The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Holy Shit Batman! A 40 hour work week!

Damn, I FINALLY get to make some moneys. I haven’t had a 40 hour or anywhere near that in a couple years. I think when I get home tonight my first priority will be syncing my game data so that I can play whatever I want. I have like, 6 downloads going on right now. Oh well, in the meantime I can spy on the servers and see if anyone is being good.

An open thread of openess

Alright, sorry for not posting much. My webhost had some serious issues yesterday morning that were related to some upgrades and migrations. It was so terrible inf act that their phones were down. They lost everything.

And if that wasn’t enough there has also been a fire inland that may be causing us some serious internet issues. The ping on our servers has been terrible these last few days though stabilized tonight. Hopefully everything will be better now.

I tested the Left 4 Dead 2 server by spawning as many tanks, witches, gnomes, explosions etc and the server ran perfectly. Our clients however did not… I’ve also been running an Elevator Source server but had to take it offline. Out of all 8 servers that I’m running Elevator seems to take up more resources than the other 7 servers combined. I find myself having to restart it constantly after people have had their fun in it. Originally I wasn’t even going to make this a full time server, but then I saw people on there and decided to leave it up. It amazes me how people will connect up just to stand around and do nothing but chat with each other… Then I remember that Uru still exists. Maybe I should send these people over to the Myst Online forums and see how fun it is to sit in a neighborhood or a city doing nothing.

On a brighter note all of my matcha items arrived! I haven’t made any traditional matcha yet, but I have had the matcha/sencha teabags. They have a very nice grassy flavor to them. If you like green tea I recommend giving it a try.

For those of you who don’t know what matcha is, click here and be enlightened.

Blukake mascara.

Today I saw something cool. Colored mascara. I don’t wear regular mascara very often, but I do love the idea of colored eyelashes.

It’s a new item I found at work, decided to buy a few of them (they were cheaper than the amazon price). So now I have red, blue and purple. I might even get green tomorrow. But I know one thing, I look damn good with blukake eyelashes.

Fashion week. Because I need something to blog about. It might as well be (more of) me.

Been keeping myself busy the last few days (and sometimes drunk). All in all it’s been a good weekend. So I’m going to do something special this week on the blog and post a picture of myself everyday (or try to) to show off my ugly arse and how fashionable it is.

Since I work with clothes people ask me what the latest trends are… the fuck would I care? I wear whatever the hell I want. Even if it’s Chinese pants with a flowering blue top, blue flower and a blue necklace.

My server fetish has been fed.

The new server arrived yesterday! It’s a very nice setup with quite a lot of options (extra fans, up to 64GB RAM if I want, etc). Setting it up with the latest Fedora for a test run later today. But so far I’ve been impressed with it! Well… all but Fedora. With every new release they seem to give me another reason to hate what they’ve done with Anaconda.

That should be fun to test later though. Think I’ll celebrate and get some coke to have with my whiskey.