The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Carmageddon: Reincarnation

One of my most anticipated games for this year has finally been released (and in early access no less). Carmageddon: Reincarnation can now be purchased on Steam for $29.99. For those who have never heard of Carmageddon it’s a racing game like no other! The object isn’t about racing around the track to beat the other racers, hehehheheheh that would be too boring. You have to beat your enemies… to a pulp by running into them. If you’re the sensitive type you probably shouldn’t watch this trailer:

I had fun in the original versions. Can’t wait to tear into that and give it a spin. I always liked the electro bastard ray among the other power-up’s (and downs) you could get in the series.

Video stuffs will be post poned for a bit.


My computer has been acting up under Windows 7. Since I never gave it a clean reinstall after adding the new motherboard, processor and video card I’m thinking I should just clean things up and try again. It’s annoying to be typing or working on something and suddenly get a black screen crash. The worst part is that it happens randomly, and the event log isn’t telling me anything to help me pinpoint it. If a reinstall clears all of my troubles it’ll be great.

If you look up the definition of irony you’ll find Sen. Leland Yee

I’m a firm believer in karma. And man did the karma hit Senator Lee like a drunk plane into asphalt.

Let me set this up, because it’s just majestic… Senator Yee back in 2005 tried to pass a law that would ban violent video games from California. It failed. Then with all of the shootings that have been taking place (notably Sandy Hook) he felt it was time again to say his piece, but first telling anyone who is a gamer to basically shut up.

“Gamers have got to just quiet down. Gamers have no credibility in this argument. This is all about their lust for violence and the industry’s lust for money. This is a billion-dollar industry. This is about their self-interest.”

Now here is where the irony sets in. He’s against guns, gun violence, and violent video games that happen to include guns that he got his ass in hot water over trafficking guns.

According to the criminal complaint filed in San Francisco this week, Jackson operated a consulting business where he worked closely with Yee on his multiple campaigns, including his 2011 San Francisco mayoral campaign. The duo managed to solicit donations from undercover FBI Agents in excess of the $500 donation limit; at least one of those FBI agents, who was posing as a businessman, wrote Yee a $5,000 check to his mayoral campaign.

After Yee lost, he faced $70,000 in campaign debt. He and Jackson solicited the same “business associates” to help pay that off, and in exchange, offered up “certain official acts.” The purported corruption continued well into Yee’s campaign for Secretary of State this year. According to the complaint, he continued tapping the undercover FBI agents for more money, and in exchange, he did them favors — including facilitating a meeting with an arms dealer to traffic weapons through the Port of Newark in New Jersey.

Violent video games = bad. Selling guns for a profit = Totally ok!

Gotta love ol murica.

A collectors edition of a game that doesn’t come with the game.

So I’ve been following the new Wolfenstein game coming out for quite some time now, if you haven’t heard about it check out this trailer:

Anyway. I was doing my usual rounds of reading during my lunch today and found that Bethesda has a special version you can buy called “Wolfenstein: The New Order Panzerhund Edition “.


It’s excellent, it comes with some maps (not digital ones), an X Ray of something, a robot dog and more. Really cool stuff for $100. One problem though: It doesn’t include the game.

This collector’s edition does not include a copy of the game. Keep your pre-order at your favorite retailer and we’ll send you these goodies separately—this way we can ship these boxes worldwide and you’re not stuck waiting for your game to come along with an oversized, expensively shipped box.

Uh huh… Why have an expensively giant box to ship when you can just fork over 100 clams PLUS the amount to preorder the game? How thoughtful.

So… OculusRift got bought out by Facebook.

Never in my life would I ever think to hear the words “John Carmack works for Mark Zuckerburg” in one sentence. Yep! The Oculus Rift project has been bought up by Facebook. So I guess now you’ll be able to VR Farmville, and maybe John Carmack will bring DooM to facebook! Oh god… The entire internet is in an uproar about this right now.

“Mobile is the platform of today, and now we’re also getting ready for the platforms of tomorrow,” Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says. “Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play and communicate.”

Suddenly the Sony Equivalent is looking a tad nicer.

In a world where companies eat each other.

For awhile I was contemplating joining to get away from YouTube’s ever changing stupidity. But then they were purchased by Maker Studios which is a YouTube owned company. Now Maker Studios has been purchased by none other than Disney, who can’t seem to stop purchasing things like LucasArts and Marvel Comics.

On that note I wonder what the next starwars will look like. Will Goofy play Jar Jar Binks? Will the lightsabers have googly eyes and sing inspirational songs? And what about Marvel Comics? Maybe Donald Duck will become an XMen and Deadpool will grow Mickey Mouse ears.

What a way to start the day!

Remember how I said I didn’t know my schedule? Well, looks like I didn’t have the slightest idea (aside from knowing my days off were split). They rewrote it apparently and didn’t say anything. Thought I was supposed to go in at 3pm today and it turned out I was supposed to be there at 2pm. Luckily I was already awake today when they called. So I didn’t have to jump out of bed and leave in a huff.

I have the day off today. Wonder what I’ll do. 😛

Sunday Morning Open Thread

Went for a walk today. In sunlight! :O It was a bit brisk but at least it was sunny. Got all my clothes and cosmetics laid out for the week. Been drinking some nice red loose leaf chai, listening to ACDC and writing stuff up for more YouTube pr0nz.

I haven’t put up my work schedule on the calendar yet because this week is going to be a little all over the place. They have been rearranging the schedules lately and from day to day I literally have no idea when I’ll be working.

So I have a tumblr now.

Well, for about a week anyway. I decided to make one so that I could access pictures to torture a certain tumblr whore friend of mine. Now that I have one I’m thinking I might use it for syndicating my videos, and random SFM pictures that I’d like to share that might be for steam, like maybe works in progress for videos, or nonsensical things like this:
