The Mind Of OverlordTomala

YouTube’s new content ID system SUCKS


If you haven’t been following YouTube’s rollout of their brand new content ID system and happen to like doing your own lets plays/videos with monetezation enabled you miiiiiight not like what’s been going down.

The new content ID system is so sensitive that it picks up on music from within your game. Once it detects a match you’ll get a copyright flagged, normally automatically done by a youtube bot. This has caused some big YouTubers like AngryJoe and Total Biscuit to stand up and say something.

The whole thing is ridiculous. Even to the point of small companies getting flagged over music in their OWN game trailers.


If YouTube doesn’t do something soon they might have people march off and vote with their own feet. Remember, MySpace used to be the most popular website out there until Facebook came along. YouTube may be owned by Google, but there are alternatives out there, and if you’re going to alienate some of your users then it might be time to set sail to a different location. Even I’m looking into other options.

I’ve made contact.

Well I received a message (FINALLY) regarding why my payment for my R9 290 hasn’t cleared. Turns out they ran out and I’ve been put on back order status… lovely. They did say though that they would ship it out later this week. Hopefully. It would be my luck to make my purchase RIGHT when they ran out. At least they messaged me back about it… even though it took 3 tries. I was getting a bit rough around the edges since I’m trying to sell my parts off to someone who could put them to great use… ugh.

When they get that to me I’ll put my new CPU and GPU in, then I can rock and roll. I’ll have to see how much it’ll improve under Linux, and under windows I’ll have to see how much I can crank Tomb Raider up, and finally run Shadow Warrior at a framerate above 30. Wouldn’t that be nice!

Black Friday: The After Math

I’m kinda bummed. I ordered some stuff either on black friday/cyber monday and most of my stuff still hasn’t arrived. Although one thing did arrive today (which I ordered two weeks ago) and it arrived with someone elses order. Yeah, I got their invoice and address. I’ve contacted the company (World Market in this case) and am waiting for a reply back. One hell of a mistake too man, someone ordered three glass pillars and the shipment is worth $119.

Then of course I ordered a R9 290 a few days ago via TigerDirect (selling my 6950 and decided to upgrade) and my payment STILL hasn’t been processed. I have lots of stuff I ordered two weeks ago and the only thing I got was that stupid package today, plus my new CPU and two hard drives. What the hell? Did NewEgg, WorldMarket, TigerDirect etc etc pull a Wal-Mart and deliberately under staff themselves? This is bullshit! This is grade A 100% bullshit. Of course I’ve received emails from places like NewEgg saying “Your order may be slightly late due to the volume of Black Friday”. No, I think companies are deliberately under staffing their employees and it’s causing trouble for the few people who are scrambling to get anything done, and the customer waiting on the other end. I didn’t have problems like this at any other time of the year, so why now? I’m not the only one complaining about slow mail. There are lots of people out there who have ordered new parts and presents and the services have been slow as hell.

I regret waiting to buy that card. I didn’t expect the latest coin craze to cause such a drought on the GPU marketplace. I never could have predicted litecoin.

Sunday Morning Open Thread

I decided not to post anything until today as I felt at the start of my weekend any of my posts would have been more incoherent than usual. I was extremely exhausted. Instead I focused on getting some new programs running under Linux (which required some compiling and searching for the proper dependencies). One of them is a screen recorder. It’ll help me with some future linux themed video projects.

Speaking of projects I should work on a couple more at some point. I wanted to push out some but the holiday season has really been busting my chops. The first thing I did Friday morning was not move at all. It was cold out and I hurt in my everyplace. But at least I’ll have a nice paycheck, which this week won’t be as nice.

R I P Bobbi

I had a hard day at work today. It was insanely busy and most of the time this evening there was only one person running everything upstairs due to lunch scheduling and calling people to backup check. That wore me out royally… then it went from bad to worse. Our cat Bobbi passed away today.

I knew she wasn’t much long for the world, she had what was called “Manx Syndrome”. It’s a birth defect that some manx cats are born with. They have fewer vertebrae which leads to early arthritis and loss of bowel control. For the last few years she has been having trouble getting around but didn’t show any signs of distress. Despite her problems she was a happy cat, always mewed and was very protective of our younger cat Stewie. Tough one too. Only 4 pounds and she could scare off a giant pitbull.

I was told that she passed away on top of one of our new flower pots (similar to the one in the picture). She always liked to sun bathe in those. We think she died in her sleep. So if it’s any kind of bright side she at least died doing what she liked, and I can have peace of mind knowing that she doesn’t have to suffer with those problems anymore.

Goodbye Bobbi, you’ll be missed.

Looks like I’ll be getting some upgrades soon

Someone we know in town is looking to upgrade to a more current system build compared to their current single core setup. They want to go with an i5 processor. So I’ll be selling them my old motherboard, processor, GPU and one of my hard drives. So now I have an i7 2700k coming in the mail. I’ll look into GPU’s in a couple weeks. I’m interested in the AMD R9 290 and want to see how the custom fans help with performance vs the stock cooler. I can’t wait to see how that performs in gaming under both Linux and Windows. It would be nice to improve OpenGL performance under Linux and get an even better framerate with newer games under Windows.