The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Another day where I lose faith in humanity.

I was hanging some jeans tonight when I heard chatter between two girls with valley girl accents (cringe) and a baby shopping in the plus sized section. One of them said something that well… caught me off guard. She said “I want to try all these things on. But I have this stupid baby”. An alarm bell rang in my head and all I could hear was… WHAT? I had to see if this was a teenager. No, it was a mother… I hope that “stupid baby” grows up to tell their stupid bitch mom about how much of a winner she actually is.

It never ceases to amaze me how heartless people can be to each other, in some cases even their own family. I see parents all the time that let their kids run rampant so they can have a break. Or they ignore their child completely when it wants something, like going to the bathroom as an example. The most common response I hear is “Well hold it” and sometimes they can’t. Then the parents will either complain, act totally surprised, or walk away like it never happened. Why did this happen? Because shopping is waaay more important. Because you know, consumerism is everything in life. Possessions before people. That’s why every holiday just about has a giant sale, and why most jobs over here involve selling goods instead of making them.

The only values people seem to pay attention to are the ones on their dollars… and they can barely get that right.

It’s nice to know where you stand.

I found out today that one of my bosses will be out of work for quite some time. She hurt her back while working in a checkstand downstairs (they love to call her down there non stop) and the people in charge down stairs didn’t let her go until every customer was served. They didn’t even try to find someone to take her place. I wasn’t surprised, but I still blew a gasket. If it were me I would have walked out. I mean come on. She fucking hurt herself! What the fuck is next? If you have a seizure? Try to press the right buttons?

Kitty surprise

I had an interesting surprise the other day when I was asleep. I usually lock the door so that Stewie doesn’t wander in here. Turns out he was hiding under the bed while I was sleeping. I figured this out when he jumped up on the bed and demanded fusses. So I petted him a bit and put him out since he missed his breakfast because of this. Turns out he didn’t want that at all. He started yowling.

What an overgrown kitten.

It’s kinda funny if you think about it.

I’ve been playing more at work than I have at home. Everything game related at home has been in an attempt to fix things on the servers that I run. But when I’m at work with a long lunch break I find myself just goofing off in general. Today I connected up to my Serious Sam 3 Co Op server via wifi with a nice ping. Tomorrow might be different. I have short days for most of the week. I get off work at 6pm. O_o That’s going to feel weird.

So I almost passed out at work today.

The fumes were even stronger today up stairs. My eyes, nose, throat, lungs and stomach felt like they were on fire (and that was within the first hour of being there). I ended up asking them to let me go outside for a bit to get some air. Seriously, I felt like I was going to stop breathing. I’ve developed a bit of a cough (plus it hurts a bit to talk), hopefully it doesn’t get worse.

Speaking of getting worse we were extremely swamped with last minute people preparing to celebrate the 4th. Mostly people looking for patriotic T Shirts that were made in China and getting pissed that we only had them in infant sizes because everything else sold. Nothing says true patriotism like waiting until the last minute to get overseas American apparel… Dumb dumb people.