The Mind Of OverlordTomala

The strangest things come out of Microsoft

It seems Microsoft dildos may not be that far off.

The products on sale on the site include erotic lingerie, lubricants, creams, literature, accessories and so on. has tied up with several global brands to exclusively sell their products in India.

Does that come with tech support? 😀

Meanwhile, Gabe Newell who also used to work at Microsoft, is swimming nude in money generated by nothing but TF2 hats purchased by 12 year olds the world over.

Everybody’s trolling for the weekend.

11:43 PM – SHPILE: use voice chat
11:43 PM – SHPILE: now
11:43 PM – Jadenrosh: No.
Metallixblue disconnected.
11:43 PM – SHPILE: ok now I am beating up my brother on it
11:43 PM – OverlordTomala: Logs in… Uses Gmod… Tells us to use voice chat. I sense 12 year old in this one.
11:43 PM – advicebanana: your attempts at attention whoring are futile
11:44 PM – SHPILE: fine don’t belive me go on and lisrten to him scream
11:44 PM – Jadenrosh: No one gives a flying fuck
SHPILE left chat.
SHPILE entered chat.
11:44 PM – SHPILE: belive me now
11:44 PM – SHPILE: he is crying
11:44 PM – advicebanana blocks
11:44 PM – SHPILE: all because of you
11:44 PM – OverlordTomala: Pics or it didn’t happen.
11:44 PM – Eviltebor: ha
11:45 PM – SHPILE: ok then
11:45 PM – advicebanana: no, it’s because you’re a piece of shit. now go away
11:46 PM – SHPILE:
11:46 PM – SHPILE: ther it is
11:46 PM – SHPILE: now your proof
11:46 PM – OverlordTomala: I don’t want pictures of your mom
11:46 PM – SHPILE: thanks
11:46 PM – advicebanana: 0o
11:46 PM – SHPILE: thats a compliment
11:46 PM – OverlordTomala: I want pics of your brother crying
11:46 PM – SHPILE: ok then
11:46 PM – SHPILE: fine
11:47 PM – SHPILE:
11:47 PM – OverlordTomala: Your brother, not you 😛
11:47 PM – SHPILE:
11:48 PM – SHPILE: this is the real one
11:48 PM – OverlordTomala: I don’t see any crying. Your’re starting to lose points
11:48 PM – SHPILE:
11:48 PM – SHPILE:
11:48 PM – SHPILE: there
11:49 PM – SHPILE: thats it
Flugan entered chat.
11:49 PM – SHPILE:
11:49 PM – OverlordTomala: Hello
11:49 PM – SHPILE:
11:49 PM – SHPILE:
11:50 PM – SHPILE: like it
11:50 PM – OverlordTomala: You never looked prettier

These pants are teh ebil.

Anytime someone links me a video that starts with some kind of special Windoze Movie Maker title I begin to sense fail (unless it’s a just a song). In this case the video is about an evil pair of pants. Why are they evil? They help girls in developing countries with things like say for example, an education? I guess if I were as uneducated as the creator of this video I would be offended too.

A deathstar is too costly.

I did find this to be rather clever.

The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn’t on the horizon. Here are a few reasons:

  • The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We’re working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
  • The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
  • Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?

However, look carefully (here’s how) and you’ll notice something already floating in the sky — that’s no Moon, it’s a Space Station! Yes, we already have a giant, football field-sized International Space Station in orbit around the Earth that’s helping us learn how humans can live and thrive in space for long durations. The Space Station has six astronauts — American, Russian, and Canadian — living in it right now, conducting research, learning how to live and work in space over long periods of time, routinely welcoming visiting spacecraft and repairing onboard garbage mashers, etc. We’ve also got two robot science labs — one wielding a laser — roving around Mars, looking at whether life ever existed on the Red Planet.

It’s beginning to look like a laptop.

Been a bit distracted with setting up my laptop the last few days. Windows 7 is completely updated, all my games and applications are installed, now I’m verifying my Steam games so that next time I go to use it I won’t have any problems.

I’ve taken it to work twice so far so I could surf during my lunch break. Been getting a good reception! So perhaps it was actually a driver issue the whole time. We’ll see as time moves forward.

Not something I expected to hear today.

There was a young guy that started working at our store a few months ago. Real nice kid, young (19), pretty laid back and fun to BS with during breaks. I came in today only to hear that he committed suicide. 🙁 We think it might be related to him running into a cop car with a DUI. Without a doubt it was stupid, but not worth killing yourself over.

Honestly I was shocked. He seemed fine two days ago when we were talking in the breakroom. Sad to see someone so young do this over a stupid mistake.