The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Open Thread

I had a couple items arrive for me in the mail today. The Logitech G13 for my laptop (which works perfectly), and my shipment of matcha. I just polished off a ginger matcha latte, unfortunately I can’t really taste the ginger. I might have to try it prepared in the traditional method in a bit since I still have a bit of a thirst.

In fact I think I’ll go get some before I read and write more internetz.

Another toy I’ve been playing with.

Pretty much anywhere but the blog. I’ve been pretty distracted with some new stuff. I even vanished from my mumble server the other night when I found a new program to play with. I mentioned awhile back that I had issues under Windows 7 with my XFi sound card and not being able to manipulate certain audio channels with it properly. Well, I found something that works even better AND it’s geared towards gamers.

It’s a program called MorphVOX Pro. It costs about as much as FRAPS and gives you all kinds of vocal options. You can create your own settings and edit existing ones. You can also download additional addons and packages, most of them are free too! I’ve been testing it out for the last few days and immediately bought it. Between that and my Digitech I’ll have hundreds of options to annoy people with in any game or voice program. 😛 It also uses very little CPU which is important when using in games.

Full features include:

New professional interface using standard windows controls.
Expanded file format support including MP3 reading!
Backup/Restore all your settings to a single file.
Better list management for all your voices and sound effects.
Plug-In support, allow for more features now and in the future.
Multiple-user support, easily switch between different speakers.
Plus many more!

If you’re looking for a a good realtime voice changer I suggest trying the trial to see if you like it. Check out the sound and voice packs too for the lulz.

The last of the adopted three.

I went to the post office today to drop off a package and came home to a sad surprise. Our cat Sammy, our black bermease cat had his insides hanging out of his butt. Called the humane society and they were of no help (they said they would call back and never did) so we ended up calling the vet and taking him in only to find that he had to be put down. Which when your internals are hanging out like that I figured he wouldn’t make it for another day. Poor guy.

He’s the last of the original three we adopted six years ago. We had Tommy the orange tiger cat, Bobbi the stubby manx and Sammy.

It seems like every January 10th is a suck one. :/ Someone either dies, breaks, or finds another excuse to go wrong.

Homeland Security hates witches….?

I think someone escaped from a mental institution today, and it wasn’t me this time! I guess I had this coming since I’ve been having nice work days since the start of the new year. Anyways on with the shtory!

There was this old lady in the store today wearing a black TShirt with a fake tuxedo on it, black skirt and black pippy long stockings. Her hair was colored like a faded rainbow (you could see the gray through it), and she was complaining to me that the US gov could find her in Europe but not in the US, and because of this she couldn’t get any job. Then she told me her life story about how she was in Europe ready to become a University Professor (you have no idea how hard it was for me to keep a straight face, but luckily I watched enough Stephen Colbert to know how to keep a good poker face) and that Homeland Security ruined it for her. Thankfully I had a phone call save me from her blather, however… I would soon discover she had victimized a few other co-workers. She told one that she was a witch banned from the US for two years, and when she returned she was added to the “no fly list”, and to another she said she talked to the company founder back in the 90’s (which is funny considering he died in the 80’s) and he said we all needed to all stop being white trash Oregonians. Which is funny considering the only real white trash people are people who migrated here from the south with some exceptions of a few locals.

I’m glad it’s all over now at least. I can spend three days in my own little world where my friends are a slenderman with a mullet, a dalek from New Jersey, a blockdude, a spy, and an eyeball with a tophat. Oh god… I think I’m crazy too. O_o

A website for machinima that isn’t machinima.

I heard about this last night and decided to sign up. It’s called Gorilla Gong, a site hosted by Machinima peoples for Machinima peoples who make machinima and sometimes lets plays. They have a comment system that makes more sense than the current youtube one, and forums where you can discuss videos and stuff. It looked like fun so I decided to check it out. I might even put some of my videos up there if I’m feeling up to it. 😀

Finally! My R9 290 shipped.

It only took an entire month, but anyways I just received an email saying that it has been shipped. I guess I won’t have to pester them anymore with complaining emails. I still have a mind to message them once I get my card and tell them that this has been a friggen nightmare. Every website I have purchased PC components from usually informs you when they are out of a particular item, or the webpage disappears. You can setup websites to do that I mean… NewEgg, ebay and Amazon seem to have no issues with it. TigerDirect? Their website seems to be in the stoneage apparently. I’ve never dealt with them there up until my GPU purchase. Beforehand anything I bought through them was from within their ebay store. After this bit of back and forth I’ll try to keep it that way. I can honestly say that I won’t be recommending any of my friends or PC customers to their website unless it’s a last resort.

So now I’ll wait for that to arrive, plus my Logitech G13 for my laptop, then I’ll look for a new sound system.