The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Beware of unofficial steam boxes.

There is one being made called the Xi3 Piston, starting at a low price of $1,000 or $1,750. Which come equipped with 8GB of RAM, a 3.2 Ghz Quad Core processor.

Not a pretty price. Hell even a $600 gaming laptop has better equipment. :evil: Fuck, people buy consoles because they’re cheap, No sense in turning them off at the price tag.

I hope people don’t confuse these unofficial ones with Valve’s Steambox.

New Tomb Raider is addictive!

Had a hard time putting it down tonight. The game is very cinematic AND challenges my hardware! Runs ok on ultimate setting, but I’ll have to turn it down if I want to do any recording. Haven’t installed it on my laptop yet since I’ve heard systems using NVidia are still buggy at the moment, but so far it’s been fun on my desktop. 😀 TressFX and all.

Off to work apparently.

For the last couple of days work has been trying to call me in on my days off. Today I finally called back in and got 4 hours of work (heading out soon for it). They seem annoyed that I wait several hours to call. They don’t seem to understand that I have a life outside of work, and that I can’t be “on call” and if they try they’ll either get me or they won’t pure and simple. For fucks sake I’m not going to glue myself to the phone in hopes of maybe getting called in. They don’t pay me enough to be “on call” like a doctor.

My company schedules people like Wal-Mart schedules their stock. Not very well.

EA wants microtransactions in all of their new releases.

Get ready for EA to fail once more.

“The digital business is broken up into a couple of pieces, one is pure digital downloads of full games,” Jorgensen said during an investor conference call last Tuesday. “The next, and much bigger piece is microtransactions within games. So, to the extent that as [EA CTO Rajat Taneja] said, we’re building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, either to get to a higher level, to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun; whatever it might be. And consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business.”

Most games with microtransactions are usually supported on the Free to play model, or have a supportive community and developer. Grab the popcorn folks! :popcorn:

A different way to conceal a weapon.

If you thought the lady from yesterday was crazy, check this out.

MARCH 6–An Oklahoma woman arrested Monday on drug charges had a loaded handgun hidden in her vagina, according to police.

The weapon was discovered during a search of Christie Dawn Harris, 28, by a female officer with the Ada Police Department. According to a police report, the cop spotted the handle of the five-shot revolver “sticking out from” inside Harris, who is seen at right.

In a less shocking find, investigators also discovered plastic baggies containing methamphetamine lodged in the crack of Harris’s buttocks.

The Freedom Arms .22-caliber handgun was loaded with three live rounds and one spent shell, cops reported. As to where the weapon was recovered, the police report noted, “gun located in suspect vagina.”

Microsoft doesn’t see Valve as competition for XBox … competitor

Valve is preparing to enter the console market with its “Steam Box” gaming hardware, but Microsoft doesn’t consider it as a competitor just yet. Speaking at Microsoft’s TechForum this week, Don Mattrick, president of the Interactive Entertainment Business, fielded questions about the strategy for Xbox and its competition. Asked about viewing Valve as a competitor, Mattrick simply said “no” before noting Valve is “doing some innovative stuff” and creating some great experiences. “The scale of products and things that are being brought to market are probably a little bit richer when I look at Sony, Nintendo, Apple, and Google,” noted Mattrick.

You know. A long time ago Gabe went back to microsoft to see if they would be interested in partnering up with Valve, only to get shot down. It’s nice to see they still haven’t learned anything.