The Mind Of OverlordTomala

It’s moments like these that make me happy to come home to a not drama queen infested hell hole.

Yesterday I witnessed quite an interesting performance. I was summoned to help someone put together a shoe table since well, the materials are rather heavy but pretty simple to put together once you have a basic understanding of insert figure a into slot b. For reasons unknown the person I was helping felt it was necessary to use a rubber mallet to knock the parts into place.

There were three pieces. I had a poll with two wheels, she did as well, and there was a metal dowel to connect the two together. Seems simple, right? I held up my side and she slid in the dowel, then she tried to shove hers in, and while holding the dowel and the mallet she kinda forgot to hold her side up and well… banged her head. She looked like she was going to cry, kept rubbing her head and kept going owowowowowowow all the way to the break room to grab an ice pack.

Injuries are a serious thing, don’t get me wrong on that. But methinks the lady came off as a tad Shakespearean. I’ve hit my head before, and I usually rub my head until the pain subsides. Of course that is her personality. She’s quite the drama queen in every definition of the word. She’s what you would call the stereotypical female. She’s a gossip, always has to spread BS in her wake, if she doesn’t like you she’ll start spreading petty rumors around, believes others cause drama and doesn’t understand why it follows her everywhere and it just goes on and on to the point that I could write a god damned biography. You can try reporting her, but our boss is a total flake and just believes every word she says. So you either have to put up or shut up.

Oh well. It made for good joke fodder last night. After all I have to keep up my “Class Clown” personality.

An unfair comparison

So, people have been talking about the new Tomb Raider Definitive Edition and how big of a graphical improvement it is over the original.

Kotaku is making a comparison of Definitive Edition to PC’s that can play last years released version on full.

At first I thought Definitive was the PC version being ported over to console and to a point it is. TressFX finally made it over to the consoles which was the big separator between the PC and console versions a year ago (other than maybe a few other graphical enhancements such as shaders). It still held back some graphical progress on PC since in the end as beautiful as it was it was still a console port.

The XBone and PS4 run on updated hardware, so it only makes sense to improve game the game quality as shown in the video above. This will also mean that the PC master race will not be held back by consoles for quite some time. 😛

Open Thread

My Hard Drives arrived today. So I’ve been prepping my Steam install on one of them. I should be finished with the copy soon. In the meantime I’ve been drinking some nice chocolate peppermint tea.

I’ve been drinking a lot of their teas lately. I’ve purchased a bunch of dessert teas and some loose leaf variates. I’ve been pissing like a race horse but damn they all taste so good. I had a Blood Orange Cranberry loose leaf black tea earlier that was just excellent.

Birth Control: It’s for ladies who can’t control their vajayjays


Do you suffer from wandering vagina syndrome? No? Well, apparently some people think it’s for women who can’t control their labido.

“I think it’s time Republicans no longer accept listening to the Democrats talk about a ‘war on women,’” Huckabee said during a speech at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting in Washington. “The fact is the Republicans don’t have a war on women, they have a war for women, to empower them to be something other than victims of their gender.”

Yes, they want to empower the ladies… by telling them they can rule over the entire kitchen with an iron fist.

Huckabee said Democrats rely on women believing they are weaker than men and in need of government handouts, including the contraception mandate in Obamacare.

I wonder how these guys would like it if women attacked Viagra and Cialis as much as these guys attack Birth Control. Sounds like fair game to me. 😛

Huckabee said Democrats tell women “they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government.

Oh god…. when I got to Uncle Sugar when I was reading this today I almost spat tea all over my monitor. I mean, Uncle Sugar? Someone needs to make a pimped out Uncle Sam with the title “Uncle Sugar wants yo fine ass to have birth control”.

But in all seriousness why do these guys make women the centerpiece of this war? They always make it sound like the woman is the sex crazed monster and the man just kinda accidentally gets his dick stuck between her legs.

Stop sniffing the “chemtrails”

Tonight as I was coming back from my lunchbreak I caught up with an old friend of the family who happens to work at the store. He’s a nice guy, although over the last few years I think he has been showing signs of dementia. He rambles outloud from time to time about certain things but I never really paid it any mind. Then tonight he was telling me about how the “chemtrails” are getting worse because this morning the sky was a “wrong color of orange”. He also tried relating it to people getting sick.

There is a flu going around as well as a few colds. But that’s primarily because the weather has been rather balmy in the evening, not to mention a lot of people around here don’t make enough to afford calling in sick. So we have people with runny noses all coughing and wheezing while working in places that deal with food, the public, etc. I explained that to him and he said “that was only one part of it” and continued on how chemtrails are being used to control the population in the United States.

I normally hear this talk when I pass people I hardly even know. But this is someone I’ve known for a long chunk of my life.


I always hate this time of the year

Normally January is a terrible month for work since most of the spending was done between Black Friday and Christmas Eve. Ever since the start of the new year though it’s been absolutely terrible. Next week I only get 13.5 hours of work. I’ve never had my hours cut that low before. 19 or 18 at the lowest… but 13? Why even have me on the schedule at all?

Of course this isn’t much of a surprise. On Sundays we’re pretty busy due to the after church crowd but they didn’t stick around nearly as long. Hopefully they’ll try to call me in (and not at the last minute), but if not at least I’ll have plenty to keep me busy.

I ordered a couple 2 TB Hard Drives (two brand new ones for $89 each which is pretty cheap) to replace a couple of 1 TB’s that are starting to show their age. One of them is a video scratch drive that I use and the other is my Steam drive. Seeing as I only have 98 GB left on it I guess it’s time to move Steam to a 2 TB for more real estate. 😛 I’m thinking I’ll turn the old Steam drive into another drive for storing FRAPS footage along side my other scratch drives. That will put me at 4 TB that I can hotswap, and one scratch drive that I already have inside the the system… so 5 TB for FRAPS footage? That is a lot of pr0nz. 8) Speaking of pr0nz I got bored and made this in SFM.

The results are in. The R9 290 is awesomesauce

Of course that’s pretty much why I upgraded. 😛 Handles Tomb Raider and Shadow Warrior like a champ. Even improved my frame rate in Serious Sam 3. Before I was getting 60 frames or lower, now it stays between 160 to 250. I look forward to newer generation games just to see how they perform. 🙂