The Mind Of OverlordTomala

I’m gonna sleep goooooood tonight.

I knocked off at about 1 am this morning, sadly my brain didn’t shut off until about 6am. Then my alarm went off at 8am. I pretty much ran on auto-pilot for the entire day.

Sure enough it was crazy busy, hell it felt like it could have been Black Friday minus the injuries and deaths. 😛 Just about everyone had a good tone, and understood that if they couldn’t find it then that was that. Also Doctor Who was on in our breakroom all day which always puts me in a good mood. 😛 We did have one person get extremely pissed that we closed early today. Didn’t even know what day it was. My what a special snowflake…

Now I can focus on having a nice Christmas eve/Christmas day. As soon as I get some food into me I’ll be collapsing like a mofo.

It’s almost over…

In less than ten hours I can finally put an end to this shit-tastic holiday. The majority of the last minute Christmas shoppers have been just insufferable pricks in large numbers. So large in fact that we can’t get anything done. This could be dealt with if they had more than four cashiers scheduled downstairs and not calling other departments to fill in the gaps. This lead to me running literally the entire upstairs alone again. I kept my cool though and probably made some of the cashiers rage a bit though, everytime they needed help over the phone I was already helping a customer, then another customer, then another. Sometimes I had them waiting on the phone for up to 20 minutes. One finally said “Is there anyone else you can direct me to since you’re busy?” and I said “Yeah! They’re all checking!”. Oh that was such a small but excellent pleasure.

I should be going to bed right now, but there’s no way in hell I can instantly go from getting home to going straight to bed. I need to unwind first.

What the duck?

I’ll be honest. I’ve heard of Duck Dynasty but never really had an interest in watching it or looking up what it even was. I just knew that everyone else in town thinks it’s the bees knees for whatever reason. At work we sell lots of Duck Dynasty Merch (Shirts, Cups, Pillows, Beards etc) and by looking at it I thought it was some kind of fictitious redneck show about four guys that hunt and got famous by making a special duck call whistle. Then I find these pictures and find… well I’m half right. Look at these before and after pics:





Damn, amazing what can happen to you in about ten years time. But yeah, I was half right about the fiction part. This is a reality show… now I’m even happier I haven’t made time to watch it.

Anyway, as I said earlier we sell lots of Duck Dynasty stuff where I work. Sales have increased since Phil Robertson, one of the four guys, made some comments about Gays and African Americans. Which Colbert does a good job discussing.

The funny part is the people decrying that all he did was speak for himself, so why should he be denied his freedom of speech? He’s not being denied… He has the right to say whatever he wants, and A&E has the right to run their channel however they want. It’s kinda like when Rush Limbaugh lost all of his sponsors after attacking Sandra Fluke and saying some, rather indecent things. People thought his freedom of speech was being violated when in reality it wasn’t. Freedom of speech can impact things. These people said things that pissed off a bunch of people, and they used THEIR freedom of speech to do as they pleased in both situations. In this case losing sponsors or getting rid of an racist anti gay fuckwad from a show on a channel you run.

In the end though it’s kinda funny to see someone talk about how wrong gay sex is, from the very guy who created a duck whistle to make male ducks think you want to fuck them. I think I’ll file this show under American Idol status and just bury it.


Looks like the crazies got him back on the air. Soooo, about that free speech?

This is why you don’t tell people you’re a girl… or a gamer… or use dating sites… or breathe…

This is from a webseries called “OKCupid is the best!” where the hostess solikebasically shares the strangest things she finds in her OKCupid inbox. In this particular episode some guy discovers that she likes games, the awkwardness is soon followed with morbid disgust.

Was that really necessary? Usually when someone doesn’t respond to you that means you move on, you know… more fish in the sea and all that jazz? Of course, she’s also getting criticized for doing the unthinkable and posting his messages to her in public for all to hear. Just think, this could have been avoided if he just dropped it after the first post.

More fun in SFM

Valve added some new features to SFM yesterday. The ability to shrink and embiggen (yes, I have decided that will be an actual word) any model. Here is something I came up with while playing around. Tremble in horror at the thought of there being more than one of “me”.


Of course that scares me too. Thankfully I’m the only one. 😀

Idiot of the day

Damn, she was soooo close to being a candidate for the Darwin Awards… 🙄

A “female tourist” has been rescued by police in Melbourne, Australia after walking off a pier. It wasn’t a suicide attempt. She was just too busy looking at Facebook on her phone.

Victoria Police say the woman – who couldn’t swim – walked off the famous St. Kilda pier at 11:30pm last night after becoming “engrossed in social media”.


YouTube’s new content ID system SUCKS


If you haven’t been following YouTube’s rollout of their brand new content ID system and happen to like doing your own lets plays/videos with monetezation enabled you miiiiiight not like what’s been going down.

The new content ID system is so sensitive that it picks up on music from within your game. Once it detects a match you’ll get a copyright flagged, normally automatically done by a youtube bot. This has caused some big YouTubers like AngryJoe and Total Biscuit to stand up and say something.

The whole thing is ridiculous. Even to the point of small companies getting flagged over music in their OWN game trailers.


If YouTube doesn’t do something soon they might have people march off and vote with their own feet. Remember, MySpace used to be the most popular website out there until Facebook came along. YouTube may be owned by Google, but there are alternatives out there, and if you’re going to alienate some of your users then it might be time to set sail to a different location. Even I’m looking into other options.