The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Open Tech Thread

I purchased 5 72GB SCSI hard drives recently to replace some old drives (since 1 drive was ready to fail and I needed more server space anyway) and one of the new drives decided to fail today. Luckily I bought a spare drive, but I’ll be contacting the seller to see if I can either get it replaced or refunded. Got a good deal on them, 5 for $75 total.

So I’ve been playing around with the latest Fedora release (Been using that for server operation since RedHat), and I have to say I haven’t been very happy with it. Instead of installing all the packages like you could do in previous versions it gives you 4 options to choose from, and none of them come close to installing enough. I can still use synaptic to install extra packages (and I do for extras anyway), but overall I’m not really digging Fedora 18. It’s like the Windows Vista of Linux. I do have to be fair though, one feature I do like though is the option to pause copying or moving files. I did wish windows had that option. 😛

In the meantime I’m still waiting for my 2nd kinect to show up so I can do some dual kinect mocap.

Meanwhile… in Canada.

This story has nowhere to go but down.

There was a MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) meeting (or was it?) in Toronto CA which was interrupted by a not so peaceful protest.

The chick in the red hair went waaaaaaaaaaaaaay overboard. I couldn’t stomach watching the whole thing because lets face it. She sounded like a banshee that enjoyed using the word fuck like a comma.

The result: She has been receiving all kinds of threats from death, to rape, to both. Not to mention sexist comments (not surprising) and anything else under the sun. Even going as far as finding all of her personal information and spreading it around the internet. This is what happens when you leave your life out in the open and shout like a mental patient. The original message you were trying to convey will have been lost. She was trying to read this. I’m not saying she deserves any of this mind you. But when you have your information on the internet for all to see, AND go around acting like this, bad things are bound to happen.

Upon reading elsewhere it seems this was the group being protested. It turns out it wasn’t so much a MRA meeting, it was an event called “From Misogyny and Misandry to Intersexual Dialogue” hosted by the Canadian Association for Equality and The University of Toronto Men’s Issues Awareness Society. The discussion was about sexism from either side and why it’s unnecessary… So why was this protested again?

People like her (as well as the other protesters) don’t help anyone on either side. Actually scratch that. They do help people like Rush Limbaugh, to prove a point on why women shouldn’t be allowed to do anything outside from making babies, dinners and keeping their mouth shut. Why? Because of women like her. That’s no different than me saying that men shouldn’t have the right to vote or equal pay because one of them could potentially fuck a toaster. I mean hey, if at least one of them is incapable of rational thought then why give all of them the same privilege? They could have at least used a condom… /snark

I’m gonna go get drunk now.

The Boston Boming

Today I woke up and found out that we’re still fucking crazy.

Two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon – the oldest and most prestigious race of its kind in the US – have left at least three people dead and more than 100 injured

Who did this? No one knows yet. People are having no issues speculating with next to no information though. I’m not going to say anything until they find out if this was someone who crossed the border or a homegrown terrorist similar to the Spokane bombing attempt in 2011. Funny how that one just breezed by. You’d think it didn’t get as much press because he was white or somethin’.

Then of course you have people who think the bombing was an act of god telling gay people to stop loving each other. Does that mean god is a terrorist? :roll:

So about that start button…

Is it possible that Microsoft might be getting tired of the bitching related to the lack of start menu in Win 8?

An examination of the twinui.dll file in Windows 8.1 (build 9364) by Microsoft Portal discovered a line of code that indicates users may be able to immediately launch into the desktop when starting Microsoft’s upcoming operating system. The ability isn’t yet available in leaked copies of Windows 8.1, though the code implies it’s something Microsoft is at least considering.

Prepare for the digital afterlife.

Only google…

“The feature is called Inactive Account Manager not a great name, we know and you’ll find it on your Google Account settings page,” wrote Google product manager Andreas Tuerk in a blog post. “You can tell us what to do with your Gmail messages and data from several other Google services if your account becomes inactive for any reason.””We hope that this new feature will enable you to plan your digital afterlife — in a way that protects your privacy and security — and make life easier for your loved ones after you’re gone,” he wrote.Tuerk added that users can choose to have their information deleted after three, six or 12 months of inactivity. They also can name one or more people to receive the data from Google’s various services.

Just in case you’re inactive and not actually dead, Google is set to send you a warning via an email to a secondary address, and a text message to your cellphone.

:lol: It’s okay Google. I’m not dead. I just don’t have a reason to use you.

What I’ve been up to.

So I kinda got distracted by hours of more mocap research and general testing during my days off, hence why I haven’t really been around much (even for my own stuff). Here’s my first test.

No matter what I did it was always jerking around like a meth addict. Then upon reading the documentation I discovered the program now has the option to export in DMX as opposed to SMD which I’m more familiar with. Here was the result of that:

It’s been a blast figuring this stuff out.

Early Morning Open Thread

Yesterday I was going to work on one of my reviews but came up with a problem. The weather as too good to pass up. I ended up taking an enthusiastic walk through the woods… and to the bank. Plus a side trip to purchase some pickled ginger.


Anyway, onto other stuff… I’ve been contemplating a purchase on steam.

I still have some of my tax rebate leftover to get it, that and my birthday is coming up so I might as well get myself something I know I’ll use (No one is going to gift it to me, and I’ll make sure of it). I’ve been following this software since it originally came out. It rarely goes on sale, and if I strike now I’ll be able to learn about basic mocap and have fun with it.

The good news is that the kinect works perfectly with my laptop (and it should), meaning I can pack up my studio and go pretty much anywhere to do some goofy animation.

Speaking of birthdays I got some early presents. A Vietnamese robe and two piece Chinese shirt and skirt suit. Both black and red. One of my coworkers who shares the same interests for oriental culture as I do is moving to another place and doesn’t use them. We’ve exchanged gifts before, like hairsticks, tea, teapots, I’ll have to think of something to return the favor with. Maybe a house warming present with some flowering teas and some bento boxes.

Those XBoxes will kill you.

This brings “Red Ring Of Death” a new meaning.

A Lauderhill man told a bizarre tale of needing to find a victim who had a Taurus zodiac sign when he described the fatal Easter Sunday stabbing of his live-in girlfriend to police, authorities said Monday.
A broken and bloody Xbox 360 gaming system was found near her body, along with three knives, police said.

I share the same zodiac sign, and now I know to avoid contards like the plague. :shock:

I might need to go into hiding.

Early Morning Open Thread

Lets see… Kinda got distracted during the weekend. Had company over, a good portion of Slackers were playing TF2 (and some of us in CS:GO tonight), work hasn’t been too bad and nothing really interesting to be reported. For a weekend that doesn’t happen too often.

Oh well, tomorrow is probably my Friday. I’m sure I’ll be posting random things. I already have some to do lists.