The Mind Of OverlordTomala

A different way to conceal a weapon.

If you thought the lady from yesterday was crazy, check this out.

MARCH 6–An Oklahoma woman arrested Monday on drug charges had a loaded handgun hidden in her vagina, according to police.

The weapon was discovered during a search of Christie Dawn Harris, 28, by a female officer with the Ada Police Department. According to a police report, the cop spotted the handle of the five-shot revolver “sticking out from” inside Harris, who is seen at right.

In a less shocking find, investigators also discovered plastic baggies containing methamphetamine lodged in the crack of Harris’s buttocks.

The Freedom Arms .22-caliber handgun was loaded with three live rounds and one spent shell, cops reported. As to where the weapon was recovered, the police report noted, “gun located in suspect vagina.”

Microsoft doesn’t see Valve as competition for XBox … competitor

Valve is preparing to enter the console market with its “Steam Box” gaming hardware, but Microsoft doesn’t consider it as a competitor just yet. Speaking at Microsoft’s TechForum this week, Don Mattrick, president of the Interactive Entertainment Business, fielded questions about the strategy for Xbox and its competition. Asked about viewing Valve as a competitor, Mattrick simply said “no” before noting Valve is “doing some innovative stuff” and creating some great experiences. “The scale of products and things that are being brought to market are probably a little bit richer when I look at Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and Google,” noted Mattrick.

You know. A long time ago Gabe went back to microsoft to see if they would be interested in partnering up with Valve, only to get shot down. It’s nice to see they still haven’t learned anything.

The customer is always right, especially when they have a gun.

Woman arrested following gun altercation at Wal-Mart

On March 1, Mary Frances Alday, 61, of Crawfordville was arrested for four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count of battery following an altercation at Wal-Mart that included four store employees.

Alday became verbally abusive toward a 48-year-old female employee when the employee explained that she could not use an Internet coupon. Alday struck the assistant manager with a shopping cart and was escorted out of the store. Alday went to her vehicle and retrieved a firearm in a holster. She removed the firearm from the holster and began waving it at the victim and three other store employees who had joined the investigation.

Oh, and to make matters worse, the coupon was only ONE dollar off of whatever the purchase was. Still, she couldn’t have been too insane to get legal ownership of a gun amirite?

Rapping and Church… do they go hand in hand?

Add an e to the front of rap and that’s what you’ll be getting an earfull of if you listen to these videos.

Jesus loves you… unless you’re gay. Then you’ll burn in heaven for it. Of course that video doesn’t even come close to beating the pants off of this one:

First of all, I don’t even like rap. Maybe a couple songs but as a genre it’s not my style. To be fair though, if you’re going to try and do something like this you should try and put a little more soul into it.

Look! A rap about church that DOESN’T make you sound like an asshole!!!!!! :angel:

But enough of that. As I said I don’t really care for rap. I’m more into metal. So here’s some Christian Metal:

So this is the IanSkate I’ve heard so much about.

So, I was reading the TF2 section on the Steam Forums (within Steam) and discovered I was temp banned.

You have been banned from all Team Fortress 2 discussions until Mar 3, 2013 @ 8:24pm.

You were banned by ianskate.
Reason: “Spam”

Interesting, so this is the great IanSkate I’ve been hearing about in passing. I’m not entirely sure how my post in this thread would be considered spam. Of course it was deleted by this guy.

All I did was laugh, regarding the topic. Like this:


That’s all I said. I was merely laughing at one of the many people dying to trade off their Tux item. Why? I think the Tux should be for people who have been using Linux seriously, and seeing people like the OP in that thread really annoy me. They only care about getting the item to trade it off for something else. Most of them could care less about Linux.

Of course looking at IanSkate’s inventory I see that he has 20 pages of very nice items… but no Tux. I’m sure the two events aren’t related at all.

I hope Tux stays untradable/ungiftable. I also like one suggestion I read in the Linux section. Make it so the item only works under Linux. I could live with that. The epic butthurt from all the traders who exist only to use windoze would be awesome.