The Mind Of OverlordTomala

What I ate today (Day 1)

Breakfast: Strawberry lemonade

Lunch: Bagel with the same fixin’s as last night, a lemonade ice tea with honey and real sugar, and some peanutbutter M&M’s

Dinner: Pork Tenderloin and steak sauce, French Fries with ketchup and honey mustard, salad with homemade bleu cheese dressing, a glass of milk, and a pot of lavender flowering tea.

Late night drinks: Another pot of lavender flowering tea and a cup of hazelnut cocoa.

I would say that’s a good start. A good balance of sweets but also plenty of nutrients to sustain my arse.

Open Thread

I went for a walk today (it was nice outside!) through the woods and to the bank. I decided to take it easy today too instead of doing much. I got home and decided to play some Saints Row The Third, messed with phpBB templates, the phpBB testforum, and installed some new plugins for TF2 and L4D2.

For the next 4 days I think I’ll write up what I eat/drink in a day. This is more of an experiment to keep track of what I eat. For example I had the following yesterday/this morning:

1 bagel with roast beef, cream cheese, peppers, onions, pickles and honey mustard.
1 pot of green jasmine flowering tea.
Nachoes (ground beef and refried beans with garden salsa, sour cream and tobasco)
1 glass of milk
1 apple pie slice with vanilla ice cream
1 pot of flowering lavender tea
1 bagel with roast beef, cream cheese, peppers, pickles and honey mustard.

Today I actually had 3 meals. I usually have just one or two. 😛

Some R and R.

Yesterday I didn’t really do much apart from relax in bed while it rained outside. Then I got up and made some tea and tidied up a bit. Tried to take it a little easy though since I wasn’t feeling well (better now though).

I finally sat down and did some extensive gaming though. Played Serious Sam 2 and 3. Managed to record more video fodder. Now I just need the energy to put some together. 😛 Depending on how things go today I may work on another review.

You’re pronouncing it wrong!!!!!!1111

I have been right the whole time. Deal with it.

He is proud of the GIF, but remains annoyed that there is still any debate over the pronunciation of the format. “The Oxford English Dictionary accepts both pronunciations,” Mr. Wilhite said. “They are wrong. It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story.”


One more day.

One more shift and this 7 day hell week can come to a close, then I can rest with two days off from the damn sweat shop. And yes, the AC is STILL being worked on. The customers are pissed, and we’re even more pissed. Some people are getting really sick with heat exhaustion and dizzy spells. Hell I’ve been out of energy these last few days. I’ve been getting home at night and haven’t been wanting to really do anything other than veg out.

Oh well, as long as the corporate overlords have working AC in their luxury offices nothing else matters, right?

If he only knew.

I was working last night when a regular customer came in looking for one of my bosses (she ordered some special socks for him) and then out of the blue he opens up to me about how he’s going through a divorce all of a sudden (she sprung the decision on him that same day I guess) and how she’s leaving him and his children for some guy from Georgia she has only been dating for two weeks. So I had to play sympathetic ear to the whole thing, while he went on about how his pastor is helping him and how his wifes sister is trying to talk her out of it. This went on for about 30 minutes before he heard we were closing for the night and ended up leaving. That was the end of it.

Until tonight when he made a beeline for me (again near closing time). The first thing he asked was when the whole divorce thing blows over in a month would I like to be taken out to lunch… Wow, only 24 hours after talking about how he was crying about his wife leaving him he suddenly wants to start some form of relationship? Who only knows my name via a nametag? I was polite of course and told him I tend to keep relations between employees and customers as professional as possible, so I tend to keep to myself (which is true). He nodded and understood then wanted to know if I went to Church, or to be more accurate “What Church do you go to?”. Intrusive much? I explained to him that I work every Sunday so that’s not possible. Then I explained that I’m a busy person between work and working out of the home on computers, which he questioned. Then he wanted to know if I used wordpress and wanted to know if I could work on their churches website because their current developer is in and out of hospitals on oxygen all the time. Being that I was way behind on my work tonight due to being understaffed (as usual) I finally had to tell him that I needed to get back to my work… Oh! Not that this matters or anything, but he looked to be in his 50’s. ANOTHER one of those I can add to my list.

Dodged the holy water on that one. 😛

Now playing automod

I’ve been obsessed with modding and trashing the hell out of my phpBB test forum. Tonight I decided to install a social network mod just for lulz. I’m not adding it to my current board, but the modifications I’ve done to it recently are rather snazzy. I might add it one day since it’s not nearly as evasive as spacebook. Then we can once again partake in the antisocial network. 😛 As it is currently it doesn’t jive well with the template I use.

I added a calendar mod, but it doesn’t show up properly for the main template either. Hopefully it can get sorted because I would love to post events and holidays on it similar to other boards.

I also added a safe gamertag that allows you to add your favorite gamer ID (Steam, XFire, Origin TROLOLOL) to your profile. On mouseover it shows your stats. Pretty cool.

One more mod I’m waiting to get help on is the RSS bot mod. You can set it to gather RSS feeds and post them (with the choice of using a cronjob or not), then I can syndicate various things. Like my Blog to it’s own area, plus maybe some news feeds.

Damn… No wonder my Steam rating is dropping. XD

Heh… Lightweights.

I drink and internet constantly. These guys just suck at it.

“I’m pretty good with electronics when I’m drunk,” Deadspin’s Greg Howard says, “But my best friend went to Brazil with me a few years ago. It was our whole soccer team. We got fucked up the last night—we were all browned out essentially—and he said he had to take a shit. He just up and disappeared. We went looking for him the next day, and the whole team found him passed out on the toilet with his laptop out. He’d shat in the toilet, and he had a porn site up with four RedTube videos loaded—for seamless switching I guess—passed out with his dick in his hand. It was pretty sickening, really.”And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why drunk internet is bad internet. Be safe out there.

Mentally preparing for my 7 day work week.

Well, 6 now since I worked today. 6 more before I can get two days off. Oh well, one of my coworkers is working a 10 day work week. I haven’t had one of those in awhile but those suck royally. Worst of all since these 7 day work weeks aren’t within the same calendar work week it means no extra pay for slaving your ass off. I would kill to have Monday thru Friday and the weekend to myself.