The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The constant flow of weirdness continues.

At the end of the night I was treated to an unpleasant strip tease… A woman decided she didn’t need a fitting room and wanted to try shirts on. She stripped all the way down to her two bras. Security informed us about it, we told her to stop but she kept going anyway… Then she complained about it to someone else because how dare anyone not want to look at her double bra titties.

That is my weird report for the day. Tune in tomorrow for more WTF.

Leftovers from Friday The 13th I guess.

I had a strange occurrence today, somone lady wanted into a fitting room and I needed to know how many items she was going to bring in (it’s a rule). She left them on our return bar to count, asked her how many and she said they were right there. So I began counting out loud and she said I was being sarcastic and threatened to tell my boss.

That’s new, I never thought sarcasm could be translated into counting. Why did I not get the memo on this? I counted loud enough so that she could hear how many items she has (it’s also a rule if I’m the one counting them). Some people are just overly sensitive.

The most of my Friday The 13th.

Ok, so after getting back from lunch I found out someone wiped their ass on a couple articles of clothing in one of the ladies fitting rooms (didn’t have to deal with it, we just threw them away)… then at the end of the night a lady wanted to buy a kilt. We don’t carry them and have never carried them. She seemed to be rather shocked about this and demanded to know if we even knew what a kilt was. I was oh so tempted to say “Uhhh, that’s what they wear in Japan amirite?”

Dumb fucks is dumb.

Preparing my own epic meal time.

I decided to make myself some nice lunch items for work later today, it’s quite unique too. Sauteed red bell pepper, serrano, onion, garlic with mango pepper sausage in sriracha sauce over rice. Made fresh in hell, it’ll clear the sinuses and the bowels. Hopefully it brings me luck on this Friday The 13th.

Hope everyone else has some good nomz too.

Talk about being scarred for life. Man brands his initals on a womans vagina.

I know some guys think women are no better than cattle, but this is just fucking repugnant.

CHANDLER, Ariz. — A Chandler man was arrested for a bizarre crime — police say he branded his initials onto his girlfriend.

I hope his dick gets stuck to a fucking skillet.

I’m enjoying the heatwave rolling through here today. I’ve been drinking V8 and sitting in the front yard just BSing on my laptop. I wouldn’t mind going for a walk but I’m feeling a bit unwell. Hopefully the advil kicks in soon.

I wonder what I’ll do tonight. I’m thinking something involving Serious Sam in some form.