The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Open Thread

Yesterday I had a hair appointment which turned out alright. Then I decided to go and enjoy the sun (though it was a bit chilly) and shop the local stores in the community. Bought some nice work shirts at a couple of thrift stores and a nice set of earrings and a necklace that I might have to take a picture of at some point. It’s a matching set of blue flowers.

Then went out for some nice prawns and hot sauce. It was a leisurely day, my favorite kind of day. In fact the last couple days I haven’t really done much. Oh well, have to have weekends like that from time to time. I was even contemplating working on some more projects but then figured “screw it” I don’t have the muse right now.

Sunday Bloody Sunday Open Thread

I didn’t have much time to write anything after work yesterday (tired, had company over, TF2, etc). I originally had off today but they needed me after all, and since they didn’t wait until the last minute guess what??? That gave me time to prepare!!! WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

But yeah, yesterday was prom night and all the last minute peoples came in buying fabulous shoes to wear. Plus we were short a person so getting anything done was not a possibility. Today is not nearly as bad, plus I have the next two days off which I’m looking forward to. w00t! Looks like the weather will be nice again for it. 😀 Hope I don’t jinx it…

It’s like I can read minds.

Another one of those days where they call me in at the last minute and I already knew the night before that it would happen. This time because the dumb bitch we nicknamed Hitler Lady (because she’s an anal retentive twatwaffle) decided that she wasn’t going to work today because of the sale we’re having. She fears that she won’t be able to put all of the bras away from it. So they wanted me to come in at 3pm today… I found the call at 3:30…

Told them I’m going in at 4:30. That’ll give me time to wake up and read a little before going in. Corporate America is all kinds of fucked up.

Finally a good day.

Yesterday I was enjoying the sun after work. It’s nice again today, so I’m actually on my laptop outdoors on wifi enjoying some fresh air. 🙂 I even made two pitchers of iced tea since I knew I wouldn’t be wanting to make anything warm. I made iced coconut chai and iced Emperors Pureh.

Also I got a new pair of shoes. Some nice black nikes to replace my used and abused addidas. Been breaking them in with no problems. to

I was going to work on a video yesterday, but I started feeling a bit ill. Much better today though, but the nice weather might distract me from that a bit.

Maybe tonight when things cool off I’ll play with my kinect animation. That reminds me, need to check the mailbox and see if my power adapter arrived yet.

The world was trolled today.


So apparently there were a couple explosions and the president died. The news was so big that the stock market plummeted like so:


At that moment in New York City a wild party was thrown with all kinds of balloons, confetti and noisemakers and the shouting of Hip Hip Hooray at Fox News HQ. Then when it was discovered that it was actually a hacked twitter account a bunch of loud sobbing took place. Billo and Hannity hugged each other whilst drowning their sorrows and consoling one another. Meanwhile, Karl Rove kept jumping up and down yelling “No it really did happen!!!!!!111111oneoneoneoneeleveneleveneleven”.

Can I get a job at the tabloids now?

One way ticket to mars.

might have to put together a list of people to remove from the planet. Link.

Mars One (via NPR) says anyone over 18 is eligible to become a Mars astronaut, as long as you don’t mind being part of a reality TV show in the process and paying a $38 application fee. Oh and then you’ll have to live the rest of your life in an inflatable habitat on another planet.

This calls for some extremely horrible music!


Work was absolutely boring tonight. I went full blown random during most of it due to lack of anything to do. Yep, it was quite boring. Later today when I go in I’ll get off in the early evening. I might stick around to shop.

Weather here has been awesome. I hope it stays that way for my days off. I hate the idea of it being 80 plus outside finally only to have it vanish on a day off…