The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Social networking at it’s finest.

Facebook makes people do the strangest things. :roll:

Police identified the intruder as an 18-year-old University of Georgia student because she left her Facebook page on the computer’s screen in her haste to leave the home.

The 33-year-old resident was upset over the intrusion, but even more distraught because the unwanted visitor urinated on her couch, police said.

This is just creepy.

Big brother is watching you…

Sure, the GPS on your phone or dedicated device can get you from Point A to Point B on the interstate, frustrating “Calibrating … calibrating …” moments aside.

But a new move in mobile tech is seeing startups who want to help you find the store you’re looking for in the mall, turn around when you’re getting farther from your terminal at the airport or figure out where your friends are in an expansive convention hall.

Bill Gates wants YOU to make a next gen condom.

Coming soon: The SexBox 360

Now, with a $100,00 grant offered through the Grand Challenges in Global Health Program, the Gateses are hoping to find “anyone — students, scientists or entrepreneurs” to reinvent the condom. It’s your time to shine, Ballmer.

Hopefully these new condoms won’t have the same security holes Microsoft is well known for. :P

When a dongle joke goes too far.

Some people don’t have a sense of humor anymore.

At least it appears that’s what happened with PyCon this week when a sexual joke led to some very public firings, a virulent debate about women in technology, another virulent debate about public shaming, and now, a DDOS attack.

In the short of it, someone made a sexual joke about dongles and forking repos. She took offense to it and publicly shamed them. If it were me I probably would have just said “Giggity”. Of course she has the right to feel the way she does about it.

Of course quite a few companies today that have a policy that makes it easy for people to get fired for saying something off duty that a customer doesn’t like. My company is one of those. I can understand if someone got fired for being say…. racist? Murdering someone maybe? But a fucking dongle joke? Who hasn’t made one of those?

Welcome to the United Corporations of America.

Steam opens up early access program

This looks kinda cool.

We like to think of games and game development as services that grow and evolve with the involvement of customers and the community. There have been a number of prominent titles that have embraced this model of development recently and found a lot of value in the process. We like to support and encourage developers who want to ship early, involve customers, and build lasting relationships that help everyone make better games.

Kerbal Space Program is one of the games on the list. :o