I’ll be honest. I’ve heard of Duck Dynasty but never really had an interest in watching it or looking up what it even was. I just knew that everyone else in town thinks it’s the bees knees for whatever reason. At work we sell lots of Duck Dynasty Merch (Shirts, Cups, Pillows, Beards etc) and by looking at it I thought it was some kind of fictitious redneck show about four guys that hunt and got famous by making a special duck call whistle. Then I find these pictures and find… well I’m half right. Look at these before and after pics:


Damn, amazing what can happen to you in about ten years time. But yeah, I was half right about the fiction part. This is a reality show… now I’m even happier I haven’t made time to watch it.
Anyway, as I said earlier we sell lots of Duck Dynasty stuff where I work. Sales have increased since Phil Robertson, one of the four guys, made some comments about Gays and African Americans. Which Colbert does a good job discussing.
The funny part is the people decrying that all he did was speak for himself, so why should he be denied his freedom of speech? He’s not being denied… He has the right to say whatever he wants, and A&E has the right to run their channel however they want. It’s kinda like when Rush Limbaugh lost all of his sponsors after attacking Sandra Fluke and saying some, rather indecent things. People thought his freedom of speech was being violated when in reality it wasn’t. Freedom of speech can impact things. These people said things that pissed off a bunch of people, and they used THEIR freedom of speech to do as they pleased in both situations. In this case losing sponsors or getting rid of an racist anti gay fuckwad from a show on a channel you run.
In the end though it’s kinda funny to see someone talk about how wrong gay sex is, from the very guy who created a duck whistle to make male ducks think you want to fuck them. I think I’ll file this show under American Idol status and just bury it.
Looks like the crazies got him back on the air. Soooo, about that free speech?