The customer is always right, especially when they have a gun.
Woman arrested following gun altercation at Wal-Mart
On March 1, Mary Frances Alday, 61, of Crawfordville was arrested for four counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and one count of battery following an altercation at Wal-Mart that included four store employees.
Alday became verbally abusive toward a 48-year-old female employee when the employee explained that she could not use an Internet coupon. Alday struck the assistant manager with a shopping cart and was escorted out of the store. Alday went to her vehicle and retrieved a firearm in a holster. She removed the firearm from the holster and began waving it at the victim and three other store employees who had joined the investigation.
Oh, and to make matters worse, the coupon was only ONE dollar off of whatever the purchase was. Still, she couldn’t have been too insane to get legal ownership of a gun amirite?
Rapping and Church… do they go hand in hand?
Add an e to the front of rap and that’s what you’ll be getting an earfull of if you listen to these videos.
Jesus loves you… unless you’re gay. Then you’ll burn in heaven for it. Of course that video doesn’t even come close to beating the pants off of this one:
First of all, I don’t even like rap. Maybe a couple songs but as a genre it’s not my style. To be fair though, if you’re going to try and do something like this you should try and put a little more soul into it.
Look! A rap about church that DOESN’T make you sound like an asshole!!!!!! :angel:
But enough of that. As I said I don’t really care for rap. I’m more into metal. So here’s some Christian Metal:
Machinima to host a Portal live action series.
So this is the IanSkate I’ve heard so much about.
So, I was reading the TF2 section on the Steam Forums (within Steam) and discovered I was temp banned.
You have been banned from all Team Fortress 2 discussions until Mar 3, 2013 @ 8:24pm.
You were banned by ianskate.Reason: “Spam”
Interesting, so this is the great IanSkate I’ve been hearing about in passing. I’m not entirely sure how my post in this thread would be considered spam. Of course it was deleted by this guy.
All I did was laugh, regarding the topic. Like this:
That’s all I said. I was merely laughing at one of the many people dying to trade off their Tux item. Why? I think the Tux should be for people who have been using Linux seriously, and seeing people like the OP in that thread really annoy me. They only care about getting the item to trade it off for something else. Most of them could care less about Linux.
Of course looking at IanSkate’s inventory I see that he has 20 pages of very nice items… but no Tux. I’m sure the two events aren’t related at all.
I hope Tux stays untradable/ungiftable. I also like one suggestion I read in the Linux section. Make it so the item only works under Linux. I could live with that. The epic butthurt from all the traders who exist only to use windoze would be awesome.
Not a good way to start the day.
Especially if you’re this guy.
Jeffrey Bush was asleep in bed a Tampa suburban home when a sink hole opened up from under him and swallowed him alive. His brother Jeremy desperately dug through refuse trying to rescue his brother, but was himself barely rescued when police arrived on the scene.
Counter Troll Global Offensive.
5:31 AM – MrJägermeister: I like mens penis’s in my arse hole
5:31 AM – Alpharius[Rusky]: and blocked
5:31 AM – Lee Nucks entered chat.
5:31 AM – MrJägermeister: But why?
5:31 AM – Lee Nucks left chat.
5:31 AM – Mario-chan!: he’s blocked you, he can’t hear you asking him why he blocked you…
5:31 AM – MrJägermeister: Hi Lee………by Lee
5:32 AM – MrJägermeister: I blocked your Mum last night.
5:32 AM – Mario-chan!: piss
5:32 AM – Mario-chan!: off
5:32 AM – Alpharius[Rusky]: damnit, FE doesn’t have MP
5:32 AM – Alpharius[Rusky]: :/
5:32 AM – MrJägermeister: Mario = fit mum
5:33 AM – OverlordTomala: Your mum is nice to let you stay up this late. 🙂
5:33 AM – MrJägermeister: Where I live it is 13:31
5:33 AM – OverlordTomala: Yep, good time for a nap. 🙂
5:33 AM – MrJägermeister: It is quite late. Nearly my bed time.
5:33 AM – OverlordTomala: Growing kids need their sleep
5:34 AM – MrJägermeister: So sir, I ask you this, hwo old are you?
5:34 AM – MrJägermeister: *how
5:34 AM – OverlordTomala: Old enough to know better, young enough to give a damn.
5:34 AM – Jadenrosh: Seems like Crysis 3 is meh
5:34 AM – OverlordTomala: Yeah that’s what I’ve been hearing
5:34 AM – MrJägermeister: Are you embarresed to say
5:35 AM – Alpharius[Rusky]: yea
5:35 AM – Alpharius[Rusky]: apparently it has many of the same problems as Crysis 2
5:35 AM – OverlordTomala: When you get to be my age you just stop caring.
5:35 AM – Alpharius[Rusky]: but without the same advertising
5:35 AM – Jadenrosh: I spoiled myself the plot, it was urgh
5:35 AM – OverlordTomala: Comparing ages is what kids do. Like guys comparing sizes at the urinal.
5:35 AM – Jadenrosh: Why couldn’t they just keep the plot of Crysis pre aliens
5:36 AM – MrJägermeister: When I get to your age I will probably not be sad enough to be talking to random kids on the internet and playing videogames
5:36 AM – Kumiko [J-Server]: So cold 🙁
5:36 AM – MrJägermeister: Where do you live where it is cold?
5:36 AM – OverlordTomala: Yes, I’m sure you have higher hopes to follow in your moms footsteps… on the street.
5:36 AM – Jadenrosh: Welp, looking forward to that new Tomb Raider
5:37 AM – MrJägermeister: One sec, I will need to go and get some ice for that burn.
Playstation 4 seems interesting in design.
I’ve been reading up on the Playstation 4 specs and have found their choice in architecture to be rather interesting.
It’s basically a console PC (which Steam was already planning to do). This would make coding games between Playstation and PC much easier. It could also open up the possibility of cross platform gaming (like what Valve did with Portal 2 for both PC and PS3).
Either way I found it to be rather interesting. Not enough to get one since my computers do everything and more, but it’s interesting. We may finally see things begin to grow in gaming as it did a long time ago… while XBox/Microsoft continue to push people into their wannabe apple walled garden.