The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Arizona has a new target to fuck with.

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New legislation in Arizona is stirring up controversy over the rights of transgender people in that state, with debate over a bill that would require people to use the public restroom affiliated with their birth gender. The proposed law would also make it a misdemeanor for a person to use a public shower, bath, dressing room or locker room associated with a gender other than what’s on his or her birth certificate.

Why not just make extra bathrooms? :P

But seriously. WTF, What about hermaphrodites? What bathroom will they get to use? :o

The boy who cried Bingo.

Some people just don’t know what free speech is. An 18 year old in Kentucky thought it was ok to shout Bingo at any given time without actually having gotten a bingo. So he’s in a little hot water over it.

“He seemed to think he could say whatever he wanted because it was a public building. I tried to explain that that’s not the case,” the officer said. “Just because it’s a public building doesn’t give you the right to run into a theater and yell ‘fire.’ You can’t go into a ballpark and yell ‘out,’ because people could stop the game.”


Rape Nuts

I don’t know if anyone here heard about the rape case in Steubenville, where two teenage guys and a few other unknown guys (all calling themselves “The Rape Crew”) tricked a 16 year old girl into thinking one of them was interested in her, then drugged her drink and drug her around town to any hangout they could stop at so that them and their friends could rape her. Then dumped her on her parents lawn and pissed all over her. Well, the two boys are facing a year in juvi, and having to register as sex offenders. The media seems to be playing off the boys as being the real victims. “This will ruin their lives” etc etc. No one seems to be talking about the rape victim. Well, they are but not the same way.

Jesus Christ these fuckers are sick. I like how they try to mask the rape with “Oh well she was under the influence”. I’m sorry, some Smirnoff and a little vodka isn’t going to do shit for you (especially when it’s only from a drive from one party to another), it might make you feel a buzz but otherwise it’s not going to knock you out. She had to be slipped something. And yes I know she was underage drinking, but that doesn’t excuse what these fuckwits did. Oh, and also she’s a whore because she let this happen to her.

Here’s what I don’t understand though: Where did these kids get the idea of raping for fun in their heads? This can’t be something that comes naturally. I don’t remember hearing cases like these when I was growing up.

Another pisser is the death threats being made against her. Two have already been caught by police, and from what I understand they were both girls. I hate to be the one to say this but, maybe they need to be raped too?

God damn we’ve become fucked up in the head.


Oh well, at least this guy overcame the rape he committed. Poor guy.,19097/

‘PS4 will out-power most PCs for years to come’

Riiiiight. So this guy thinks that a console with 8GB of RAM can thwart most PC’s for years to come.

It’s a perfect fit for the types of games we do, and we are confident that we’ll bring open-world gaming to a whole new level because of it. I’m glad Sony decided to go with 8gb RAM because it means that the PS4 will out-power most PC’s for years to come.

The specs are better compared to other consoles. But to compare this to PC’s? My laptop and desktop both laugh in their general direction.