The Mind Of OverlordTomala

What I did during my days off + thoughts on the new realMyst

My projects during my weekend included finishing Bioshock Infinite and srcds server attention. Basically that consisted of checking in on the servers I haven’t been on in awhile. I also changed the spawn rate on the special infected in L4D2 to match L4D1’s since it always annoyed me how they sped up the specials in the later game while grouping them all so close together, instead of spreading them out a bit like in the original.

Then of course I saw that realMyst Masterpiece Edition released on Steam today. I decided to purchase it to see what it would look like and well, I have mixed emotions.

First, the game crashed 3 times before finally loading it in 1920 x 1080, anti aliasing doesn’t seem to be working right, and the game isn’t properly optimized. I was getting a framerate of 30 to 45, which doesn’t make any sense on something like the unity engine. I hate to be brutally honest but games like Shadow Warrior and Tomb Raider have a better framerate with more objects being thrown around PLUS better graphic detail (I laughed at those who said this version of realMyst has the best graphics compared to any game out on the market… HA!) Then of course there was that confounded random hangup that took place about every 3 to 5 steps. At first I thought it was due to the autosave feature but sadly that wasn’t the case. Oh, and there was some sort of strange glitch when walking towards the book room where Sirus and Achenar’s books were kept. The room went from being dim, to moving over slightly and brightening up. YOU ARE RUINING MY IMMERSION!!!!!!111111111

But it wasn’t all terrible. I did like the flashlight feature, that was pretty cool. The return of the day/night cycle was excellent, I laughed at the night time butterflies, the water looked nice, although these days it’s pretty easy to make nice looking water as well as adding bloom and shine. But then it is a rerererere?make of a classic game on a newer engine with newer textures so…

Hopefully they fix the optimization soon. It’s really annoying to play it with that constant pausing.

Yep, still here.

Not much to report about. Decided to experiment with new AMD drivers under Linux, failed, and rolled back to a previous version. Updated Steam to fix a bug that didn’t run 64 bit games on launch, played Painkiller Hell and Damnation almost perfectly (there was a bit of jitter that I could probably get rid of when I find time to play with the graphics settings) and then found out Toki Tori 2 can now be run under linux!

I also upgraded my drivers under Windows to the latest beta release. Hopefully it resolves some bugs that I’ve been seeing from time to time (random flickers once a blue moon). I’ll probably experiment with a few more things then head off to sleep. I finally have a semi-good schedule this week so I won’t be staying up as late as I have been the past couple weeks.

Duke Nukem Forever was so horrible that Duke 3D got a multiplayer update

Oh well. I’m sure it’ll make some people happy. I may even give it a shot at some point. But yes, Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition got an update on Steam yesterday that allows people to play multiplayer together.

Again, not a bad thing. But methinks 3D Realms reeeealy seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Early Morning Open Thread

I wasted about 3 hours trying to compile a video in SFM. For the first two hours it wouldn’t compile a video due to a permissions setting, then the third hour was wasted rendering a video that it didn’t want to play. I got around it by rendering it again as an mov instead of an mp4. Even then it gave me a shit fit but at least Premiere loaded it properly so that I could encode it as an f4v. It still needs to be edited in with other stuff but the bulk of the next video is done. On the bright side my room stayed plenty warm due to my CPU and GPU working their arses off.

I guess now I can lie in bed and listen to the raindrops outside my window and fall into a deep sleep like I did last night.

Breaking News! Prince has 22 fans, but that might change…


International superstar Prince is back on the copyright warpath, yet again targeting individuals who are quite possibly some of his biggest fans. In a lawsuit filed in the Northern District of California, Prince is chasing down fans who found links to his live concerts and posted them on Facebook and blogs. The unlucky 22 individuals, 20 of whom are yet to be identified, face a damages claim of $22 million.

Wow, not only did 22 people actually care enough about his music to link it, he’s going out of his way to punish people for linking to video of his concerts. Not attacking the uploaders from what I understand, rather the people linking to it… His brilliance knows no bounds.

A steady diet of green teas, SFM, and explosions.

A couple nights ago I met up with a friend in mumble, we had a fun drunk conversation regarding a Linux chart I found recently. I’ve decided to take that conversation and make it into my next video. I already edited it in audition (remove empty gaps and other tedious work that needed to be done) and setup the stage.

I decided to also sit down and learn how to color items with a cool color script I found on the workshop. Now I can have all the colored flowerz. 😀

I was going to do a vlog over the weekend, but I think it can wait. I saved the questions that people sent me to add into the video though for when I go to do it so it’s not like I’m forgetting anyone. I haven’t done a vlog in awhile so, it can wait a bit longer I guess.

It’s moments like these that make me happy to come home to a not drama queen infested hell hole.

Yesterday I witnessed quite an interesting performance. I was summoned to help someone put together a shoe table since well, the materials are rather heavy but pretty simple to put together once you have a basic understanding of insert figure a into slot b. For reasons unknown the person I was helping felt it was necessary to use a rubber mallet to knock the parts into place.

There were three pieces. I had a poll with two wheels, she did as well, and there was a metal dowel to connect the two together. Seems simple, right? I held up my side and she slid in the dowel, then she tried to shove hers in, and while holding the dowel and the mallet she kinda forgot to hold her side up and well… banged her head. She looked like she was going to cry, kept rubbing her head and kept going owowowowowowow all the way to the break room to grab an ice pack.

Injuries are a serious thing, don’t get me wrong on that. But methinks the lady came off as a tad Shakespearean. I’ve hit my head before, and I usually rub my head until the pain subsides. Of course that is her personality. She’s quite the drama queen in every definition of the word. She’s what you would call the stereotypical female. She’s a gossip, always has to spread BS in her wake, if she doesn’t like you she’ll start spreading petty rumors around, believes others cause drama and doesn’t understand why it follows her everywhere and it just goes on and on to the point that I could write a god damned biography. You can try reporting her, but our boss is a total flake and just believes every word she says. So you either have to put up or shut up.

Oh well. It made for good joke fodder last night. After all I have to keep up my “Class Clown” personality.