The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Now playing automod

I’ve been obsessed with modding and trashing the hell out of my phpBB test forum. Tonight I decided to install a social network mod just for lulz. I’m not adding it to my current board, but the modifications I’ve done to it recently are rather snazzy. I might add it one day since it’s not nearly as evasive as spacebook. Then we can once again partake in the antisocial network. 😛 As it is currently it doesn’t jive well with the template I use.

I added a calendar mod, but it doesn’t show up properly for the main template either. Hopefully it can get sorted because I would love to post events and holidays on it similar to other boards.

I also added a safe gamertag that allows you to add your favorite gamer ID (Steam, XFire, Origin TROLOLOL) to your profile. On mouseover it shows your stats. Pretty cool.

One more mod I’m waiting to get help on is the RSS bot mod. You can set it to gather RSS feeds and post them (with the choice of using a cronjob or not), then I can syndicate various things. Like my Blog to it’s own area, plus maybe some news feeds.

Damn… No wonder my Steam rating is dropping. XD

Heh… Lightweights.

I drink and internet constantly. These guys just suck at it.

“I’m pretty good with electronics when I’m drunk,” Deadspin’s Greg Howard says, “But my best friend went to Brazil with me a few years ago. It was our whole soccer team. We got fucked up the last night—we were all browned out essentially—and he said he had to take a shit. He just up and disappeared. We went looking for him the next day, and the whole team found him passed out on the toilet with his laptop out. He’d shat in the toilet, and he had a porn site up with four RedTube videos loaded—for seamless switching I guess—passed out with his dick in his hand. It was pretty sickening, really.”And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why drunk internet is bad internet. Be safe out there.

Mentally preparing for my 7 day work week.

Well, 6 now since I worked today. 6 more before I can get two days off. Oh well, one of my coworkers is working a 10 day work week. I haven’t had one of those in awhile but those suck royally. Worst of all since these 7 day work weeks aren’t within the same calendar work week it means no extra pay for slaving your ass off. I would kill to have Monday thru Friday and the weekend to myself.

Early Morning Open Thread

Well, didn’t go out as much as I had wanted to. The sun was out but there was too much damn wind. So I just chillax’d like a bawler and made some sushi for tomorrows bento box. Then I decided to play with some forum software called SMF. Experimentation with that has been going well so far. Don’t get me wrong, I was raised on phpBB but sometimes I need to look at other stuff and see if I’m missing out or not. SMF has some nice features with it (especially in mod form). I even imported my forum database with hardly any issues. Of course everything is a mere test right now. Nothing will be concrete until I play around with it enough to decide if I’ll keep it or not.

One of the features I like so far is an RSS bot poster. It lets you select an RSS feed and whoever you want on the forum to post it. That’s one thing I’ve been dying to get my hands on for phpBB3, but sadly every time I look for that one I find that it’s several versions old. Along with a shoutbox that my friends have been mawing at me about for years to the point of forgetting about it. Still, I want to be as thorough as possible before doing yet another jump. Although this time if I do no one will have to register another account. 😀

On the subject of smartphones.

You miiight want to keep an eye on yours.

Incidents of cellphone theft have been rising for several years and are fast becoming an epidemic. IDG News Service collected data on serious crimes in San Francisco from November to April and recorded 579 thefts of cellphones or tablets, accounting for 41 percent of all serious crime. On several days, like Feb. 27, the only serious crimes reported in the daily police log were cellphone thefts.

In just over half the incidents, victims were punched, kicked or otherwise physically intimidated for their phones, and in a quarter of robberies, users were threatened with guns or knives.

The most common demand among criminals is the iPhone. :P

Driving and texting surpasses drinking and driving deaths.

I’m sorry, but what the hell is with people who value texting over their own well being? Seriously, look at this study.

Texting while driving has now replaced drunk driving as the number one cause of teenage deaths on the road in the U.S., new research has found.

The study, performed by the Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York, found that more than 300,000 teens are injured and more than 3,000 die each year as a result of sending SMS messages while behind the wheel.

My state has outlawed using a phone while driving, but it’s rarely ever enforced (around town anyway). I just don’t see what the big deal is about needing to text at all times. Day in and day out I see people texting while driving, walking, grocery shopping while pushing a cart (if I could count the amount of times I’ve been bruised because of these fuckwads), pushing baby strollers, hell even riding on a bike. Today I saw a little 5 year old girl in the neighborhood. She was trying to ride her bike and talk on a smartphone at the same time. I see teenagers around town doing the same thing. :roll:

I have to ask, are these called smartphones because they’re more intelligent than the majority using them? They might want to relabel.

What the fuckmother.

Been another swamped day with last minute shoppers (on fucking mothers day!). Two of the most ridiculous customers I’ve had so far were two lazy teenagers using the electric carts (for the injured, but mostly used by fat people) with their dogs in them. Which aside from service animals is against health regulations that we don’t enforce because we have to make sure all of our customers are happy no matter how retarded they are.

Did I say that I was glad it was my Friday?