One more day of torture. Then I’ll have two days to do things and stuff with myself. I think my to do list will be something like:
Go to bank
Work on video(s)
Fuck the hell off with gamez
Prepare sushi
One more day of torture. Then I’ll have two days to do things and stuff with myself. I think my to do list will be something like:
Go to bank
Work on video(s)
Fuck the hell off with gamez
Prepare sushi
One hour after going to bed they call me into work today. I didn’t get the call until I was about ready to go. 😛 No one called in sick, they just under scheduled for the weekend (as usual) and hoped I would come in at the last minute (as usual). Same shit, different weekend. Then they told me “I can’t believe it’s this busy!” Yeah!!! On a weekend no less! With it being mothers day tomorrow. I wonder why so many people are here?!?!?!?!?! /sarcasm
Other than that it hasn’t been too bad so far (currently on my break) other than I had two pushy bitchy women with valley girl accents who nearly trampled me to get to the up stairs clothes… One of them bumped into me, said “excuse me” while rolling her eyes, then bumped her purse into my side in an attempt to get in front of a bunch of other people while I had no other place to move. Oh, and she was talking on her cell phone at the same time. Totally not one of those self entitled twats at all.
Played that most of the night, guess I’ll try working on my video during my days off. I probably won’t have time tomorrow night.
But anyways, I’ve been making some easy pennies on robocrates, and someone even bought one of my regular crates for a penny the other day. Not sure what I’ll get on the market but I can save for now. 😛
Oh, and regarding the blog: I noticed that not all of my links were displaying. I fixed that. For whatever reason it was only showing places I enjoy, not the places that I just read, and the stuff I read so you won’t have to suffer. I had to weed through that last one a bit. Quite a lot of the ones I originally had there have gone the way of the dodo, and the rest are just dildos.
Quiet, very quiet. Even for being a Friday everything has been rather quiet. I did some shopping tonight before coming home. Picked up some seafood for one of my days off. I’m thinking some Japanese cuisine.
Worked on another short review last night, will assemble it later (shouldn’t be too hard it’s another short one). For now I’m just catching up on my reading and sipping tea out of my new Aperture Science mug. Almost out of blueberry tea! :O
Oh, I guess I can share one bit of progress. Got my CS:GO server up and running finally. Tweaked it a bit yesterday so that the map randomizer would work properly. I still need to assign proper maps to proper modes so that people don’t get stuck in games with nothing but pistols, but overall I’m glad to have played some new maps with a proper muxture of deathmatch and demolition (and all the others, but those two are my current faves).
Now I need to figure out why my HL2DM server keeps queuing up for updates when it doesn’t require any. L4D1 is down too for the time being, it likes to randomly crash even if I pull out the addons folder. As for garrysmod that still likes to randomly segfault every other update. Oh well. If I’m feeling adventurous I could try finally building the Serious Sam BFE server I’ve been putting off for awhile. 😛
Survived the company banquet. It was ok-ish. Had to listen to the company bigwigs prattle on about how we’re the best store ever blah blah blah with mouthwords that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. Which if I ever do have a warm and fuzzy feeling, I check to see if there’s a gerbil somewhere… On the bright side I got a prize. For my 5 years of service I got some speakers that I can use with my laptop or mp3 player. Plus the company president thought I had some nice pants (I wore some with an oriental flare).
Ordered my tripods today for the kinects. Those should arrive sometime next week. Think I’ll wait until then to do any multi kinect calibration.
Looks like Adobe has jumped on the cloud bandwagon. They want you to pay a subscription fee to use their software, instead of just buying it and keeping it for yourself. Wonder how long this will take to pirate…
Plans vary according to which programs you use routinely and whether you’re upgrading from an old-fashioned licensed version of Creative Suite, but full-suite prices range from $20 per month for teachers and students to $60 a month for members of teams that also need large amounts of shared cloud storage.
I’ll keep my CS5 thanks.
Well, bad news. I don’t think my laptop USB can handle 2 kinects at a time. The good news is that I can plug into my fathers system and he doesn’t mind (I would use my desktop but I lack the proper space). So thankfully I can still use 2 kinects. Before I do so though I’ll be needing to do some calibration with cardboard. I’ll save that for another night. I decided that I would do some basic animations for something instead. Another thing I think I’ll do is buy a couple Kinect tripods for more versatile captures. I imagine the accessories will cost less than the actual cameras
On another note I made an interesting thing for dinner. The last few nights I’ve been eating Cinco De Mayonaise food, pizza, etc. Decided to make a soba salad with vegetables and salmon. It was pretty good, very cleansing to the palate.
Guess I’ll wrap things up and go rest. I have a banquet to attend. It’s being held in a church. I hope I don’t burst into flames…
Decided to tidy up a bit today. Stuff was getting all over the place, now I can see the floor again! Also did some voice recordings, and got the TF2 server up and running on the converted data. Not very different from the server end. Seems the biggest changes were made to the client if anything.
I also did some voice work and picked out my makeup/clothes for the week. Mostly lip balm, need to take care of my mouth as often as I like to shoot it off. 😀
Guess I’d better go to sleep. Need to rest up for a fun and exciting afternoon. Being that it’s Geriatric Tuesday.
if you look at my neck area you’ll see the new necklace I bought last week. The top used to belong to my friend Princess barbie, the skirt is from Ebay, and the boots were my mothers. They’re great for throwing at people.
Facebook and other social networking sites can actually send you mad, according to scientists in Israel.Researchers from Tel Aviv University have linked psychotic episodes in patients to internet addiction and delusions caused by virtual relationships cultivated on social networking sites.
Although all the participants had underlying problems of loneliness, none had any history of psychosis or drug abuse, the team say.