The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Time to get back into the swing of things

I head back to work tomorrow afternoon. The plus side is that I’m fully rested and refreshed. The downside is that it’ll all probably be undone tomorrow when I arrive.

Another plus is that I’m getting a good amount of shifts this week. I have to work during Independence day though… But I always have to anyway. Oh well, I get paid closer to what I’m worth for the day. I’ll have to try and bring lunches all week instead of buying stuff at work. I hate the selections and usually it’s all unhealthy. Homemade Mac and Cheese is being made tonight (healthier than the boxed stuff) so I can probably bring that. I’ll also plan ahead and bring my own bottle of Oolong tea.

Sexist DLC for Archeblade.

I was going through my Steam stuff and found an Archeblade DLC announcement. For those who don’t know, Archeblade is a F2P brawler game (and IMO it’s loads of fun). So women can have bikini DLC, but not guys?

Summer is coming! It’s time to shop for swimwear.

In this week’s patch v.0.9.9, Archeblade gets Swimsuits.

But only for female characters..

You don’t want to see that Dick wears a bikini briefs…right?

Leave a comment below how much you’re excited for swimsuits!

Codebrush Games

How fucking sexist! I want to see men’s swim trunks!!! No man thongs though, got a load of those in Honolulu.

The new Direct X will be a Windows 8/XBox One Exclusive.

Microsoft really knows how to push people to their product:

Microsoft has confirmed that DirectX 11.2, the next-generation version of its application programming interface (API) and hardware abstraction layer (HAL) for multimedia devices will be exclusive to Windows 8.1 and its Xbox One console.

All I have to say to this is C’Mon OpenGL!!! 😀

Revenge of the stomach lining.

I woke up yesterday feeling slightly ill. I think I ate something that didn’t agree with me. Thanks to large amounts of water and tea I felt a lot better around the evening time. I even decided to tidy up a bit around here (really let things go during my off time lol).

I played a bit of Serious Sam Second Encounter and felt like I was stuck in a daze afterwards. Even now I just made a baking soda cocktail to calm my stomach. Hopefully later today when I get up I’ll be fine.

Fun in da sun.

Yesterday it was nice and sunny. I went out and enjoyed the weather, got some white peach tea, sushi, then a lemonade and had a nice quiet picnic at one of the local park.

My Asus ROG backpack arrived in the mail today too. I got everything moved around. Now I can throw away the old backpack. It has a lot of wear and tear on it, but it’s been faithful over the years. It was time to move on.

I love carefree days like that. 8)

Still on vacation

I have been kicking back mostly. Sleeping in longer than usual. looking outside at the dismal weather and closing my eyes to make it go away, drinking lots of green flowering tea and fucking around with my two kinects still in the dead of night. It’s strange how one of them always pans up and down and throws everything out of alignment.

Early Morning Open Thread

It rained today. So I spent most of yesterday afternoon leisurely in bed. Then I got up and got caught up on things. I even made a nice shrimp spaghetti with a tomato and wine sauce that turned out very well. 😀

But yeah, boring Sunday. I played some Serious Sam, went through some more gaming footage, wrote a few more scripts, and played with my two kinects. I might have to purchase a green screen to elimate background noise. I’m picking up waaaaay too much yellow over the censor (which can’t be read properly). I’ll test with some more camera placements tomorrow if I’m up to it. I have the rest of this week to goof around since I’m on holiday.