The Mind Of OverlordTomala


Hello, I haven’t written anything in awhile. Been mostly relaxing and gaming, and here’s a video of some Borderlands 2 shenanigans with my friend Yutram.

I’ll be heading back in bright n early on Wednesday. So I figured for my six day vacation I’d just screw off since it looks like I’ll be severely busy when I return. I’ll write more about it later. Just figured I’d write something since it’s been awhile.

The United Racists and special snowflakes of America

We’ve been playing Mexican music at work every other song as part of a Mexican food promotion, and it’s interesting because it has annoyed certain people. To an extent it annoys me because a lot of the songs are the same with not much variety, but to one lady I helped today she felt it was unamerican to play such music, and when I tried to lightly jest that “Well, America is the worlds melting pot” she blurted out “Next we’ll be playing Iraq music”. I promptly shut up. It would be funny if we were promoting middle eastern food after this though. 😛 It would be such karma.

Then I had a woman show me her friends ass on her smartphone when trying to locate a particular pair of underwear that we didn’t even carry. It was halfway down her ass. She also screamed a lot and on top of that she kept throwing things down on the ground. Her friend looked rather embarrassed and kept saying “Lets go home I’m tired of shopping”.

Oh, I probably won’t be around later today. After I get home I’ll have to wind down and hit the rack early so I get go to work for an early shift. They’re making sure I’m exhausted before my vacation starts.

Is that steam in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

I saw this article about a portable steambox called a steamboy.

This sounds interesting, although the specs do leave me asking a few questions. Like does it use SD cards? What kind of quad core processor will it use? And of course what are we looking at in terms of battery life?

Either way it’s a nifty idea, and if it takes off that would be great. Although the amount of space they give you (32 GB) doesn’t really give you much room for some titles unless you focus on smaller side scroller type games. Imagine playing something like skyrim. Although you could factor in the in home streaming bit, that could be very useful. Hell it’s been great sitting out in the living room with a controller streaming some Devil May Cry or anything else controller friendly. I can fool people into thinking I have a console. 😛

What’s the best thing Microsoft can do for PC Gaming?


“For us, E3 is a console show and an Xbox show, and for us as Microsoft, Xbox is our gaming brand, and it’s the thing we can fill an arena like this, we get millions of people to watch us on TV and we show our games and it’s a brand that people care about,” he said.

C’mon Microsoft we get the picture. You have a console to sell and PC gaming gets in the way of your little walled garden. They’re making Linux sound better and better everytime they pull this crap.

Yeah, I’m still here…

I usually try to post at least once a day. I sure blew that one didn’t I? 😛

I’ve just been tired both mentally and physically. I’ve even started getting these strange headaches that only last for about a second. It’s very hard to describe but they happen mostly when I’m at work, and very rarely during my off time. It only happened once today, but if I’m at work it happens up to two or three times. I’ve been keeping track of it but also trying not to worry about it. Work has been pretty stressful though. As usual they’ve been finding ways to cut us shorter at night. If they have their way in a few years there will be one person running the entire store. But yeah, lately it’s mostly been two people doing everything after 7pm which leaves us with 4 hours of dealing with summer traffic. I’ll be taking some time off next Thursday though for about a week so hopefully I’ll get my shit together.

So during my offtime I’ve been just playing games, researching this and that. Like tonight when I decided to try out OBS, an open source alternative to video capture programs such as FRAPS. It’s free and has a ton of features, such as plugins, the ability to record different video formats, overlays and a bunch of other fun stuff. I like the idea that I can record full 1080 to an flv/mp4 file. That’ll make my recording drives keep more storage for projects. 😀

A milestone

I recently discovered that I had over 100 subscribers on YouTube. Which means at some point I should probably make some kind of milestone. I’m not sure what to do either since I never really expected to get above 7 subs. So I’ll have to give this some thought.

To those of you who read the blog and sub’d to my youtube, thank you it means alot! I’m not sure how you arrived on my planet or why but it’s still appreciated. 😀 And to those who don’t sub but still watch my videos, thank you for being really bored and putting up with me.