The Mind Of OverlordTomala

People have no sense of humor.

So I was reading up about some controversy regarding Seth MacFarlene at The Oscars. Apparently some of the bits he did pissed off a lot of women that don’t seem to get his comedy style. Which is really disappointing and in some ways embarrassing.

I found it to be hilarious. Anyone with half a brain could tell he was making fun of the Hollywood stereotype regarding boobs in movies. Just about everything he does involves making fun of stereotypes. If you’re going to judge him by his art without knowing full well that he picks on… EVERYONE, you are pretty fucking stupid.

You could tell he was ready for this too. Having Shatner informing him from the future that he would be the worst host ever because of what he was going to do makes it clear that he knew this would cause some controversy, which he’s really good at sparking.

Jesus Justin Bieber Christ, anyone who takes this seriously really has no funnybone.

What I’ve been up to

Well, I can finally get back to posting stuff again. Been busy getting things ready to switch over to the new website and forum. On March 1st for the Slackers group people will see a new main page and have a new forum to join with new features and easier maintenance since it’ll be on my webhost.

The main page uses WordPress. I have the forum and the main page integrated with one another. You can sign into the forum via the main site and even see forum stats, threads and posts without setting foot on the forum.

It also has some handy information on it regarding our Steam Group, Game Servers, and Mumble channel. Also has a link to our Slackers Quote Database/IRC channel. Also has an awesome slider that I can put pictures and links on.

Yep, I’m ready for this. 😀

Valve proves once again how awesome they are.

There has been quite a bit of controversy regarding the Tux item released to people who use Linux distros. People have been “faking” linux installs to get the item and Valve is paying attention.

Well I didn’t personally but, this is something that I was curious about and, a friend just confirmed it. I offered him the use of my Linux machine via Teamviewer to get his Linux Penguin. He said he was uneasy about doing that and, said he was gonna look and, see if there was another way on Youtube.

Okay, whatever, it’s no skin of my nose. He came upon a video about changing what TF2 reads as your OS and, I guess he did it because I later saw that his name changed to I cheated for a tux. I thought he did it himself so I didn’t press the issue but, we started talking about the penguin like 30 minutes ago and, he mentioned that Steam changed his name on it’s own.

I wondered why and, then it hit me. It had to have been because he didn’t get it through the correct means and, the outcome made me laugh. I did a search for the name “I cheated for a tux” and, this is what I saw “Showing 1 – 50 of 3,884” amazing, huh.

That is hilariously awesome.

No one likes playing FPS games on a mouse and a keyboard (according to Bungie)

They say that you might as well sell your computer….

“We did a bunch of ambitious things on Halo deliberately to reach out to people,” Jones told us. “We limited players to two weapons, we gave them recharging health, we automatically saved and restored the game — almost heretical things to first-person shooters at the time. We made the game run without a mouse and keyboard. And now nobody plays shooters the way they used to play them before Halo ’cause nobody wants to.”

Yes, sell your PC and buy a console so you can buy their games! :O That’s not slanted at all!

Early Morning Open Thread

Been having one of those sleepy days today. Pretty much just played around in Ubuntu seeing what I could install via synaptic. I decided to install DOSBox since I know I’ll have multiple uses for it. Then I installed a game called OpenArena which is Open Sourced Quake 3 basically. I think I’ll actually install it under Windows and see how it works. It ran fine under Linux other than for whatever reason it wasn’t recognizing any of my sound devices.

Now I’m looking into downloading a screen capturing program similar to FRAPS called glc, which is basically video capture via a command line. If I can get that up and running I’ll see how well I can capture and encode TF2 videos (or any other Linux testing I decide to capture).

But for now I think I’ll grab a pot of tea and head off to sleep.

Oh, and on another note I preordered the new Tomb Raider. Had some extra money so figured why not. 😛