The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Early Morning Open Thread

Got my extra RnR in for the last couple days. I even got some tidying up done during Monday’s rain storm. Yesterday I just kicked back, enjoyed some tea, went for a walk. enjoyed some Portal 2 with friends, trolled multiple chats, and did some voice recording for some new reviews. Yep, I have all the irons in the fire.

This looks like it’ll be fun.

I’m sure quite a few of you heard about the second steam announcement today.

In case you missed it here’s how you can (hopefully) participate in the beta.

Before October 25, log in to Steam and then visit your quest page to track your current status towards beta test eligibility
3. Make 10 Steam friends (if you haven’t already)
4. Create a public Steam Community profile (if you haven’t already)
5. Play a game using a gamepad in Big Picture mode

I’d say this is definitely worth signing up for. Especially for people interested in the hardware aspect or people who would like a more current gen gaming system. SIGN UP NAO DAMMIT!

Steam gets their own OS. Cool!

All the fun stuff always happens when I’m at work. 😛 Apparently Steam announced today “SteamOS” their own Linux Operating System. Making it easier for people to create their own Steam based entertainment systems if they so choose to.

This is an excellent idea and Valve doesn’t really have anything to lose since this is a free Open Source platform that anyone could jump into. Unfortunately I don’t have any TV in the house to run Big Picture Mode, but that might change this winter. And when it does I’ll have to install it on my laptop along side my Win 7 install to test. 😛

Sunday Morning Open Thread

I said I would do nothing and that’s exactly what I did. Nothing with a capital N other than sit back, snack, drink whiskey and enjoy my own company. After 9 days that felt pretty fucking good. Wish I had one more day to myself but meh, I work two days then get another two days off. I might actually do something useful then too like work on a project or tidy up a bit. I’ve let the place go during my 9 days of insanity. Weird how that goes.

Better watch what you say. Sony sure is.

If you play any Sony online games then you might want to stop being an asshole on your twitter, because it could come back to haunt you.

“Not only will we ban your forum account, but if it’s serious enough we’ll call up customer service and have you banned from all of our games. We do not need those individuals as customers,” Carlson says of the most offensive and anti-social players. “A very influential player, high up in a huge guild – we’ll still ban them… In our games, if you are an exploiter we don’t care who you are, how big your guild is, how many people you threaten to take with you when you go.

“We can control anybody who’s playing our games…[but] if we know who you are and you’re abusing somebody on Twitter, we will ban your game account and we will not accept you as a customer ever again. It’s not always possible to identify people [in that way], but we take that seriously.”

I say this is a good idea. There are a lot of people out there online that think they can spew any bile they want about someone or certain groups of people (racism, sexism, whatever) and think they can get away with it. You can’t do this in real life, so why should you be able to do this online? I mean for example, if you go into a grocery store and start harassing customers or employees guess what? You’re going to get thrown out no questions asked. If you start talking smack about a certain company and someone from that company happens to hear you guess what? He/She has the right to refuse service! Welcome to the world of business.

As it is businesses keep tabs (if they can find you) on your facebook/twitter feeds anyway. Do one wrong thing on them and you’ll be out of a job (or if you’re stupid enough end up in jail). This really is no different at all.

Don’t go around saying that they’re stomping on your freedom of speech. You have every right to say whatever you want no matter how ridiculously stupid it is, just like companies (like Sony in this case) have every right to kick you out for being a douchecanoe.

Gabe Newell: Linux and Open Source are the future of gaming

Gabe Newell made an appearance at LinuxCon in New Orleans:

In the video he makes an interesting point about today’s users being more like developers. Thanks to Valve people can make their own games with the Source Engine, game modes, game content for their favorite Steam Workshop games and of course videos with Source Filmmaker. Valve is an open minded company, and open minded companies benefit from Open Source programs. This is where Linux comes into play. At this point it has more of a future than Windows. Hell, even the Playstation 4 will be using a modified FreeBSD Linux distro. This could leave Microsoft at a bit of a disadvantage. If they’re not careful there is a large possibility that more developers will pull their focus towards OpenGL over Direct X. However, only time can tell us how that will pan out.

Back on topic, Gabe Newell also announced how Linux will be making it into our living rooms. Won’t that be kewl. :3

5 seconds of fame.

Aside from all the weirdness there was one cool thing that happened today. One of my steam buddies congratulated me about making the front page of Rock Paper Shotgun, this article to be exact. My map review of de_cyberwar was one of their choices. To be honest I was a bit blown away by it (and still am), because I never would have expected it. Still, pretty awesome. 😀