Those pants are no more…
And now for something a little light hearted
With all the depressing crap lately it helps to watch something like this:
Florida Prisons really know how to hard boil a guy…
Trigger warning: If you have a weak stomach you might want to stop reading right now. This is about a man who was boiled in prison by some prison guards, and while there are no pictures included it was hard enough for me to write this. But it’s too stupid for me to not rant about it:
Before heading to bed I usually take one more swoop of teh internetz to see if there is anything interesting before hitting the sack. Sort of like a bedtime story of sorts. What I found in my feeds didn’t have a happy ending for anyone.
MIAMI, FL — A torturous “punishment” session turned fatal for a mentally-ill prisoner, when prison guards forced him to stand in a tiny shower stall while being blasted by scalding hot water until his skin began to shrivel away from his body and he died. Fellow inmates say he begged for his life before collapsing in the shower.
He was in prison for possessing cocaine and he was accused of crapping on the prison floor… when did being mentally ill merit such a horrific punishment? I’m not trying to defend someone who ended up in prison for storing drugs, but at the same time these prison guards committed a murder as far as I’m concerned. Prisoner or not that was illegal and immoral. I wouldn’t wish that death on my worst enemy. Except maybe the people who would force someone to do this…
Rainey, who suffered from mental illness, was accused of defecating in his cell without cleaning it up. The Florida’s Department of Corrections often comes up with cruel and imaginative punishments for prisoners — allegedly ranging from starvation diets to forcing prisoners to fight so the guards could place bets.
I know some Pelican Bay prison guards (current and retired) who live around here, and there are at least two who would have the same personality traits as the guards in the news story. It makes me question what type of personality you would have to possess to want to do these things to people. If these people couldn’t become prison guards where would they end up? Would they be murders?
Of course this being America I wouldn’t be surprised if this became the new death penalty.
Back in the saddle again
The first thing I did when I got home was… use the bathroom. Then I tore into reinstalling Fedora 19. I finished tweaking it to my liking under KDE and xfce which I have decided (a long time ago) are my two fave desktop environments. I even got my wireless controller working under there thanks to some open source drivers via rpm. 😀
Since I haven’t been into Windows for the last few days I figured tonight I would return to it. Played a bit of Portal 2 with a controller and it wasn’t too bad although it felt weird. Mostly had chats going otherwise. Just a bit ago I had a random system reboot and my logs seem to point to my current video drivers. I’m hoping this is a fluke. Luckily the warranty is still good though.
Special Snowflakes in May
As planned there were a bunch of customers and hardly anyone around. I have to say I got the nice tourists tonight. After closing though I passed some guy who was complaining that he wanted to go inside to buy batteries after we’ve already been closed and claimed that it was bad business to not let him in… and that he should be let in since there is already a line. I love people and their first world problems.
Speaking of first world problems I’m sure quite a few have already heard about that virgin dude who got upset about how women didn’t throw themselves at his feet.
He’s handsome but damn that attitude is just disgusting. Calling yourself “the perfect gentlemen”, “the perfect guy” etc etc is… disturbing. If you have to tell yourself you’re “the perfect guy” you have some serious problems. Enough for ladies to look at you and go “Helllll no”. Not so perfect anymore is he?
At least the parents notified the police ahead of time that he might have been up to something. But nothing really got done until 6 people got killed… I imagine if he were of another color/race things would have been nipped in the bud far sooner.
Early Morning Open Thread
I have everything up and running on Fedora 20 so far. I did run into a kernal panic relating to my video driver though. So if it keeps up I might have to revert back to 19. The only problem I had under that was voice corruption over mumble (and maybe other programs without realizing it) which can be avoided by leaving out some updates, and since the latest kernal update seems to hate me on both versions I might as well roll back. Not now though, I’ll continue to ride this out and see if I can fix anything with it. I have a busy weekend ahead of me.
As usual I have to work memorial day weekend. The tourists are already here and man some of them are crazy. One of them tried to get me to meet up with them at one of the local bars and got upset when I turned them down. I was polite too, they didn’t like the idea that I didn’t date customers (or employees for that matter). I got him on his toes though when I gave a big smile and told him to have a nice day. Turns out that guy was with a couple other dudes, and they were shoplifting… You know, given the choice to either date one of these dudes or be forever alone, the latter somehow seems more peaceful.
It lives!
Up and running on the new computer. Had some issues after we plugged more hardware in, but after pulling out what turned out to be a faulty media card bay it stopped Michael Baysploding on every reboot/powerup.
I did head over to Linux to get things setup, but to my dismay after running the latest updates mumble took a giant shite. Now whenever I Voice chat it sounds like I’m possessed by Satan’s arse. I might give Fedora 20 a go and see if it’s matured at all.
As for the R9 290 I haven’t had any black screens yet. Hopefully it stays that way.
Another Open Thread
I can honestly say that Sunday was a total drag. We were swamped, understaffed, and our boss gave all of us her work to do. Which we got done but our jobs suffered for it. Every single section looked like a disaster which I’m sure she’s loving right now. Especially since there is supposed to be a corporate visit.
If they call me in early (and I’m pretty sure they will) I’m going to enjoy a well deserved sleep. It’s my 7th work day anyway and I be plum tuckered out. She can at least be thankful that I cleaned out my fitting rooms. In one I’m pretty sure someone stole a pair of underwear. Someone left behind a thoroughly blood soaked pair as a gift for us. Oh well, this doesn’t happen too often. I remember we also had a guy leave us some leftover knuckle children on the floor one of men’s fitting rooms. People are so thoughtful and considerate of others. Also very giving…
Gotta love living in the brawndo era.
Weekend Open Thread
Today will be my final full work shift. They’ve started cutting hours (it was only a matter of time). It’s a bummer since less hours means less money (unless they try to call me in at the last minute), but in a way I’m a little ok with it since they’re working me 8 days straight. Tomorrow I’ll stay up a bit later and have an epic sleep. 🙂
Getting closer…
Got a full refund on the motherboard, and the replacement I ordered from another store has been tested. Appears to be in working order. 😀 Which is great because I can’t wait to frisbee this friggin’ mobo.