The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Technology, making us smart and stupid at the same time.

Make of it what you will, but I think a lot of today’s technology is mentally crippling and even causing people to mature slower and live extended childhoods. Not just with smartphones, but I think moreso with gaming… Yes, I said it. Gaming. Especially with lots of guys I’ve noticed and the whole “I have to win or I’ll RageQuit” mentality that appears with lots of “hardcore” male gamers and on rare exception female gamers.

Come to think of it, the whole “girls suck at gaming” line that guys like to throw out more than the kitchen sink is just another form of “girls have cooties” but on the adult scale.

Here’s an example from the boys club over at [H]ardForum: Link

Anita Sarkeesian’s 2nd part to her Video Game Tropes vs Women finally came out and the boys at [H]ardForum, in their usual fashion reminded me why I only read their reviews and front page news.

I didn’t agree with the entire video, but she did have a valid point. Rescuing female characters is overdone in gaming. However most of the titles she mentioned (with some exceptions) were console games. [H]ardForum mostly has PC gamers, why are they pissed again? Oh I forgot… They’re based in Texas, and feminism is like the small pox of cooties to these guys.

Oddly enough in the same time frame, this study pops up about women heading households in the US moreso than men. It was discussed on MSNBC’s Morning Joe Bloe. Keep in mind this study wasn’t conducted on MSNBC, it was a study reported by the NY times, and Joe Scarbrough (who I don’t even care for btw) flat out called today’s modern men a bunch of weak gamers in their 20’s. It amazes me how quite a few guys in that thread (who are even in their 30’s 40’s) come in totally butthurt about the statistics. Even coming in and outright saying they would rather play games than go out with anyone. That would explain this statistical data.

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Now, why does it skyrocket around December constantly? I can’t imagine them having girlfriends that give them this stuff for Christmas.

Too much reading and gaming tonight

I’ve been reading quite a few things that I may end up writing a post about. I want to write about it now in fact, but I’ve run out of time for the morning. 😛 I know that if I write it though it’ll probably be one of the more controversial ones I’ve put together. Those are always fun. 😛

Facebook time in the hospital

A new study (flagged by Michael Ramlet of The Morning Consult) finds that for every hour emergency department workers use a computer, they spend an average of 12 minutes on Facebook — and that time on the site actually goes up as the department becomes busier.

Next time you’re in the ER for several hours you might want to think of why.

The ancient mp3 player of Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart, always offering low prices.

We have great news for fans of obsolete technology! If you’ve been waiting to get hold of an MP3 player that’s old enough to receive its First Communion, you don’t have to pay Walmart’s high price of $109.72 for one. No, the glorious MobiBlu is now on clearance for only $60.

They’re sure proud of their junk. 😆

Memorial Day Weekend Part 2 + Food blog

Not much to report. Busy as hell but nothing horrible.

Now onto what I ate/drank today:

Strawberry Lemonade

Lunch: Polish sausage on a sesame hotdog bun with honey mustard and 2 Lemonade Iced Teas (salty hotdog is salty)

Dessert: Two reeses peanutbutter cups

Dinner: Two mini burgers. One with honey mustard and sriracha, the other with jalapeno mustard and ketchup. All had onions, cheddar and homemade sweet pickles. Oh,and two glasses of milk. Then two of lavender tea and a pot of pomegranate cider black tea… I like my tea.

I’m gonna be pissin’ like a race horse.