New Idiots Of Garrys Mod!
I remember back in 2006 when my friend Yutram shared random videos from a Source modification called Garrys Mod. Thanks to him and another friend BAD I would later on not only buy my own copy of Orange Box and Garrys Mod, but would be completely absorbed into said universes. ICTON made a new gmod machinima recently with some old and new mixed in, and I have to say they haven’t lost their touch at all.
Big picture is AWESOME
Calling it an early night tonight since I’m going in early for work later today. I did take the time to make a nice bowl of mango salsa and test out big picture on the big screen TV. Everything went with flying colors! I even got out my controller and played a few games using it (like Fez, Mortal Kombat and a few others).
When I got home from work we even kinda did a family TV night. Watched some adult swim stuffs from their website. Looked perfect. So far this HTPC idea is working quite nicely. I might have to invest in a wireless controller just so I can chillax on the couch and pretend I’m on an XBox… only like 100 times more awesome.
Open Thread
We’re building a family entertainment PC to store movies, videos and games. Tonight I streamed games from my desktop to it and maaaan it was awesome. It ran as if the games were installed on the HTPC directly. I’ll post more details about it later. I have many more experiments to run on it. I’m already drooling at the thought of playing TF2 in the living room on a big screen. Good luck doing that on a console…
Weekend Open Thread
I participated in a trivia party at a relay for life fundraiser. Unfortunately our team didn’t win, but at least we weren’t in last place! Oddly enough there was a team that I recognized as being a bunch of the conspiracy theorists that I see almost everyday. Oddly enough they came in last.
After that I came home and finished up part 1 of Bioshock Infinite’s Burial At Sea. Man was it trippy… Can’t wait for part 2 to come out! Oh, and on another note I’ll be releasing a couple videos soon. One will be a review and the other will be a sorta lets play of Fez. I’ve noticed that whenever I play a single player game of some kind I tend to talk about what I’m doing out loud, or just make stupid remarks. This happened when I played the first Bioshock. My friends thought I was filming at the time but I never did because I figured there was no point to it. Since then I’ve had some encouragement from various people to try it at least once. And by try I mean just do what I always do, but leave FRAPS running. I’ve added the days I’ll be releasing both to my event calendar.
The world is about to see how annoying I am outside of the reviewing realm.
I’ve come down with a case of the blahs
Didn’t feel very good yesterday, still feeling kinda blah. I guess I’ll hold off on my plans until Friday.
Tea tea tea tea tea tea tea
My flowering tea arrived today! Plus a nice brick of matcha. I’ll have to get through my other supplies first before I tear into it. Now I just need to wait for my shipment of loose leaf chai and I’ll be set until I decide I’m missing something in my tea life again.
At present I’m having the last of the vanilla peach rooibos which has a nice smooth flavor to it. Before I go to lie down I think I’ll make a batch of lemongrass herbal tea.
lately my consumption of tea has become even more serious. I’ve been making sure to take a thing of tea with me to work everyday hot or iced, caffeinated and decaf. I should review tea next… lol.
Speaking of reviews, I’ll have a small review of a TF2 map in a day or two. Not that it matters, just getting it out there.
Still no black screens
Well I think I figured out my black out issue. I don’t think it was the video card after all. Forcing Windows 7 to see all of my cores and hyperthreads seemed to stop it. I’ve gone 3 days without a single black screen (fingers crossed). I’ve also set the voltages back to stock for the time being. If all goes well I’ll start venturing into overclock territory for both the CPU and GPU.
Early Morning Open Thread
I’ve been experimenting with the voltages on my video card in an attempt to solve a black screen problem on my R9 290. When I up’d it by +10 I locked the system solid while writing text files and listening to music, then I lowered it to -10 and got a black screen after about an hour of uptime. I’ve increased it to +20 and so far I haven’t crashed yet. I’ve been working on audio and source filmmaker most of the night too so hopefully lack of voltage was the issue. Either way when I get a black screen again I’ll know it isn’t solved. 😛
So during my crashing/non crashing I wrote up a few reviews for me to do, plus set a stage for a different SFM video where Yutram and I make fun of a particular statue. I won’t name what it is but it’s pretty bad…