Early Morning Open Thread
Well, work wasn’t very hectic tonight. It was quiet, as in ghostly quiet. You could hear a pin drop. It’s getting close to the end of the month and with people getting ready to put their kids back into school it’s safe to say that people are running out of money. Real sad. I imagine this will lead to some cuts in scheduling, which means I’ll be around more often to torture people.
Oh well, on the bright side it’ll be my Friday. I can stay up late and play some new TF2 maps and maybe work on a review.
Holly ballses.
Something strange happened at work. All the departments had plenty of people in them! No one got called to another department to do someone elses job, no one got pissed off, and most of us got our work done! Someone really fucked that one up.
The grind continues.
I think this is the best turnout I’ve had in years. Set work days, set days off, set hours. Two weeks from now I’m still getting 38 to 40 hours. I’m taking this while I can. Helps pay for stuff.
Speaking of paying for stuff my new backpack arrived… and it doesn’t fit my laptop. It would fit if my laptop didn’t have an odd shape. This is what I get for being balls to the wall awesome… So now I’m sending out for ANOTHER backpack that I KNOW will fit the laptop. :headdesk: Can’t wait for this to be over with.
Don’t shoot the messenger! Or don’t run after the messenger who doesn’t have a message for you.
It’s like he was expecting her to pull a check out of her ass.
The letter carrier was doing her job when a man got upset that a check he was expecting didn’t arrive in the mail.
People these days…
I almost feel human.
I can breathe, I can pop my ears, it’s great! Still coughing up a bit but not too bad. I bought some hot ghost pepper salsa to clear the ol sinuses and cry man tears. Shit is so awesome.
Oh, and I took the homestuck character quiz I found. Apparently I’m Dave Strider.
You are Dave Strider
Take Which Homestuck character are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Personality Test Generator.
It’s been dead here, and I’ve felt dead in RL.
I had plans to run errands on my two days off. Things like tidy up a bit, futz around with the servers some more, set some important appointments. Then all of a sudden I get hit hard by allergies transformed into a sinus infection, lovely stuff.
Since I’ve been sitting upright I’ve felt better. My nose does feel a tad warm but I’m not running a fever or anything. I have more energy tonight too, but should get to bed soon anyway since I have 6 days of work to look forward to before I can get two days off… Oh well, gotta take these 40 hour work weeks while I still can. Maybe after my hours go back to the usual small ones I’ll take a week or two off.
So I’ve gotten sucked into the world of homestuck finally. Which might not have been wise since last night during my psychotic sinus infected dreaming I kept seeing homestuck characters whenever my eyes closed and entered the dream world. Speaking of homestuck there is a gmod addon you can download from the Steam Workshop that lets you play as your favorite character and even customize it to wear whatever is available. Last night on my gmod server I was running around as Jade with cat ears, a blue tail and a purple suit with a cape. Looked pretty badass. I think I might do a review on the playset and what it comes with. Some sweet stuff right there.
Oh, and I’ve ordered some more cookbooks to add to my international collection of food secrets (that are not so secret). France, Russia, Africa and Scandinavia (Yes DG, I’m gonna do mad science with your cuisine. FEAR ME). If I can find more I’ll get them. There is a specific type I want to get produced by Time Life magazine. They’re called Foods Of The World and not only share interesting recipes but also give insight into the cultures they derive from as well.
Speaking of food I’m contemplating bringing something to eat to work or purchasing some chicken soup when I go to lunch. I think I’ll go for the soup for obvious reasons…
Almost through another work week.
Well, Monday is my Friday again. next week I have another 40 hour work week. It’s gonna suck when these shifts end. It sucks not being online as often but at the same time it’s awesome to keep busy and make moneys.
I had to do some gaming on battery during my lunch break today. All the power outlets were in use by people who needed to charge their tablets and one lady with a macbook. It’s funny if you think about it, their devices needed to be charged and there I was on my portable gaming rig playing TF2 and Serious Sam 3 on battery with plenty of juice to spare. I mean c’mon, I’m supposed to be the power hungry one!
Also I got some compliments today. Someone thought I was with one of the local theater groups because I seem to have a “theatrical personality”. Heheheh, they have no idea…
Sunday Morning Open Thread
I wrote a post and wordpress ate it… FYWP.
So anyway… I came home and had a bit of a family movie night going on. We watched Ted, which btw has to be one of the best movies I ever watched… ever. Even though Flash Gordon was in it. Made me feel good to watch it after a balls to the wall day in hell.
Early Morning Open Thread
Tonight I came home to some delicious fall off the bone ribs, baked potato and corn. It was good foods to fill me up after a butt fucked up the dick day of hell. Also rejuvenated a bit by making some matcha in both the traditional way and in the form of a latte. I also brewed some Jasmine Green flowering tea for tomorrows work adventures.
I also generated some new nav meshes for TF2 and added them to the server for some fun tomorrow. Though I’m planning to check out the new stuff in CS:GO tomorrow too after work (or maybe during if I can update everything on the laptop before then). 😀