to floor watching things happen. I mostly see kids on their who haven’t reached puberty which is the norm for garrysmod. I guess if any parents want to find a cheap babysitter for their 12 year old child they just need to make them play elevator. They’ll stay there all day and all night…

On another note Scream Fortress is in full motion now. I’ll probably be playing that a lot to get some of that spooky swag.

Oh, and last night I finally defeated Handsome Jack in Borderlands 2. Guess it’s time to break into the DLC. 😉

Played a bit of MOULa last night. Somehow stumbled upon 26 people in the city instead of the usual 3 or 4 that I see when I can be arsed to open up the game. Turns out there was some kind of tour going on that lead to kirel. I always forget how horrible the voice chat was in that game until someone decides to open their mouth. Voice chatting sure has come a long way since then. I’m thankful for VoiP.

Also did some more Saints Row the 3rd last night. Playing the mission where you’re acting in a movie. I kept getting annoyed with that mission due to my homie the purple space princess getting stuck in certain areas. Might pick up on it in a bit if I’m up to the task. Or do another mission entirely.

The game I never knew I had.

Once upon a time when I was a kid I gamed on three platforms. A PC, a Playstation (the original one) and a Gameboy Advance (also an original one). My favorites to play on Playstation were the Tomb Raider 1 and Chronicles (which I also played on PC because being able to save ANYWHERE was a bonus), Crash Bandicoot 2, Twisted Metal 2, the PacMan collection which I also remember playing on an old Atari 2600 (god I feel old) and of course the old Pizza Hut demo CD’s which contained popular games like Tomb Raider 3, Spyro, Metal Gear Solid and some others. I played the hell out of Spyro and the Metal Gear Solid demos. I played those a lot because I could never find the full games at stores.

Recently my nostalgiameter has been going off between playing old DOS games and discovering a GameBoy emulator. So I figured why not try emulating some of my old Playstation games too? That could be fun. So I walked out into the living room and headed over to the small wall of Playstation discs and saw one game that not only stood out, but also made my jaw drop.


I carried it back into my room and announced over mumble to one of my friends what I had found. The greatest hits CD’s for Metal Gear Solid. Instead of playing that version I decided to hunt down the PC version I heard so much about. Because hey, it exists so why not use it? I tracked it down along with MGS2 Substance, set my Logitech controller up and played some of MGS1 and the VR missions. I was in Nirvana.

Between finding the CD’s for it though and playing the game I kicked myself the entire time. I have no idea when this game turned up. Had I have known that I had it back in the day I would have definitely played it. As I stated I was hooked on the demo. Even now I’m still trying to figure out where the hell these even came from.

The obligatory catching up thread

There’s a lot I could have been blogging about, but I’ve just either been too tired or not in the mood.


Of course I haven’t been ignoring the blog. I have been updating the features, even included a nice new steam stats plugin so you can check out what I’ve mostly been playing. Still sucked into Borderlands 2. I even leveled up to 32 last night! Space Engineers has been an interesting experiment. Reminds me of Garrysmod in space with minecraft elements. Speaking of Garrysmod I’ve been running a new cinema server which is pretty cool. It lets you get together with friends to watch things on sites like YouTube, blip or whatever place you want to watch stuff in cinema maps. It’s a fun way to share crazy links, which my group of friends and I seem to enjoy doing in mumble and IRC. Been also playing a bit of Saints Row the third on and off. That game is pretty funny. And of course TF2 which goes without saying. My TF2 servers have become pretty popular, especially Mann vs Machine. In fact on a daily basis I notice people on and off of MvM, regular TF2, CS:GO and L4D2 is usually getting some healthy use. And once on awhile the two gmod servers get some traffic. Especially during the weekend. Never expected the servers to become quite that popular. Even our steam group has grown a small bit. 😀

Already put in for my next vacation. Hopefully I’ll have off during Halloween for some funtime. Also continue my job searching. No luck yet on that front yet btw. But I’m not giving up yet. I’m still determined to get out of there. It seems like everyday when I go to work they find another way to make the employees more miserable, especially with the new rules being put into place by our store manager. I like how you can get written up now if you’re caught not smiling… Yeah, that’s an actual rule. Even if no customers are around if you’re caught with no smile on your face you get into trouble. I didn’t believe it until I saw the email. I’ll save the rest of that BS for another post and another day. It’s my weekend right now and I don’t need to raise my blood pressure.

Off of vacation and back to work

It was relaxing while it lasted. Managed to find some potential things to look for regarding other avenues of employment. Hopefully something works out. 🙂

In the meantime here are a couple videos of what happened during my time off.

If you’re on Linux/Unix/Mac you might want to watch out for “ShellShock”

Friend of mine linked this in our mumble chat this morning. It’s an exploit found in nix systems that lets people remotely take control of your system using Bash.

The flaw has been found in a software component known as Bash, which is a part of many Linux systems as well as Apple’s Mac operating system.

The bug, dubbed Shellshock, can be used to remotely take control of almost any system using Bash, researchers said.

Experts said it was more serious than the Heartbleed bug discovered in April.

Keep an eye out for a patch on your distro of choice.