The Mind Of OverlordTomala

RIP to my DAC

The DAC that I use under Linux kicked the bucket. It kept getting quieter and quieter till I couldn’t get any signal out of it. Since voice chat is important to me under Linux I have purchased a Shure X2u to go with my Shure SM58 microphone.

It’s studio quality, and I’ve read enough to know that it works under Linux (and that’s the important thing).

2013 seems to be the year where shit loves to break.

Sunday Evening Open Thread

Last night I got home from work. Got a good buzz off some rum and fruit juices, had some nachos and hot salsa (which can lead me to having weird dreams) and all I got for a dream was being called in on my day off to tell me to go fuck myself… which I found a clone of and was about to before I woke up with a stiff neck.

Open Threaded.

Mentally preparing to return to work.

It had to happen sooner or later. Good thing it’ll be my Friday. 😛 I go back and get to take Sunday and Monday off. Watch, I’ll probably have to work 9 days before I get another two days off after that.

Forever the optimistic one I am. On the bright side I’ll probably be blogging more because of it. Still, it was nice to relax a bit.

Yelling at the microphone followed by yelling at the computer.

Had some issues with audio recording tonight in Sound Booth. It didn’t recognize my microphone and I had to switch to Creative ASIO. The good news was that I could record, the bad news was that I couldn’t hear myself unless I recorded it first. This lead me to uninstalling my drivers and reinstalling them over again. Followed by setting them up as they were before… Bleh.

I still sound good under Windows at least. 😛

My Linux Adventures Continue

I haven’t really been in Windows much lately other than to do some animating, video editing, rendering and uploading footage with a little bit of the new Shadow Warrior on the side. Otherwise I’ve been staying in Fedora mostly for irc chats, voice chats, web surfing and gaming. Team Fortress 2 plays perfectly with OpenGL. I’m able to crank the eyecandy all the way up in the game and get no latency.

My recent adventure was getting Quake 3 Arena working under Linux. I just wasn’t figuring out why it kept installing as a demo. Then I figured out I was putting the files in the wrong folder… DUH! All of a sudden my demo install of Quake 3 was no more. I joined an interesting server too! It had permanent regeneration of health and ammo, and permanent haste (speed). It was like a bunch of Speedy Gonzaleses running around fragging each other it was so awesome.

I’ve also reinstalled Open Arena because that seems interesting. I like that it supports my native resolution without me having to edit a config. I’ll have to figure out how to do that on the Linux version of Quake 3. I’m sure I’ll figure it out if I’ve been thus far.

One complaint that I do have is the audio under Linux. I don’t like how I have to install GNOME desktop just to set a primary audio device for my programs. Under most programs in Linux it’s easy. All you do is tell the audio mixer what program gets what audio device. But if you want to get audio in Quake 3, TF2 or anything like that I have to install GNOME, go into that, and select the audio device through GNOME’S audio options. I hope Valve and other game companies focuse on getting their other game audio to run properly under other desktop environments in the future instead of just Ubuntu/Gnome style desktops.

I think later today I’ll take a break from Linux and do some Windows stuff. My voice sounds better under there anyway. 😛

I’m Back! Even though I never left.

As soon as my vacation started I immediately passed out then tore into my main desktop (not at the same time). I’m finally up and running on a new motherboard, with clean OS’s and nice organized drives and data. I have Fedora running perfectly, Windows 7 is almost done getting dialed in (mainly program) related, and XP is currently untouched. I’ll get around to that one when needed.

I was going to work on a project, but I think I’ll just kick back and enjoy life a bit.

Barilla only likes straight noodles.

There’s a boycott of Barilla noodles going on right now because the CEO of Barilla has declared they would not have a gay family in any of their ads for the following reasons:

“I would never do (a commercial) with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect but because we don’t agree with them. Ours is a classic family where the woman plays a fundamental role,” Barilla, 55, said in an interview with Radio 24 on Wednesday.

That’s right dudes. Your noodles are not worthy of touching the epicness that is a Barilla product. I’ve purchased their pasta shells and spaghetti noodles for a good number of years now. I’m not gay or transgender or anything, but that doesn’t mean that I will be the average mindless consumer and purchase something that supports this lame fuckass.