The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Open Thread

Since my last vacation was cut shorter than what I wanted it to be, I’ve reapplied for a part 2 at the end of the month so I can kick back again. I’m gonna need it since this summer has been pretty rough. The pay has been better than usual since I’ve been working full time, but the lack of people has really been hurting. Today I spent a good part of the day upstairs alone because same ol same ol. Oh well, the extra hours helped pay for my summer sale shenanigans. :v

Oh, and I was greeted with some packages tonight when I came home! Some clothes and the media bay I ordered. That was quicker than expected. Not gonna complain. 😀

I looked up Irony and this is what I found

So I couldn’t help but notice that Fox News had a new graphic up that caught my eye.


Now I’m sure to most people who watch Fox News this just seems like an ordinary logo. So why am I making light of it?


So basically they just took bits and pieces of it off and added a couple more stars, and bam! Of course if you actually played BioShock Infinite like I have you’d laugh at the irony.

Open Thread

Last night I went out to one of the local Mexican bars and had a good time with a friend I used to work with. He turned 21 and we sent him on the proper drunken path. 😛

Then I came home and did some Borderlands 2. Also bought one of these for my desktop since my previous card reader borked out. It also never worked under Linux, so I figured this time around I’d get something that goes both ways (giggity). Especially since I use Linux and Windows fairly equally these days thanks to the holy Gaben and others following the power of the allmighty Tux.

Oh, and I tweaked some of my simulcasting options to other websites. So hopefully I properly spam them instead of talk to myself. I do enough of that on my free time anyway. :v

Why didn’t he win?

We need more freethinkers like this guy running for office! Tim Murray lost in Oklahoma’s primary, but he has vital information about the man who defeated him and how he’s actually a fake clone!

I, Timothy Ray Murray, am a human, born in Oklahoma, and obtained and continue to fully meet the requirements to serve as U.S. Representative when honored to so. I will never use a look alike to replace my (The Office’s) message to you or to anyone else, as both the other Republican Challengers have.

Rep. Frank Lucas, and a few other Oklahoma and other States’ Congressional Members were depicted as being executed by The World Court on or about Jan. 11, 2011 in Southern Ukraine. On television they were depicted as being executed by the hanging about the neck until death on a white stage and in front of witnesses. Other now current Members of Congress have shared those facts on television also. We know that it is possible to use look alike artificial or manmade replacements, however Rep. Lucas was not eligible to serve as a Congressional Member after that time.

The World knows the truth and We must always display and communicate the truth. I will always share public information with the truth when honored to serve as your Representative.

June 24, I need your vote. The vote cannot be overlooked by the Judicial Branch, however the vote must be there and in order to be heard as the will of The People and not cast-off.

I have no words for how beautiful that is. Truly it brings a tear to my eye.

Early Morning Open Thread

So I got bored tonight and entered all the Borderlands 2 shift codes I could find. So now I have 235 keys I can use plus some skins. Been really having fun in that game lately. Didn’t really play any of it tonight though (or much multiplayer in general) due to some internet issues. So I mainly hacked and slashed my way through Shadow Warrior and Dead Pool.

I love having options.

What a day…

My attempt to sleep last night was met with failure due to some aches and pains. I only managed to sleep between moments when the painkillers did their dirty work. So for my first day back I was already exhausted.

Then afternoon hits and while I’m on my first break I heard there was an accident in our parking lot (and later on I heard it was on the crosswalk in front of the store so I’m not sure which location it happened in). Apparently a pedestrian got hit by a car, and from the sound of it the person in the car didn’t even stop because they really wanted that parking space. To make matters worse they blamed the pedestrian for not moving fast enough… An ambulance arrived on scene to take the poor guy away, but it was too late. We got a call back stating that he didn’t even make it to the hospital, he died not long after the accident. If all of this is true then this is downright manslaughter and hopefully this asshat gets their just desserts. It’s pretty sad that some people value a parking space or an object over the life of a living person. How we’ve fallen as a society.

Then I passed an asshole I didn’t really want to talk to (not to me but to people I do care about). But on the brightside I got off work early, but I couldn’t call home because our answer machine wasn’t working. So I ended up cruising the web waiting for a ride. I would have walked but it was pissing down rain and I didn’t want my laptop to get wet.

The first thing I did when I got home was jump into some PJ’s, make some berry tea and boot up Linux. I just finished eating a very bacon oriented dinner and now I’m contemplating some rest to make up for what I lacked today. Sleep away the terrible things and try to move in a more positive direction.

All of the gaming.

Over vacation I decided to show my brother the awesomeness that is Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition. We both played using my logitech controllers on the HTPC. After that I’ve been looking at my collection to see what other things can be done with two people in the living room. So far I’ve mainly found fighting games to be the best for us. Multiplayer FPS doesn’t really work on one keyboard, and fuck doing that with a controller. Portal 2 is still kind of wonky between two controllers let alone a keyboard and a controller from what I can tell. I still need to test Octodad, Lara Croft and the guardian of light, both audiosurfs and anything else that stands out in my collection.

Oh and speaking of controllers I recently got a Logitech F510. It’s basically a hybrid of the F310 and F710, it’s wired but also has a dualshock motor in it. I gave my brother the F310 since I don’t really need 3 controllers. 😛 Plus he’s interested in getting a copy of Mortal Kombat for himself anyway.

Right now I’m updating my gaming laptop so that I can start off lunch tomorrow with a bang (ha ha ha! bang!). Guess I’ll also have to think of what to actually bring to lunch.